22 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 7, 2000 IR \tU I want social I 4VALUE AND TRUST! programs, Il~ aaAJ41lilrcrf-rr4 Get up and go f0.tofl~Àf says Kilmer UV VU <V n5.,ii nr5fnrr r ,,r 77CCho n1 -ru 4, 1&RL.M2G1 È kXEmail greatdeoas@golllngerfo rdcom 148 Month Purchase l Financing ON ALL NEW IN-STOCK 2000 EXPLORER PURCHASE FINANCING ON Canada'î BEST-selling truck for 34 years, $384* PER MONTH/36 MONTHS $5,995 Down Payment Plus $450 security andi $835 Freight 2000 EXPLORER 4-DR XLS SPORT Explorer is Canada's BEST-seling SUV' ~ 0.9%£ PURCIIASE FINANCING ON ALI IN-STOCK ih 2000 TAURUS Canada's BEST-selling car in its class, u9m 1 000 OR 39% ON ALI-TC 1ZDO 00 OTH 2000 MUSTANG WCUSTOMER PURCHASE CREDIT PURtCHASE RINANCING MW i $1»4.me *» f Com"w 106%.LÉM bu m 0M M be atmbummg & SD fbrUS Ot D OB 0^* â E I36 Month Lease Financing t fram PC on page 1 debt in 25 years, and taking those who eam incomes of less than $12,000 yearly off the tax roils. But he doesn't believe Canadians want tax cuts above social programs. "As I talk 10 people, no one likes paying taxes, but if it means a kinder, fairer nation tbey will," sairi Mr. Kilmer He took shots at the reliability of the Liberal's Red Book. "Leî's address credibility," he said. "One can get very cynical about Liberal promises." The CA also came under tire. "l'm very amused by the Alliance's approacb te, taxation," said Mr. Kilmer. Staying upbeat Tbougb the Tories are often perceived 10 be riding a horse s0 dark il's virtually invisible, Mr. Kilmer remains optimistic. "Tbere's a far greater number of people wbo are undecided tban the opinion polis are sbowing," be said. Married for 28 years, Mr. Kilmer bas lived in the riding since tbe early 1970s. He runs a business in Milton, and made bis public debut at the town's October 28 Farmers' Market. "t tbink I was reasonably well received," said Mr. Kilmer. 'Tise response bas been quite exciting. It bas been building every day." But witb two elections running simulta- neously, be sees bis main task as "elimi- nating tbe confusion." Nexi in line is ensuring people under- stand thse paniy is still in tbe game. "The Conservatives are alive and well. We're up and running," said Mr. Kilmer. "We bave a leader wbo bas sbown integri- îy and commitment 10 tbe Canadian peo- pIe." To contact thse Milton campaign office aI 355 Main St. cal! 878-6999. Seminar to teach writing techniques Leam thse secrets of wriiing a page-turn- er from a professional. Worksbop leader Brian Henry, wbo bas edited fiction for 17 years, will teacb peo- pIe tbe 18 secrets professional writers use 10 create drama and tension and 10 keep readers tuming thse page. Tbe worksbop is presented by Quick Brown Fox, a non-profit group for people wbho sisares a passion for writing. Thle worksbop goes from .10:30 a.m. 10 4:30 p.m. November 12 aI tise Bronte Royal Canadian Legion, 79 Jonea St. in Oakville. Tise cost is $37 and is by advanced registration only. To book a spot contact Bonnie Beaumont at 691-5424. Mr. Henry's clients including thse Boston Milîs Press in Erin, Kensington Publisbing in New York and Stoddart Publisbing in Toronto. He aise, teaches creative writing aI Ryerson University and George Brown College and bas conducted workshops and seminars for writers froru Boston 10 Buffalo and Sarnia 10 Ottawa.