Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Nov 2000, p. 34

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34-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 7, 2000 Gnrl Geoneral Q$çce K1p SERVICE SUPERVISOR O EX lriendiy company wolh progresîve attotude. Mo- ciranocali 0hcll i snme basic wiuing knowiedge are needed. MustIb wiiling to Irsvi and superviseaun We are cuo assistant. Sulary package wilh elneft und oppor- profeosionat E-mail: noam@ibno.com Fao or mail 10: orgumealtion Nor-Arn Patient Care Products LIel., besl service 2388 Speers Road., Oaksiiie, ON LOL 5M2 severat year: Fax 905 - 825 - 0501 centre ennirc S variable. Mu SERVICE TECHNICIAN iog anSd packi Canadien Initl Systoins, a ieadiog doirbuor This candio ofi ndusîriali 01101 prinlîng equipmeotion Cakvolo, pio- personal sk viding ils produojis & services s lire boserago, food, independeni pliarmaceuocal & aulomolose type industies is seek- abiltiies, ahi 000 a Sor0co Techoocias for ils Ontario speralion. Repsrling 10 lthe Regionai Sersice Manager, lthe candi- Please fors dale shi liesa graduole lechoocian of Eioclrsnocs or applyiog for Yoo must ows a vohicle and ponsens a saiid drivers A À lcenne. Travel required. A comproireosive package D T iscioding saiary, lienefils and cur alismance is oflerod. Requireme Repiy in cofidenca tx: able to mw Canadien Inkiet Systema Ltd good interp Attention: Mark Douglas 2751 Coventry Rd., Oakvitle, ON L6H 5V9 Fax: (905)829-1842 Trn E-mail; markd@canadianinklet.com 8277 TOOLING CO-ORDINATOR Woknet our Burllngton facility and eprigto the Purchasin9 Supervisor, the successful candidate will be a mi vated self-starter, able to work indepen- denti yand be familiar with tooling and penshable supplies. Muet have a mechan- .cal or technical knowledge/ background toi be able to aource and negotiate with navw suppliera and prices. Knowledge of Access and Excel and the concepts of Ratum on lnvestment & Internai Rate of Relum la required. Previcus exposure toi purchasing se an asset. S. Armstrong, Homme Ramourcus Manager AMCAN CASTINGS LIMITED PO. Box 446, ILCD fi, Hamiltan, On LIIL 7X3 E-mail: hum.nresoucosOamcancattllgs.COII - Fao: (905) 681-3372 CANADAS Ieading manufacturer of equipment for the waste paper industry immediatel VequeiresWed Your 3-4 years fitting with solidi mig weld- ing experience along with an ability 10 read detail shop drawinga and a hard worleing, dedicated Individual is required for this position. Straight day shift with somne over- lime required. Please fax or mail your resume to: Plant Supervîsor 955 Century Drive Burlington, ON L7L 5J8 Fax: (905) 632-0027 E-mail purchasing@kerniccan.com Experienced body repaîr person renîaired for busv collision centre. Atto F OIfic Htep Offiçe tp rporate Corporate Express Canada, press. the worlds corporate supplier - C~, is now hi ring... ~ustomer Service Representative rrenty tockig for esîhasiasie, cuolomer drives s mith above ancrage communilcation and ut skitîs mho mutl make il a priority 10 provide the possible 10 oar vatued castomero. tdea(ty, you have s of castomer service esperleoce la a fast paced caît msmesl. *Pickers- Day! Eveningi Night Shifts me and part-lime positions available. Hours are st lie alte, lift up te0 4Ols on a regatar liasis. Pick- :iag esperience an assel. General Office Administration daie must have slroog commanication and inier- dits, teara