30 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, November 7, 2000 Tight tînishes and upsets highlight Super. Finals at Mohawk Saturday Dy SANDRA SNYDER Special ta The Champion Tight finishes, upsets, triumphant champions - the first ever Ontario Sires Stakes Super Final Night offered enough drama to keep Mohawk Racetrack fans spellbound for hours on Saturday night. Sbarise Seelsler kicked off the $1.6 million nigbt witb a popular win in tbe Two-Year-Old Trotting Filly Final. The Brisco Hanover filly is îrained and driven by George Kirnis of Elmira, and wben the duo crossed the wire in 1:59.4 the roar frons Kirnis' bomnetown could be beard in Campbellville. Zirnis abares ownerabip of tbe winner of $339,757 wilb Nancy Holmes of Clinlon, Dennis Fairaîl of Windsor and Spero Mavrou of Islington. The partners; paid $10,000 for Sharise Seelsler ait st fall's yearling sale and abe rewarded tbem witb tbe season of a lifelime - winning swo Gold Finals, tbe Robert Stewart Stakes and lbree Trillium Series events. Sbe was tbe only borse on Saturday night t0 record a win in tse tiraI Gold Final of tbe year and Use season ending Super Final. Owner lefI speechless "To bave one like Ibis is juat, words can'l express il," said Holmen. "It was a tbrill of a lifetime." Another borse Ibal capped a stellar season witb a Super Final win on Salurday was lwo-year-old trotting colt Banker Hall, wbo rant off on the field îbrougb tbe slretch te a 1:57.3 triumpb. Tommy Anderason of Gotene. Sweden owns tbe Balanced Image colt, wbo caplsared six of bis ls seven stanrta of tbe season includ- ing Use Breedera Crown last weckend aI Mobawk. Red-bot driver Trevor Ritchie of Aclon piloled tbe colt to tbe easy win for Andersson and tramner Harald Lunde and said the colt was even sbarper Iban be bad been for the Breeders Crown Final. 'He was mucb sharper as a malter of fact," said Ritchie. 'He was real slrong. Every time 1 squeczed tbe lines over bim be juat dropped bis rear and went a litIle faster." Tbe win was tbe firal of two for Ritcbie, wbo aiso piloled Hambletonian winner Yankec Paco back to tbe top of tbe îbree- year-old trotting colt division in tbe sixtb race. After going off sîride in the Breeders Crown Eliminalion and failing t0 make the Final, questions were raised about tbe Balanced Image colt's ses- son-ending sîsmina, but tbe bandsomne cbeslnut colt tbumbed bis nose aI detractors wilb a commanding five-lengtb 1:56.2 viclory. "Il was king of gratifying tbat be redecmed bimself afler ail tbe controvemsy. He was vexy good, be won easy," said tramner Doug Mclnîosb. "I was confident lonigbt, but after somelbing bappens like tbe Breedems Crown, I guess you get skeplical. Once a homse gets jammed tbey lose Ibeir confidence a litîle bit, but be's a war- fier." The biggest upset of the night occurred in the Tbree-Year-OId Trotting Filly Final wben Ob La Da stuck a head in front of Casual Breeze, who had gone undefeated in Ontario Sires Stakes action ail season. Ob La Da finished 1I tb in the point standings and squeaked into the Super Final when the fiftb-place point earn- er did not enter. Picture perfect performance Tramner Roger Mayotte gave the New Victory driver a picture perfect drive behind pacesetter Armbro Troika and then pushed past horses in the stretch to score her firat win of the season in 1:56.2. Ferni Stables of Willowdale own the ftlly, who returned $142 for the win. Two races later Legacy 0f Fame completed ber domination of tbe Three-Year-Old Pacing Filly division with a 1:54.4 win that prompted driver Luc Quelette to say a mannequin wearing bis race colours could have driven the filly and posted the same result. Gregg MeNair trains the talented filly for breeder Bob Chapple of Cbatham. Chapple aiso bred and raced ber sire Apaches Fame, who led the poat parade for ail of the pacing Finals. Intrepid Seelaler and Miltonian Steve Condren made an ipres- sive three-wide sweep of the field to score a 1:52.4 win in the sopbomore pacing colt class. The Camluck colt is trained by Windsor's Bob Mclntosh for bis partners Don MacDonald of