18 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, November 7, 2000 Got an interesting story you think others would want to read about? If so, ca/I us at 878-4943, ext. 234. .ncouraglng. It m$ too ThonIe Iférbal Magici" - Fuit servloe programe. . Guarantoed w.lght loge. *taa GiCertitcate valaed i $100.OOfor a iew oult 1 I pon omplten f program wfth W l*ltsu !*w i Baied on Ui prowrm. Erecludoes produat. ;*bàiâ 1,4«0 NOTICE 0F ENVIRONMENTAL SIJDMISSION ADDENDUM HIGHWAY 407 ETR CENTRAL SECTION OAKVILLE LINK INTERCHANGE TO HIGHWAY 48 COMPLETION 0F DRITANNIA ROAD INTERCHANGE The 407 ETR Concessive Campaay Limited (407 ETR) ts tire private sectar eatity whicir iras tire abligatian ta deveiap, design, builr, aperate, maintain, repair aad tait Hiîiraay 407 tram the Queen Elizabetir Way in the Cityofa Bariraglaa ta Higiraay 7 east ai Bracir Raad in the Cityofa Pickerng. The ealatiai Central Sectiaa ai Higirway 407 eateada tramr tire Oakville Liair latercirange ia tire Cityofa Miaaisaaga ia the ceai ta iîiray 48 (Markham Raad) ia tire Tawa ai Maririara ia tira east. Tire Castrai Sectiaa snciadea Severi previaualy apprasad iaterciraagea tirai were partially ar telly deierred durial is caastructiaa (aseiray map ireiaw). Meamans Reed 3. 4. 5. 6. .7. 2. lai eai 4.Ce*§eeltee (Icfll4i 5. UeeihlUh. itU4i6 .1. keeRué (Cffl) 7. 11118C"11 eel <cIII-7) Tire planning, design, caastruction. aperairn and maintenace ai tire 4igirway 407 Ceairai Sectian iras ireen deciared eaempt tram tati application ai tire Onlarla tnairanttsentat Assesament Act by Order-ia-Cauacit Na. 2865/83, dated Ociaber 19,1983 (Eaemptian MTC-52). Tire canditins ai lire taemptiaa Order require tirat Design and Canstructiaa Reparta <OCRa) ire prepared for tire laterciranges at teast 30 daya la Aaance ai caastructlng tire respective interciranges. Tire 0CR far tire caapetaa ai tire Britannia Raad tsterciraaîe (0CR COi-1) cas sabMitted ta tire Miaistry ai tire Eavlrasment (MOt) far placement in tire Paic Record aa Marcir 16, 2000 and la avalairte far review ai MOE, Centrai Regiaa Office, 5775 Yaaae Street, 8tir Ftaar, Toroata, Ontario M2M 4J1. A capy aftie 11CR la atsa avaltairie ai tire Meadarevate Braacir Library, 6677 Meadarevate Tacn Centre Circle, Mirsissaga and tire Milaon Liirrary, 45 Brace Street, Miltoan. An addendum iras ireen prepared tor 11CR COi-i (Brtana Raad) ta address moedificatians andi addiltions ta tire design. As par tire eltiier 11CR, tire adriendara far OCR CtJt-1 la ireiaî sebirraied far infanmatian ta tire MOt and le avatarme far puirlic raviec ai tire MOt Regianal Office and tire local lirraries (atidresses nateait airove). Tire paublic raalew periad wiil terriale 30 deos taitacina initiai placement ai tris sotice. alter icir 407 EtR may atari constractiannsatire praparad modifications, sairjaci ta recaiving att ailier required appravais, partu and aetirarrzatlant. 407 ETR relt continue ta screes tire campaseais ai tira prsîaci durna thir design for sigaiticani sac canceras and ta rasue tirai tire prajeci pragreses in corepliasce murh tira Eatemption Order and tira 0CR. Plae direct ony cemment an lire 0CR Cal-i Addendem hi Decemirer 7, 2000 la: tan lipleha, tEaIreementl Manager SLF JeitI Venture 2200 Lakte Shone Dted. West, Toronto, Ontarie M8V 1A4 Fax: (416) 231-5356 Book editor "ibson looks to be runs seminar next school trustee Those intereated in the book pub- lishing field ahould circle this Thursday on their calendara. Tisat's wisen book editor Brian Henry hosts a seminar entitlad 'What Book Editora he aemaànar, wisicis is sponeored by tisa Georgetown Writer's Circla, takes place from 7 to 9 p.m. ait tise Glen Williams Town Hall, 1 Prince St. in Glen Williams near Georgetown. Tise coat la about $6. To reaerve you apot, cal[ Beverly Blake at 877-8251. TMRIIEDOE5NOK4YETU THEDIDEISA MOMITO LWDERSAUD $0 M8IWVIT. Have dmes iireç4revermpaaiya'a*d? Yaamqiravbeee taBiblesiaees laitl yae eap Biyb d-h Studv Wr euidnsdays t (7.0 do - 8:00 N*k* p. r Pator oiu Carle Boycefl (905) 875-2162 Email: cboycet@irterhop.et By IRENE GENTLE The Champion A self-described Grade 9 drop-out who, as an aduit wîth thre~ children earned a law degree is challeng- ing incumbent Erica Andrew for the position of Halton District School Board trustee. Lorraine Gibson also served as a truatee for six years with the Muakoka Board of Education. During that time, ase was electad chair ansd vice chair ait tise board. Having taken the long route 10 aducation, Ms Gibson is con- vinced laaming la a life-long pursuit. "It took me five years te, get my firat year of univeraity," sina aaid. 'I tisink my experience has brought me akilla I can con- tribute." Tise seer magnitude of Halton'a geography cala for a clear communication atrategy between tise different municipalities. noted Ma Gibaon. If elected in tise November 13 election, ase alao isopea to atrad- dle tise demanda of a new cumiculum with thse limited reaources available 10 achool boarda. When il comea t0 atandardized teating, Ms Gibaon casta a nay vote. "It's not fair 10 compare tests from one scisool t0 anotiser," ahte aaid. "It's not what il was designed to do." > At present tisera isn't enougs data to fairly compare test resuits acrosa thse province, added Ms Gibson. Ansd ase said she would figist 10 exempt Halton from tise current Provincial funding formula. That demanda undersèrved scisools be shut down bel'ore cash 10 build new acisools in densely popu- lated arcas be given. In Halton, tisere are too many underpopulated acisools to receive Provincial money. "As long as we have tisee apaces, tisera will be no funds." aaid Ma Gibson. But tise formula sisould be flexible enougis 10 deal witi sapecial circumstancea. "We're going t0 isave extensive growtis in a concentratad area," ase aaid. "For every nale tisera sisould ba an exception." Ms Gibson recently retired from practicing family law and openad up a personal leaderasip development buainess. Sise axpecta tisat will afford iser more lime 10 work in tise com- munity. PLANNING AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WATERMAIN INSTALLATION ON FOURTH LtNE AND MID-ItLOCK ARTERIAL IN THE TOWN 0F MILTON CONTRACT NUMBER: W-1819-00 SCI-EDULE START DATE: November, 2000 SCHEDULE COMPLETION DATE: Mardi, 2001 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISOR: JENNIFER TRIM8LE vat 7690 6 TELEPHONE: Oakvitle, Burlingion. Mirton (905) 825-6030 SIr atron Actasn (519) 853-0501 esmeulaGeorgetown <905) 878-8t1t3 Atdershot (905) 639-4540 il Streaisila (905) 823-6720 www.region.haltee.en.ca Oaloillié Unk lab"Ilsop