player, se(f-moîivaied, able 10 mork melt ty. Effective organîcational and lime management e 10 prioriliLe. Proficient in Microsoft Office. rard yoar resame (iadicatîng the position yoa arc irene.wilson@cexp.com or fax ta (905) 696-4391 We are an eqîîa! eoporranitr emploYer ENTrRY CLERKS nIa: Computer knowledge, irte in a leam environmenl, îersonal skilts. Fax resume 1oi tAuction Auctions *Lawson Rd., Milton n: Judi Woodhouse ax 905-876-2341 Tuesday Days and ThLîrsday Nites. Possibly other days if needed. Cati Kathy MacDonald (905>875-2915 No Tuesday cais please ACCOUNTINO SUPERVISOR Lnoking tor a greal place la wnrk7 Frimndly people wilh a leam altitade and a pleuisant enoiroomeol. C0 need is lors ahandi on' nuperoinnr t0 do a ful sel nf compalerized boks incloding linancial otaloorenlo and ai gooernmenl remiftances. Eoperienco in mono lacloning euth Business Vinions software wooid bo an assel. E-mail: noram@ibno.com Fao or mail 10: Nor-Am Patient Care Producîn [Id., 2388 Speers Bond., Qakoilie, ON L6L 5MV2 -Fax 905 -825 -0501 Blodycote Materials Testiniz Canada Inc. <Bodycote Ortech, Missiasauga Payroll Administrator Reporling la the Controller you wiii be responsible for apdaling, maintaising and procesoiog a timely and accarale bi- weekly and hourly payroil for 220+ emptoyeeo. A Ocam player wilh 3-5 years of solid Ontario and Quebec payroil enperience. Proficient wi Ceridian Payrolt & HRIS systero. Yoo have a pool secondary education la accoasling, knomledge of RPN w/Meds Pýemint Part-tine Ev..lngs Smailer Burlinîglon relîrement home. Excellent repautîn on tha commanily. Great workiog conditions. Cnmpetilioa raten & gond benelito. Renoman: AOsn: Vicki Smith CIdRISTOPHER COURT Retiremeel Home, 392 Pead St., Bonl, ON Fan: (905) 639-9171 DAYCARE my home E.C.E., tirsI aid, nutni tous lunches & snacksa Planned sefrolies, aut door play. (905)876 4473. RAINSOW Village Day care hins one Toddia and limited pre-achos spaces svailabie. W have been poiding a early leaming prograr including computer! arts and music oinc 1989. 878-7552 Poivate rvt SAt Noiv25 g0radme - 4 p TUTOIRI Recent uniner- THREE bedroom lown- slIp graduate miii lulor houe un Branle St., 6 gradess1-6. CaiLeanne a p pa i i s s c e o ar 876-3158. $1300/masiir. Puirs andl aest required. Phase * uV.u., 875-0178. i TWO bedroo bunga- low. Availabie De. N s. reer Expi- $1400 inclasive. Wash- Irations io a 3-Week er/dryer, lridge/stove, ICourse designe lx references. Cali 875- heSin nou plnia xx e- 3400. reer. Puanded by HRDC. For moire inlaimaliani register oeil Gres aI 9 05()3 33- 3499/(905)878-1240 . business on rural Alberta. Large ares. Slesdy customer base. iIOUSEKEEPERI Oppoitunily for expan- Childcare wanted. Be- sion, includes resi- fore & aller schoal chiid- dence, inoentary, Office care for three boys. eqaipmenl, truck & Osylime hoase cleanong trencher $450K. Send apromateiy 35 hoam iqire 359045/otK.eMalRe pero week. Pona 3035ie4 5ta c/o., Mali (905(691-1725 orîax Deer, Alberta P4N 4H9. (905)863-8293. *Full unibody exp. mandatory. encet and have generat tedger experience. RI ~AGES1 Excellent benetits and bonuses. Good organizationat and innerpersonal ls,2nd, Cal) (905> 689-8835 okilîs are reqaired. CHILDREN'S Ipurchasel To join our Ocam. please formard your CHOICE Irefînancaîl resumne 10 Humas Renoorces, Bodycone CHILOCARE" Bad credit? Do1 BODY 5fl9p Oriecli, 2395 Speakman Drive, requîres