Amberatburg and CSX Stables of Obio. After playing bridesmaid to Cupeakesnwhipcream ail seaaon two-year-old pacing filly Roya's Bambi put ail the pieces of the puzzle sogether to score the biggest victory of ber career. Paul Mackenzie gave the Bo Knows Jase ftlly a textbook corne- from-bebind steer as the leaders clocked.bot early fractions and then zipped by in tbe stretcb for the 1:55.3 victory. Robert Irving of Mossley and Ed Hatbaway of London own tbe gifted pacer, entrusting ber training t0 Domenico DiCicco. Anotber youngster wbo bad been knocking on tbe door ail ses- son iinally pried it open and scorcbed up tbe stretcb to a win in tbe Two-Year-Old Pacing Colt Final. Five-time runner-up Sulent Dex reeled in the leaders witb an impressive move tbrougb tbe stretcb tbat propelled bira under tbe wire in 1:55.2 and took four seconds off bis personal best. Gord McDonnell trains the Dexter Nukes son for breeders Glory B Stable, and Miltonian Cbris Cbristoforou gets tbe credit for tbe tactical setter that landed tbe winner of $123,170 in tbe winner's circle for the third lime tbis season. Tbe Ontario-bred stars nom enjoy a two-week rest before the Canadian Breeders Cbampionsbip, wbicb will give thera ose st opportunity to demonstrate tbeir skill on tbe national stage. Juveniles win big over Newmarket Milton's AA juveniles broke a two-game losing skid in fierce fashion Wednesday 4ght - puns- meling hosl Newmarket 6- 0. Josh Arnold backstopped Use locals te victiory - Useir firas on Use mati Ibis season - whsle anchoring the offense with a pair of goals anid an assiat was Georgetown native Riley McAneney. The Winterhawks' other marksmen were Jordan Jeansa, Cory Leigh, Ryan Patron and chati Menitl - wlno aise contribssled a cou- ple of asists, as did Derek Mewhinney. Milton scoreti four goals in lise opening freine ad overal delivered a robuat performance etn rouite te vie- tory. The wisn squa.red the îeam's regular season record at 3-3. Saturday's borne game againat Stouffville was cari- celled when the visitors could. nos ice a full aquati. Milton la in Peteeboroughn lonighl ait close out Use week aI borne againal Penesag Saturday. Ganse dime is 8:30 p.m. On a hot streak Milton's AA miner lice- wee's exlended their current win streak to four games b) knockîng off firat-placc Georgetown 3-1 Octobei 30. Luc Hartwick deposilec the game-winner for tht Rep- Hockey Herman MîlIer-sponsored crew nine minutes int thse first perioti, sbortly afler Jake DeMarsh put Use teamn abead wiîb an unassisteti shosibandeti marker. Proviuling thse insurance goal in the third was Jeremy Brown. Assista wenl to Andrew MoLean and Grahams Sharp. Netmin4iisg partasers Erendan Dukle andi Devin Pister hîave beebi rock soi between die pipes trtush- out thse Iacal's recent hot D.chlve&fist wln Milton's A minor pee- wees eamted a lttle paybaeck for a previotis legs te Hespeler, toppling thern5-2 aithome October 29. The win, thse cIub's firat tii year, was bigbligbted by an explosive start and topfiight cage work from Paul Herdér. Thse Miiiweid Enterprises sponsoreti crew receiveti two goals from Chris Short anti singles frons Michael Bruno, Joey Czikk anti Mike Melo. Shea Deii and Lindsey Mcfariane picked up assista off a couple of wei-marcet point shota. r Hespeier's goals came laIe in the ganse when the I verdict hati aiready been rdecided. I The right people. The right parts. Always the right price. Fait Check-up $3495* Includes: Oi01 change <Up t0 5 litres oi Motorcratt5W30 angine oi1, plus a new Molorcrat ouI filter> *Tire rotation " Visual inspection ot: brakes, exhaunt system, shocti absorbera, Iront and rear suspension, batlery cables and connectors, ail belta and fluid levels " Lubricalion of: hood and trunk hinges and latches " Test of: coolant -for tempereture protection, battery capacity and ail lights andi signais Applicable le mesi cars and llgt trucks. Veices eqeippedl weit diesel enines areextr. Taxes and provincal teeleseelt ieteded. weee applicable. Ai partitepallet Ford 1 Cnada dealers onty. 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