26-The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, October 31, 2000 Genlêanerai Ghm Sales Hsl Sales HeIp Sales Help êMeHelp Offlce lelp- Care- 0.rer- - - SuperintendentlHandyperson A 20 unit, 4-storey coodo. sn tho heurt oI Oakville seeks a mature, resposîble indîvîdual as Part-lime Superistendent. Likely retîred, you are seekisg part- lima (15 hri/l amplopmnt cosstîsg nI three 5- hour daps. The position isoolves geserul housekep- îsg and lighf handypersos dulies. Mont împodsl, tha residents desire as ondividua that tukes prîde sn his/her wori and ii be eopected to sreu tho propos- ty us thais ows. Hsurly rate: $15. lsterested parties pleuve forward resumes lu: Mr. Doug Sheidrake c/o Greeal Propert Management lac. 6 John SIL, Suite 202 Oakvilie, Ontario L6K 3Tl HELP WANTED Different Shifts Available Monday ta Saturday Safety Shoea Required Appfy in person f0i Laurle et: Warehouse- Burlington Post 4057 Fairview Street, Burlington (East Entrance of Cfegg Gtass Building- Eaat of Wafkers Line) Mon-Fni, 9am-5pm HAIRSTYLUSTS I IWANTED31 la Excellant wage & benal packagel 1 tGuaranteed heurly andi commissionatartlnq at 40% , iFl part lime iFlexible worklng heurs le Equlpmenf prevideti le No clientele requireti e Advanced training provided 'o iPlease cati or submit résume ait: 400 Main St. MILTON 786-1976 OR 319-315§ w e ilt co-one fi nal yxer pprentaes an/r tofeseoaI oiou PmL anud higt candid ae presnt temeepotvelngten Raue, ce r n be csumittoed: Attile: Scetto Asvate ofcn ou Hamasc eseecs Mandv eaiger P.t Ses 40,re LCo ir Haniqtent. O nom rsiurcn@ao ns ilng .cam Lcal copny eia anw INST RAL SEVCLECHICIAN ex per en an su ssaI. PI o sn opoffrs os fave remeil 0:l fery Roechanical pi lcoparate 925me Man StE. sUnitte t3, M..Bx46 C ailton, O 9T 4 7X Fax: (90588-362 Canada's xnly fult service consumer promotions compaso carrenily xeeks thne lottocing for nUe Barrie, Oakoilte and Ajax areas: SALES SUPERVISORS ($16-$1SIHR> This chttlenging position wiii invoive recruiting, training and scineduling staff for in-stoie suies. Oui ideat candidate wiit be an suignîng and frienditete pltperwith previous sales and supervisxry experience. Flexible avtitability ix preferred and boums îsvoived range from 22-3ttlweek. SALES REPRESENTATIVES ($12-$14/HR> Oui clirent requises excepiionat commasîcalors with tbe creaioiny ts met costomers'needs and the esergy te exceed aupeenanioxo. You tinould bea people-persos and tinrive on chalienget Prier experiesce ix Sales mould be an asset. Cours range fîrom 22-30/week. 90e offer the sppxrtninpnts work vvith a large corporatin where the pbssibilities are endtets. Flatte fax pour rexume to Sanan Hayashi ai (905) 602-8823. *NEWS MARKETING CANADA SERVICE TECUNICIAN A leader in the design and manufacturer of paint anid powder application systems requires a FieId Service Technician for central Ontario. Ille are looking for a weII rounded individual with knowledge of electrîcal, mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic euipment fonictions and the abitity f0 resolve the problems. Company vehicf e, good compensation and benelt package will attracf the right prorn. Forward resume weth natar eopectations f0: Nordoon Canada, Limited, Pax 905-475-8403, Afin: Heather Quso Ema il hquo@nordson.c EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Reqaired immediafafy an eoperieeced acceustos payable perso. Main doutes witt iniclade: * otn nvoicea * caIng cheqes *Account Reconcifiafion *DCS Operefion *Switchboard Reflief Deafership experience preferred, computer experience a must. Safary wif t commensurate wvifh experience futlf benefit package, brand nel facilty and computer aysfem. Pt eaoe appt y in confidence f0: Secretary Treasurer Wallace Pontiac Buick CadlIac Ltd. 409 Main St. E. Milton, Ontario LÎT i P7 1 Fax: (905)878-0960 