fuît-tome you have equily in ASIS A T A ASR Miovissauga, Ontario L5K 1 B3. ECE Teacher 1your properly? àl ss mf i irn Fax: (905)823-1446 or via e-mail 10 &, School-age 0CM Mortgage Required immediately. bruce.a@bodycote-mt.com Alait. Superviser Corporation Must have experience in Caît for interview (416)52-4280 Excellent wages and benetits to<958-46 start. Please cati (905)689-9812 7:30amr-6:30pm nse ar HYGIENIST needed Facility, RR@ Guelphi art-lime, Manday and THREE bedmamr bouse * * . requores a Numses Aide Cednesday evenings, TUTOR Reauiîad for in the cOanîry. $1300 10i arn aur hesltlr care for busy graup praclîce e lq plus atli8s Lai Tony tea. leae all51- i Mlto. alîi ichele et Grade1 stadent, B O N U S 856- sse for 9 inte ita. (905)876-1188. ambellville ares. Vidiri (905)875-11,10. ALLC ass de Ads ara hi pprtnit y.a m rath. Datire AL cappear lion inga (905)854- ww.mikm wwnaiachmp.ofl OID296 spis, $750 & $80mlh plus. (519)853-5080, (519)853-5352 MILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedraams avsilsble as bus roule, freshly deca- rated, 2 appliances, on-site lsundry, indua aIl utilfties (escept phone & cabre.) No pets. References required. Available Dec. 1. Slig from $940. Office Haurs are lOam-5pm 905-876-1249 By appoiniment nnly MILTON ana bedroom aparment. Yard, park- ing, no pets/smoking. Relerences. (91584 9340. ONE bedroom base- ment apartmeni wilh parking, lireplace, ca- hIe. AIl inclusive $800. Pis oeil 878-7824. ONE, Three bedroomn apartment, 1 1/2 bath- mrtsm, 2 alorlos, no ap- pliances, $950 + utili- lies. Dec. 1 occupancy. 875-2468 aIrer 6 p.m. TWO bedroam spart- ment with balcony avait- able Non. 15. Utililies on- ciuded. $880/month. No dogo. 876-4682. ROOM for rent. Avail- alte immedialely. Suit quiet corking persan. Non smoker - 875-1806 staer 5 p.m. store front. Great loca- lion. Cali Yvasne Choes lie Bioeo Chrislie & Woods Real Estale [tI 878-2095 1FORF SALE Eneculive home in Broste Meadows, 4+2 bedrooms (master lias ensaite), large est-n lichen, cozy fami- ly rmom wih hardwnod fleur and Bireplace, large livin reureldining rmort, mais floor laundry roao, 3 faîl bathrooms and poader room, protessionally linished ibasement with potentiat in law salite, central vac and A/C. Il has an iagroand heated seimming pool and landscapad gardens. Ito loaded with apgrades inctudirig new pool tiser, windows and lront patio (2000) and fumaca and NfC in 1999. Price $269,900 Phone 8784806 MILTON Hiy40 & Hwy.25, 2800 sq.1t. office for lasse. Available Jan.1 /1. No brokers pleie (905)875-4611. OFFICE SPACE for lasse, 50-52 Steelas Ave, W. Cali 905-272-0648. OFFICE space for riant atl Mill Street West, Acton, Ontario. For further information contact 0h11f st 519- 853-5292. hearts & give generously to the Salvation Army Christmas Bureau Fund. The Canadian Champion office is now acc.ptlng donations at lo1 MAIN ST., MILTON "Make titis Christmaa specil for someone' Eranabia11 «tampton Vehicles Vlicles Make it RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE To lease or purchase your car or truck Hwy 25S. at Derry Rd. 878-2393 GORRUD' AUTO: SALES il LEASING NEW & USED 410 STEELES AVE. A FAMILY BUSINESS WITH FAMILY VALUES WE - BOY - SELLU- LEASE LARGEST SELECTION OF USED VEHICLES IN MILTON 1. 875-2277 88' Honda civic wagon. All wheel drive, 6 speed manual. 878-5775. r 1 n m S, a

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