Hardware store holds tree raffle By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion Thse staff at Schuyler's Home Hardware wants to ensure every child in Milton has a Christmas this year. And to accomplish this. the social club at the Steeles Avenue store is hosting a draw with ail proceeds going to The Canadian Champion's Salvation Army Christmas Fund Bureau. TIse draw is for a decorated seven-foot artificial 'tree. The tree is worth approxi- mately $700. Owner Larry Schuyler said staff hopes to maise between $800 and $1,000 for thse Christmuas fund. T'Me money is used to give needy families in Milton presents under the tree and food on thse table. Tickets can be purchased at store for $2 or tbree for $5. During thse weekends, thse Girl Guides and Boy Scouts will be selling the tickets. Thse draw will take place in early December. Mr. Schuyler said the social club came up with the ides for tIse draw as a way to belp people in Milton. This is the first time the social club has organized a draw. For the last several years, they have hosted a toy and food drive at tIse store. ~New historie homes book now in stores i Historic Homes and Buildings of Milton, volume Il is now in stores. Nine years.after the firat book was pub- lished, tIse Milton Historical Society has released the second volume that contains illustrations, photographa and descriptions of more than 60 historie homes and build- ings found in Milton. Maraha Waldie completed the research and detailed compilation of the book, while local artiat Konrad Richter took the photographs and completed the illustra- tions. Brian Williams wrote a brief description of the architectural highlights of each structure. Ms Waldie will be doing a number of book signinga including on November Il at the Harrop House Restaurant, 345 Steeles Avenue, fmom 2 to 4 p.m. and on November 25 at Smithbooks froru 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. A limited number of copies of Historie Homes and Buildings of Milton, volume Il have been produced and are expected to -selI out quickly. People can purchase a book at Harri Stationery, 182 Main St. and at Smithbooks. TIsey are $20 each. I f V% suuG- A.~' CALL THE IIV~,~fCAAoAIANI [~J~~CANCj SOCIETY'S SMOKERS' ___ HELPLINE The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Novemnber 7, 2000 - 25 -A TRADITION,'0F ____ etVALUE AN11D TRUSTI www.gallingerford.com G tup and -go t ' (905) 875-FORD A Tradition of Value & Trust since 1967 Email greafdeods@goIingedordcom il .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . The 2001 Ford Wincistar LX. Wîth features that make it a stand-out. $17o va& u iYtc>u At Iu[c> ExtraU Chr Weil Equlpped wlth Personal Sefety System: Secondl GeneratUon Duel Stage Air Baga *Crash Severlty Sennors - ABS Brakes - Low TieWemlng System - SeuriLock- Anii-lbeft Systemn - Standard Duel Slllng Dooru -200hp VO Engin. - Automailc - Air Condlilonlng -Powarr WlIndows/Locke/Mlrrorm - Plus Over 40 Standard Saf .ty Fontures LEASE FULL-SIZE COMFORT FOR ONLV5 per month/ Pl3 6 Donth 3l 46 0 onih $__ W Payment _nd $ 7 9 $945 Freight Or ise for $386 per month for 30 manthe wfth $1.000 clowni payment SECURITY DEPOSIT WAIVED - -da' B S -eln e ulsz miiv .choose the NEW 2001 Windstar Sport 4~A<MORE A MONTH ~~Same& gr.af fetu»s as the lndsfar LX plus: le1" Aluminum Wheele - Liftgate Spolier.- Driving Lampe - Remnote Keyloe Entry - Rear-Seat Climats, Control - Quad Bucket Seate Limited Time Offer.