The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, November 7, 2000 - 17 Maie suspect sought in indecent exposure incident Halton Regional Police are looking for a man who exposed himself to two l4-year-old girls October 28. Thse girls were walking on Ontario Street near Pitfield Street at about 1 p.m. when a man approached themn from behind, running ahead. Tise next time the girls saw bim he was at a garbage shed with bis pants down around bis ankies, urinating. Tise suspect then ran towarda a park near the townhousc com- plex and began maaturbating, Staff Sgt. Ron Welsh said. The police wcrc called and the arca waa scarched, but the sus- t pect bad disappeared. Police are looking for a white maie in bis carly '20s witb a port- ly build. He waa wcaring a thrcc-quarter lcngth'grcen army-type trench coat and a green fishing-style hiait. People with information about this incident are aakcd to catI Crime Stoppera at 825-TIPS. ALLCIasiie ds ELECTUON 2000 ELECTION 2000 RESULTS The Massa Mils Civic Centre la Eleclian Headqaartera. Tis as the oal location store eleclian msuts aIl be posted ailler the close of te poils as Manday, November 13, 2000. Canrdidates, family, friands, campaiga worbers are most welcome. Tte general public and media are also encouraged ta attend. The centre of te actos ai be the Council Chambers abers te poil by poli resaîts will be posted immediately upas receipt . Ongoing election resalta ahI be broadcasl on Cageca Gable Solutions and on the intaeet at wwa.Otown.hallon- 195 Police Blotter Suspicions vehicle Police are looking for a suspicious vehicle that pulled up to a gated home and flashed its highbeamns severat times. _ T'he incident happened at 5:15 a.m. October 28 when a dark colourcd vehicle pulled irsto the driveway of a Second Line home, stopping at the locked gate. T'he highbeams were flashed at the home before the vehicte left heading southbound on thse Second Line. Windows damaged .'Mhe Muddy Duck's front window was broken October 28. The four-by-five window found smashed at about 6:30 a.m. The damage is $500. Art stolen Equipmcnt and art were stolen from a home on Steeles Avenue laat Friday betwecn 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Thievea forced open a rear ground level window atealing sterco equipment, a TV, Inuit printa. soapatone carvinga, a camera and jewclry. Medals stolen Someone broke into a shed locatcd ait the BMX track on Britiannia Road bctwccn October 22 and 26. betwecn 4:30 and 9:50 p.m. October 26. Helmeta. an intereom ayatcm and award medals wcre atolen. Thc damage ia catimatcd at $1,000. The value ia about $600.____ 1 W_ý *.4 "fr-i e 'Y R e1.1: ,F . ..S(îÉPE TO .sj M OaLSSA\S *5. , 11*5aa 5.'. lin 10 womon CANCER The nask inreasea wîth age. The Ontanio Braas Screening Program pronidea bras examina- lion and a mam- mogram at no coat to women who ara 50 yaars of age or over. Make your appointiliait todayl For the centra neareat you caul 1*U800M9304 Th OWa.5t-1S-i Do you HEAT your HOME wîth OUL Become a Thermoshel customer and receive: a $100 Ami wim'E reward miles " Earn one AmR miLEs" reward mile with every $25 in oit purchases " One complimentary Tank Armor treatment (protects your oit tank) (905) 878-6380 e 1-800-465-6071