20-The Canadian Champion, Fidsy, November 3, 2000 'A, ~ f5 tg The Namn Each of us possesses a name. It îs a name given to us by our parents. Perhaps we were named after some relative, or we were just given a name that our parents liked. Names have great significance. The name of Jesus stands out as a name above ail] other naines. In the Bible, Jesus is given many names and titles. He is called: He is Adam, Anointed, Apostle, Author, Amen, Alpha and Ancient of Days. He is Beginning, Begotten, Beloved, Branch, Bread, Bridegroom, Bright and Morning Star, Bishop of our souls, Brightness of the Father's glory. He is Captain, Consolation, Chief Cornerstone, Counselor, Covenant, Chosen of God, Christ. He is Daysman, Deliverer, Dayspring, Daystar, Door, Desire of ali nations. He is Elect, Ensîgn, Everlasting Father, Emmanuel. He ns Finisher of the faith, Forerunner, Friend, First Fruits, Faithful Witness, Fountain of life issuing from the cave of te Above EvE deatb. He is God, the Gîfi of God, Governor, Guide, Glorîous Lord. He is Help, Hope, Husband, Horn of Salvation, Hearer, Head of the Church, Heir of aIl things, High Priest, Helî's dread, Heaven's wonder, the holy Ose. He is I AM, Inheritasce, Image of God's Person, Immortal, Invisible. He is Judah, Just, the Judge, Jesus. He is King - King of Israel, King of Kinga, King of glory, King everlastisg. He is the Life, the Light, Love, Lily, Love, Lion, Lamb, Lawgiver, The Living Stone, the Lord of glory. He is Messenger, Messiah, Mediator, Master, Mighty God, Mercy's Paradox. He is a Nazarese. He is the Offspring of David, Omega, Only Begottes of God, Offering, and Offerer. He is Priest, Passover, Potestate, Prophet, Propitiation, Prince of hife, Prince of peace, Physicias. He is Righteous, Rabbi, Ransom, Rest, Root of Jesse, Root * A If1 Miltogal Bible Churoh UNITY IN DIVERSITY WEEK -NOV. 7.13 Join Us For Our First Sunday 'The diversify of the humoan fomily should be at 200 Main Street E. the cause of love and harmony, as it s in music where many different notes blend together in the making of a Perfect chord.» FamiIy Worship Service 10:00 AM from the Bahal Writings LOCAL- ........................... 878-0011 mu Rev. James'A. DeMarsh, Pastor -EIN L .................1-800-433-3284 GOA:....................www.bahai.org 1...3 876-3586 SEVENTH-DAY koÇi CHURCH Itugs PSter lIaU 43 Brown st. Milion Sat. 111)a tin, i)'l S ,.i'Siooe FPR50 BIBLE SCHOOL i >,cver the îinaing Iiile is.n.s'crs ife' perpenng qcs ins nd h sert io a.hppy lifc For FRSEE i5iiLE LESSONS, wrt:,. VO. i5,,, 23012, 55 Ontario, Si., Miton, Ont. L9T 5ii4. Or' til. INTERINET, Iip /www.v,,p.ciii n i'ASTO5: C.slin O. Rilo,,îi, 416821-461(0 NEW La 662 *HR I ,MLO 11 kn S -o or od 4~Milton Ba Iist Church_ 900 Nlpissing RdI. (905) 875-1626 9:45 arn - Sunday School 11:00 arn - Worship Service Titie: "The Power of Praise" Spocial Mfusi by Acappella ShouoaeFl Rev. Grog Macaulay - B.A., M.Div. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service WVednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study 1 give unto my sheep eternal life; thev shall never Derish. S Seniso Pastor Rov Dn Rougne *osip Ms Eshe Kate Pas ot ofe MeCombs 9.3 - Suda - WRSI ERIC CurnT me L rH iyHit. ! Forell mor e to or reular ey mnirr plescal 70.45 am - econdchurrhiofServic We welcome you to... ST. PAU L'S UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton \l Sat. Nov. 4,10 arn - Village Fair Son. Nov. 5 -Si. Paol's 148th Anniversary wîth goesi speaker Rev. Elaine Longland Worship 10:30 amn, Nursery o Chorch School q Rev. John Benham & Rev. Iohn Ambrose Judy Hunter, Direcior of Music Church office: (905) 878-8895 b ý www.stpausmiltoni.org HOLY ROSARY PARISH 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) fHOLY ROSARY CHURCH 139 Martin Street Mais at 5:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 amn., 10:30 am. & noon Sussday ST. PETER MISSION 9tb Lino à&Britwuia S Mass at 9:00 arn. Sundsy Rev. Earl Talbot,P.P. To advertîse'in the Religious Directory call Cindy at 878-2341 ViIrOTOR UIA CHURCH ARE YOUA MM OR WMMN 0F YUR WORD? w«U MHE woRn amoyRWJyEyo We live in a world where many do flot know what they believo, lot alone stand up for those bellots. Join us thîs Sunday 80 you Con ses tromn the Bible how you Con ho a person of charactor and principle. 10.00 A.M. - Sunday Moming Worship Milton Loisure Centre (Board Room) (separate services fsr children 9 years and under) Wednesday Bible Study 7-Bpm Milton Leisure Centre Boardroom (ebild care provided) li vi ngA Vi ctornous Life ByT7he Wonl Of God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 Email: cboyce@interhop.net The Salvation il1:00 arn - Morning Worship il :.00 arn Sunday Schoal 100 Niplssing Road, Unit 3 Pastors: Lieutenants Sselden à Clare Feener For more information about aur services, and other programming ploase eall 876-2420 Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church on the Hill Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 %vvw.welcome. to/Grace. Milton Rev. Dr. Mark McDermott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 asm - HoIy Communion 10:00 aim - Sung Eueliarest Clsurchi School & Coffee Hour 4:00 - 5:30 pm - Youth Croup S THUBSDAY 10:00 am - Holy Communion MWheelchair Access Thrîsgh parking Loit Dines -o-G OU ICEOFLV ry Name of David, Refîner, Refuge, Resurrection, the Rose of Sharon blooming in the shades of HelI, Ruler, Redeemer, Rock of Ages. He is Stone, Shepherd, Son of God, Son of man, Shield,- Servant, Seed of the woman, Surety, Sufferer, Savior, Sinless Sacrifice, the Same yesterday, today and forever. He is Teacher, Truth, Tabernacle, Testator, Treasurer, Tree of Life. He is Witness, the Word, the Way, the Wisdom of God, the Wonderful. In the words of the Bible, He is the Fairest among ten thousand. He ia the Altogether Lovely One. But of aIl the names given tor this man, none is as precious, as sweet or as majestic as the name Jesus. Whisper that name today! Submitted by Reverand dan Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Life Chuch, Milton