4-The Canadien Champion, Tueseiay, October 31, 2000 THE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MLO COPRTO-uTHWTW fýJ ITON 87h'165 87S8-721 ON.IN I Reporting to the Dcvelopment Engineering Officer, Uic challenge of thc tcchnician is te ensure devel- opmnent design activities conformn te standards from inception 10 completion. You will deal with pre- conception design and planning assesament, monitoring, correction of inadequacies ,and the recom- mendation of approvala and return of securities and have thc ability 10 communicate effectively in writing and verbally. Computer proficiency, 5 years experience, a college diploma in Civil Engineering Téchniology and Confined Space Entey certification is a must: A valiti "G" Ontario drivcr's licence and a reliable vehicle are also required. Salary range: $43,076 to $50,678. Utitizimsg your highly developed cuatomter service anti record keeping skills, you will receive and coor- dinate Uic processing of aIl building permit applications for the Town. You arc extremely organized with experience dealing with thc public. Computer proficiency in Word and Excel apreadshecta and knowledge of information tracking database software along wîi Uic ability 50 reati construction draw- inga is a definite aset. A post-secondary education in business and 2 yearc' relateti experience is required. Salary range: $32,6341 5o 38,393. CREW PESONH The Deparement of Community Services requires a Fuît Time Crew Pernon Il. "Mis is a union position reporting directly te Operations Crew Supervisors. Work Schedule: Montiay - Friday 40 hours per weck, somte overtinse hours and winter shift work required. Job Responsibilities include: Working as part of a crcw, enswing that proper safety proceduren are followed aI ail limes, performing manual labour requiring lifting over 6Olbs., qualified to operate vebicles including tractera. pick up trucks, I ton dump traicks, 6 ton single axle domps with and with ouI snow plow. You may ha required to direct activities of one or more part-lime workers. Qualifications nccded: Grade 12 Diploma, a valid DZ Driver's Licence, mechanical aptitude and knowlcdge of thc Occupational Healts and Safety Act. Two ycars minimum previous experience in a municipal environmcnt involving parks/horticultural mainte- nance andt roads maintenance will ha prefcrred. Starting hourly rate: $16.33. PART TME FIEEIGlIER The Milton Fire Dept. is accepting applications and/or resumes for Part time Fircfigbter positions. Prefcrrcd qualifications include: 'DZ" license, Firat Aid, CPR, Grade 12 education and any other f ire related courses. Intereated applications for ad1 jobs ahould subnndt a resume hy Novenahar 15, 2000 ta Town of Milton. Departanent of Corporate Services, 43 Brown SI, Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Attention: Coonindator, Humain Reanurees In acoordance wth the Fresdaorf ifnormaion and Privacy LegnsfuSoo, applirn informration sa crced onder the auihorrfy 0f the Municipal Arf and wrfl I e ud sfnOly for candiafts soecorr whdite we appreoufteu ai pplicaons receivud, unIy faon. Invited for an inter- orna iiil be cinfncfied. URGENTLY REQUIRED Concerned about Uic safety of scbool children and want te hacorne involved? Apply for a Crosaing Guard position. Effective Tucsday, Septcmhar 26*, 2000 the Town of Milton wiii hae in need of a Regular ParI-Time Crossing Guard ai: Laurier Avenue/1 Ontario Street Moming Crossing: 7:50 arn. - 8:35 a.m, After School Crossing 3:05 p.m. - 3.45 p.m. Hourly Salary: $11,00 Standby Crossing Guards are requireti for ALL locations te nubstitute during Uic absence of tiaily Croaing gisarda, Gloria Day Co-ordinator, Hunsan Resourcea The Corporation of thse Town of Milton 43 Brown Street mdw taio L9T 52, (905) 878-7252, exton 21~46 -r COMMUNITY OPEN HOUSE Monday, November 6,2000 7:0Opm - 9:OOpm SAM SHERRATT SCHOOL - LIBRARY To provitie your input regsrding LAURIER PARK - PROPOSED IMIPROVEMENTS - patiway reconstruction - pathmay lightisg - parking lot expansion - naturalization - mulcbing & SAM SHERRATT TRAIL - PROJECT UPDATE - paUimay regrading - pathmay witiening - pathway ligbtisg - iscrcased visibility We value your input! Drawings mili ha available toi vicw at Town Hell, Octeber 27 - November 10, 2000. Questions or con- cernes should ha forwarded 10 Roharta Sager, Parka Technologies, 878-7252 ext. 2168. EMPLOY1N1ENT OPPORTUNITIES PLANS E~UNER Utilizing your highly developed analytical, report writing anti record keeping ikilîs, you miii rcview documente nobmitted in support of building permit applications for compliance with the Ontario Building Code and ail rclated Standards. You are well veracti in MS WORD and Exarl applications, and have a good working knowledge of information tracking data base systeme auch as AMANDA. Your exceptional interpersonal and communication capabilities arc coupled with a post-secondary degree or diploma in Engineering or Architeacture (with a Structural Engineering backgrounti) and 3 