1 Part Time Office Clerk Required immediaeey for a Milton- besed Generef Contractor. Dutlea inctude: anawering phonea, fifing, aorting mal, prepering courier pickups, and other cfericef dutlea. Fax reaumne f0: (905)693-0459 Nadec Limitedl i.,TE ETCMPNE I S. I APPRENTICE Mecin- la witn some experi- enca. Vou munI bave own foots. Cati Joe ait (905)878-6696. Too1 Room Manager rertredtfor Oakvlle. Machise Builder Automation Tout sg & Management, Esperence ceuied. Tel: (905) 488-2484 Fax: (00) 486&2485 effli: a ew@drhuonu e.con rchu d@rt xornate.con BOOKKEEPERI CLERK Part-lime appros. 3 dayseek - Location: Kilbride. Esperience witn Simplp Accunling, Excel and MS Office. Please tas resumne te 878-9565 or e-mail: marslo@ican.nel Service Coordînator ton HVAC co. Oxties isct: custoner service, dîspacn, irvoicîso etc. HVAC & computer esperience as assaI. FAX RESUME: (905) 825-2094 ity MHt-t uuepon requises a permanent part-lime R N for nigint sit. Il sl tereoled lu faik about finis opporlunity, cail 519-856-4622 for roter- view. RN'S neeie for an înduotry tn Oak- ville immediately. Fultime and part-lime hours. Cai (905) 338-5611 9am-5pm FLEA51E RECYCLE 11115 1 PAPIER - Position avaifab e immediafefy for a7qua i- fled bookkeeper te asalot in fthe accoaniting dept. of a growing company Ment be expe- rienced in MS Word and Excel. Knowfedge 0f ACCPAC a plus. If you are a fears ptay- er, retiabte and responsibte, pfeaae uend pour resume f0: Finance Manager P.O.Box 2354 c/o The Canadian Champion, 191 Main St., Milton, ON. L9T 4N9 Accounting Position e Oak. Involves ail aspects ot accvustsg iscludisg book- keepisg, data veriticatios and accousîs payable. A minimum orf aither 5 years related eoperiesce us cui- rosI enroîment is a designalios prugruin is requîred. 90e enphasize initiative and the ability te meet tight deudlises in a fast-paced envirosment. Fao your resume lin (905) 825-1066, Afn: Manages Client Accoust)g or eaitto dduggas@ecg.com by Mosday, October 30/00. We regret final only candidtes xelected for intes viee'x wîll ha costacted. CUSTOMER SERICE CO-ORDINATOR DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE Our top firit o prouide qualitp service Io 005 cli- est base. To achieve Ibis we require an individua witb tha follswisg attributes: * eeperience in fthe commercialftrading enviîrosment and accustomed fo dealing wîth domastic and expoit: customars " detail-oriested, assedtive and well orgasioed " Excellent inferpersosal skitîs, a determirîatios to socceed and eoemplurp work ethic. If pou meet thase criteria we woald lîke te heur tron you. Please fan pour femame eith coverisg latter f0: Fa: (M0) 042-1514 E-Mai: aaa@ata-cha.oao Woh alta: www.atc-claa.cs Corne Joir a Iiii U)Registered Nurses & RPN's Visifinng neming Ail ShilIs eCompetîtîve saiary e Emplopmesf beleit *Teun envirosmient e SkIi developroast e Work sn Huitos Regios u HCA. Hsw il& IiPSW Cedîîue pretesred, however cossideratîxs ii ho given tx thoso crIn persssa experiesce as caregivers. *Free Training Course *Peiabie transportation required *Stuff who oie client tocuseit and esjoy wxrkîsig in a connunity settisg. For as interview cul) 905-847-1025 or fax yxur resumn o 1905-847-1038 We areaun aquat opyxrtuffily employer A rapidIp groeisg conpur n stho Heaithcare Industsp is seekilg un esergatic indîvidua ho elîy workisg sn a funf-puced and entrepreneurial esoironmnt. Repodisg 10 the Conînler Ibis individoal reili have lina consPybe/Acut Receivatrie " Cash Fise Projections EXPERIENCED case- gîver reqoîred fus 3 childres in my home. Pieuse cati 876-1588 eveningo. RAINBOW Village Day- care bas ose Toddler and timitet pre-ocnoo spaces avaitabe. We bave been pruviding an eafy tearning prugrsmn includling computers, arts and music sisce 1989.878-7552 SAFE ast Sound Cinildiens Centre voted