The Canadian C0famplOh, Fniday, Novenîtber:i 266o -'ý15r Wilson runs for council again matoucic*amimnmonews onthe net By IRENE GENTLE The Champion The tender yeams and the golden years will be the twin focus of resident Frank Wilson if he succeeds in a baIlle for the position of Ward 2 Councillor in the November 13 municipal elections. He's facing off against incumbenîs Wally HunIer and Art Melanson, as well as newcomer Jim Timbers. Il's the third lime Mr. Wilson has decided 10, throw his hat in the ring, each lime in the hopes of drumming up more housing options for seniors. "My goals haven'î changed. I still don't think we do anything for seniors," he said. "I don't think those options are there." Teens need places to go As for teens and children, Milton needa more places for lhem 10 go. "For a 60-year-old 10, understand a I 5-year-old is a no no. He's simply not in the same market," he said. "That's not bad, that's just a realily." The Town needs 10 consult wiîh the kids on what they want, said Mr. Wilson. "Right now lhey're hanging about in the maIls and everyone s chasing îhem. Can't anyone see the light," he asked. "You've got 10 interact with them. You've got 10 lcnow what they wanl." But Mr. Wilson spoke againat imposing curfews on teens. Be sure to check out our Arts and Entertainment l section in next.l "We ail have rights under the charter,' he said "And I'm sure the local constabulary wouldn't be too happy running around at 10 p.m. chasing after kids." Mr. Wilson is also hoping to shed more light on town business, possibly by posting weekly council, and committee meeting updates on the internet. "You won't get the seniors looking at the 'net, but you will gel the kids, and by that 1 mean those age 30 and under," he said. "The future." He'd also like 10 revisit the community's portion of Mohawk Raceway slot machine revenue. "If you live on Coxe Boulevard, Mohawk hasn't done anything 10, y0t," said Mr. Wilson. "But if you live in Campbellville, il has affecled your habitat. They've got 10 gel something." He'd also like 10 see service groups which con- tribute to the community receive a share. To gel his rinme out, Mr. Wilson will attend aIl-can- didates meetings and hammer in his signa. But he doesn't plan on going the old-faahioned door-to-door. route. "I think knocking on doors il old-time politica," he said. "1 believe the media is the place." And though Milton may be ripe for change, he advises residents lo be careful who they put behind the steering wheel. "It may be lime for a change, but don't take a dummy out 10 put a dummy in," he wamed. Friday's Champion - Dr. Angelika Koeth - Fridy's hampon. CHIROPRACTOR Cati 878-5165 Watch for the Grand Openiflg a, î~çd Tuesdafd Miton hmon INTEC CELLULAR INC.- E ManSt. E. 439 main St. E. MaLMTN 11'Rogers Communications lnc. Used under License. OAT&T Corp. Used under License. v The most common words heard in a chiropractic clinic: "I thought it would go away