years' rclatcd experience. You muet ha eligible for memharsbip in a related professional aseociation (i.e. PEO, OAA, OACE'IT or AATO), and, having complctcdl provincial and/or OBOA building relat- cd courses (including Legal Processanmd Responsibilities, Part 9 - tccbnical, Part 3 - large buildings and part 3 - technical), you are eligible for Uic CBCO designation. Salary range: $43,076 tu $50,678. BUILDINGIPLUMBING INSPECTORS The Planning anti Development Departmnent requires Uiree inspectera to'performn fielti inspections on new and renovateti ICI and Residential buildings te ensure compliance with Uic Ontario Building Code Act and Regulations, Municipal by-laws anti ail other applicable Acta and Standards. You bave bighly devcloped report writing and record keeping ukilîs, are well versedl in MS WORD applications, and bave a gooti woeking knowledge of information tracking data base systems such as AMANDA. Your exceptional custemer service andi dispute resoilution skilîs are coupled with s posL-secontiary degree or diploma in Engineering or Architecture <mils a Structural Engineering background). Yen are eligible for mernibershîp in a related professional association (i.e. P13%), OAA, OACE'IT or AATO). Having successfully completeti provincial and/or OBOA building rêlateti courses (inctuding Legal Process and Responsibillties, Part 9 - tecbnical, Part 3 - large buildings and Part 3 - technical), yen are eligible for the CBCO desiguntion. A valid driver'u license is essential. Salary range: $43,0761 5o 50,678. Ward 1 (Trafalgar) Ward 2 & 4 (Milton) Warti 3 (Nassaaweya) Boyne Comnnunlty Centre Britannia Road, eaat of Hwy. 25 Hugh Foater Hall 43 Brown Street Campbellvile Pire Sub-Station Guelphs Line, nords of ttwy. 401 Are You Onalified toi Vote in thse 2000 Munleinl Election? Electera are requestet 1 examine Uic Prcliminary List of Electors (available for inspection in Uic Clerk's Office) 10 esore their name anti relevant information arc correctly abown thereon. 'Quatificd Elertor" means a pcrson who, during the period of September 5te t Novcmhar l3th, 2000 was s Canadian Citizen, a resident of Milton orsa non-resident owner or tenant or spouse Uiereof, and has attained the age of 18 years by November 131h, 2000. Helen Liai Returning Officer and Town Clerk Town of Milton 2000 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS NOTICE TO ELECTORS APPOINTMENT 0F VOTING PROXY Any pèrsonwhoae name is enîered in the Polling Liat for a polling subdivision or who bas obtained a certificate entiting him/her 10 vote, msy vote hy Proxy in Uiat polling subdivision. Any person who is cntitlcd to vote may, by Proxy, appoint in writing in Uic prescrihcd form as bis/ber voiing proxy, any other person who in eligible as an elector in the municipality. Such permons muaI ha appointeti anti certified by Uic Clerk of thse Town of Milton during the period of Octobe 14th, 2000 te Noventhar 131, 2000 during normial office houri or during Uie period front 12:00 moon te 5:00 pot,on SatUîsay, November Ath, 2000. 'fli preciibed Proxy vote forma are avait- able front tise Office of the Retuming Officer (Cîcnies Deparmnsnt), Town of Milton, 43 Brown Steet. Helen Unsi IReturniag Officer and'ITown Clek 'Ib*rtof Miltons FOR SALE: MILLENNIUM FLAGS The Town of Milton is selling the Millennium Flags daat are currcntly hanging on the posts along Main Street. There areeighty flags to be sold ait a cost of $25.00 each + $1.75 GST for a total of $26.75, 1'be flags will ha sold on a first corne tirst serve baais. The Town will accept advance purctsase of tbe flaga aa of October 31, 2000. You will need to submit your naine and quastity that you are requesting. The flags will ha available for pick up afler November 26, 2000. Payment for the, flags cen ha made via cash, cheque, Visa, Mastercard or debit. If you are interested in purchasing a flag you can register your relquest by: 1. Dropping by the Purchasing Departmnent ait Town Hall, 2. E-mailintgyour requeat to leslie.williaumon@town.milton.on.ca. 3. Faxing yourrequest to 905-878-4231. If yos have any questios please contact Leslie Williamson. Coordinatnr, Purchasing at 905-878-7252 extension 2138. 2000 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS NOTICE TO ELECTORS - POLLING NOTICE The regular pollîng day for the 2000 Municipal, School Bourds and Regional Chair Elections ahaîl be Monday, November 13th, 2000 hatween the hours of 10:00 arn. and 8:00 p.m. A Voter Notification Card was mailed on or about October l8th, 2000 te each elector in the municipal- ity advising of the Polling Place and thc Advance Polling Place for thc respective dwelling units. ADVANE PLLS For thse purpose of receiving votes of elecetora who expect te ha unable 10 vote on Noventhar l3tb, 2000, there will ha TWO Advance Pois as followa: Saturday, November 4th, 2000 Wneay, Novemnher Sdi, 2000 haîween thc hours of 10:00 arn. and 8:00 p.m. at each of tihe following locations for electors of the respective wards: a Il