Mition's lot cinuàice un licenced cilît case. Infants te scnool age. Three locations. Famity credits. Subsldy upon qualitynig 8515 878-0537 $35,000 inetrt makes you $100,000 plus(year. Residua se- occurring revenue for 20 pears. National sesiden- fiat afarmi companry ieed ealer for finis area. Can't keep up vvitn demand. Very unique marketing prugramn wlt domîinate market place. Cai Gary McDonell 1- 800-964-8805, 204- 228-7466. WANTED une bed- roon, unfurnrsned apllol for single maie. Nus trinker - son omioker. Phn. 878-2246 aller 5:00 Pmo. COACH House for sent. large 2 bedroum, high ceiting, uak kilcin, 5 appliaxces, suutn oI Mil- les sn 2 acre asIate prupertp. Sait protes- siosal or refired couple i$1500/monlh. Iscludles I tltes. Firs & ast se Iquired. Avaitubi Nov. 1. " Monrthirn&Coing ACTON, large 3 bed- e Ister-companp Recoscitiatioss roore, Victorias semi, " Fisiascia Repodtisg $1100. plus. 519-853- Oalssd qaallflatlea 5t Levai CMAJCGA, 3- 5080, (519)853m5352._ peurs eeperience sn Accooslisg discipline; Woskisg DOWNTOWN Miltos knowledge of MS Office; Experience sn Muiti-currescy modemn second fleur & internaional operalions eooirosmesf is desirabe. une bedroom apertrenent Suiary commensarate itn esperiesce. tenaces 10: with large et-in kildin, Box slm, ri e Pes separste laund r o 2321 Firviow St., hIlagfee, M L7R 2E3 and privafe balcony - available Dec. 1. $740 muoly "Isduding heai. NO PETS ,Cal I 854- 0401 givinq pour rentai needo details. ONE bedroomn base- NO Feel Career Explorstions lis a 3-Week ment for Decil1, 2000. $750 ail inclusive, Course designed te belp pou plan pour carmer. Firsf.las, otooe & fIlge Fanded by HRDC. For more informafionft reg- nu pets/no smoking. isIen cati Grace aI (905)333-3499/(905)878- Guelph Lise close te 1240. 401.854-0504. HUMAN RESOURCE SPECIALIST 90e are currl seeking a qualitied highly motivated indivîdual eho casi develop, implement asd evaloate humas resoorces aqILlabour relations policies, pro- grains asd procedores. This position is diverse and will requise a dpsamîc indivîdual wîth istogritp and pnisi eoperiesce nI varivus aspects ut the humas resource depurtment. Worlsisg ksowledge of Micro- Soit Office, e-mail, phono etiquesoe and great orgasi- atîssal skills are a mont. PIeuse sesd mrne, icl ilg roferoscos oe reaae@cancahle.cem MILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MIL7LSIDE DR., MILTON ilW LEASING 1 Bedrxoms avait- able on bus magte, freshly decarated, 2 appliances, on-sille tamidrl inclades att utities (excepf pinxe & cable.) Fiee parking, ne pets. References reqaîred. Avaitable Nxv. 1. Sfarting frore $935. Office Hours are lOam-5pm 905-76-1249 Bp appomtint xntp ROOM for reel. Avait- able immediatey. Sait quiet working person. Non saker - 875-1806 affer 5 p.m. -qt.t store front. Great loca- flon. Cal vonne Cbris- flie Broker, Christie & Woods Real Estate Ltd. 878-2095 OFFICE SPACE for lease, 50-52 Steefes Ave W Cai 905-272- OFFICE Space for renit sn Campbelvile. (905)334-5998. SMALL Bright Office Are pou tire of wsrking af home. 90e have the ideat office space for peu CaI Leslie et 876- 1144. $ 20 90 ugûngalo, doable bride, 3+ bed- moim, 2 butns, eal kilcinen, tiving/dining rouan combe, broad- toom oser berdwood, spacieus familp room witb fireplace. Central air, delacned garsage. Att os a very private, Iule Ilre lot. To viere cai (905)878-7079. HOUSE for sale. 444 Vanier Dr. $1899000. 3 bedroors, 2 ef. finkt, many apgrsdles. Prof. landocaped, more snf. CaI 878-5035 *OPEN HOUSE - Sun- day Nov. 5, 2-4p.m. PROGRESSIVE Sports Store for Sale. Famil owned and operated. Refails and services hrand name Sports Eqaiprment, Foxfwear and AXpparel. Owxer Re- filig Training and fit- nancing available te fine rignt peroon/partners of group. Cai Gary Quin- tes,, Royal Leag Re- alty (519)740-640 0