Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 31 Oct 2000, p. 25

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l'h rtânadlan Chamolari. Tuesdav. Octobor 31,- 2000-25 K, Action High School's S5th Annual Craif Sale SAT. Nov. -18, 2000 * ~ 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. ~\Raffles Refreshments Bake Sale S Over 100 Vendor Tables * Admission: Aduit $2.00 Chitdren under 12 free OPEN HOUSE 6TH ANNUAL Sat. Nov. 4/00 9 arn - 4 pm 226 Queen St., Milton Christmas Cottectibles &Gf E.C. DRURY ANNUAL FALL CRAFT SALE NOVEMBER 18 & 19,2000 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 215 Ontario St. S. Milton, ON OVER 100OVENDORS Admission $2.00 $1.00 OFF WITII AD - CHILDREN FREE Country Christmnas Bazoar Boston Presbyterian Church 3rd Line Halton HUIs Saturday November 4tb, 10 A.M. ta 1 P.M. -K Featuring >"- Silent Auction, Baking, Crafts, Deli Table, Hot Lunch and Art Show & Sale by members of the Congregation. Emeyone Wekcome MOIJ MA Provides a fult residential cleaniug service. For a nu cost, nu obligation in home estimate, pleasu rail 877-3443. More off tsi ble thmn so tb uk! NORTHHALTON Houstng and Emptoyment Opportunitiea We are tooking for individuais, couples and famities in the Georgetowrn, Acton and Milton area who are interested in sharing a homne with a person who has a devetopment disabitity. tdeatty, you or your famiiy witi be caring and invotved in the community. Housing opportunities con ire owned by our Agency, jointty teased or owned iry you or pour' famity. Reduced living cost and remuneration ta, ie negatiated. If interested, please contact: Jain Crowe-McManus Dîrector of Planning & Houslng Alternatives Communlty Livng North Halton Tel: 905-873-9897 Cail uia flow a: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-9t4-KIDS Laidtaw iu an uquat opportuuity cmployer Trerra Greenhouses Milton store ha immodiato opousagu for: *Headl Cashier - Cashiers - Floor Personnel Fax reaumo fao: Human Rusourcos <905)876-4822 Requires a fuiltrime Assistant Manager. Satary bosed on experleuce. Fuit paid train- ing. Great benefit package and hous structure. Aisu roquired futl rime Prep Cook, Mouday - Friday. 7 arn - 2 pin. Appty with resarue iu persos t0: 550 Ontario St. S., Milton Ast for Chris Green Pari-lime person required lu work ou wookouds doing miuor repaira lu plambiug sysiems iu a largo food processiug plant. 1 tr 2 days reqaired. Pleasu seud nesomo lu: Moplo Lodgs Fares Ltd. R.R. 2 Narval, ON LOP 1iKO m BLUE BEACON TR1UCK WASH lu 00W t[riug full tire l2pmo-8m, 8am-4pm and port tire 4pm-l2pm. Tire aucceaufotl appicauf a muai ho fiexibie, tIgIriy motiiated and abto wor wa eokendo. Vaut motiva- tiouaI ukitto mouid eum you an average hourip mago of beimees $10 to $l/hr. mliii a hase pup of $8aur. Pise uppiy iu pemsos ut 40 Chionlm Drlon. No Ptoo cutis Plousu. Halton Recycling Limitod la now recruiting Sorlera/Plant Labourera Day/Afternoon uhifia avaitable Pleose fax rosume ta: 905) 336-3034 Manager Wanted We reqoîru a Manager for A fuit hme posihon tn our Milton location. Apphicuuia ahould enjoy worlvug murh people and have an aptitude for ladieu fahion. Accepting applications at 55 Ontario St.S., Milton Mail L9IT 2M3 Phone (905)878-1414 or Fax (905)878-7055 75r« #&t~. COUINTER STAFF and BAKERY STAFF Reqamred- for fll lime sud part time: Ovornlght shift il PM - 7 AU Day shift 7 AU - 3 PM, Aftrnoonahlft 3PM -1ilPM Witt train. Paid training. Uniforma suppiied. Renumurution based on eupurience. Appip lu person io: 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milton Ouestf "Canada's Top 100 Emptoyers', The TDL Group coutinus ta luad tire qoick-sertice restaurant industry. To support ibis growiir, mve are carreutty Iookiug for esperienced Track Drivers wviih a class AZ liceuse aud a dlean abstraci ta puis our Oakville facility. As a frani lune repreoeuiatise. prolessioualism, proirlemn solviug skitîs sud excellent commuicationsokilis are essuiot. As a member of thre TOL family. yoa milI esperieuce a positive markiug euviruumeut, irighly competitive pay, a supenior pensiou plan, compauy paid benefits, stock options, sud annual performance bonuses sud safety amvards. Quatitied candidates are invited tai subreit tiroir resame and a current capy af tiroir abstract in confidence ta: The TML Croup Ltd., Homo. Rosours Consultant - Distribution. 22 Wyocroft flosd, Omlivills. ON LSK 33(7. Fan: (M)~ 815-690 or Emil: Wopbrh sflos.cm DESKTOP PUBLISHING & GRAPHIC DESIGN e Fu-trne Mon-Fni 8:30 um-5pm. *PC & Mac erperience nucussary.. nMinimumn 2 prs prini stop uxprencu. *Gssd cusismer service skilis. Fox or amuti ros t: 409 Guelph Lino, Burlington, ON L7R 3L7 fax 333-9366 ph: 333-0606 or assoit: ..,mtImrlaymx.omt Apptcationu are now buing accuptact for FÎULL-TIME ASSEMBL RS on botir day and aflurnoon shits. Day sift ours are Mos.-Thurs., 7am-4prn Ff., 7arn-12:5Opm, 40 hrs/wk Starting rtt: 68.00/li Aflxrnoonsoii Mun.-Thors., 4:l5pm-l2um; Fi., lpm-6pm, 36 bit/wtt Sturtîsg ratu: $9.05 (includus shift prumium) *Own tranaportation nucuuuary . Applicationu availablu for pick-up ut AýTC-FRO)ST Magnetics Inc. 1130 Elgirti Lino, Oakville, ON L6H 2R4 Animal Hospital - P/T Veteriuary recuptionist auedud for a tpucialtyr vuturinary huapitut lu Outoillu. Applicaut must mark wull sn a fust-pacud unviraumount, possusu gond communication skitîr and strivu for uxcullunt customur servicu. Prouloos animal sut- uriuany uxporiencu pruturruit. Resumu 10: Brante Roodl Animal Hospital Fax: (905) 825-0133 Attn: Bonniu Steulu ProductionlShipping e F/T Days Chumicul Batch/Blunding and Packaging Opurations. Entirtomuntal Chumicals, muchunîcul aptitudu, miii train. Hourly plus bunulits. Driver/Shipper e F/T Days Soathurn Ontario arua. Mat huvu vulid AZ/OZ drivurs licunsu, cluon abstract, apdatud mudical, TDG dîluing eupuruncu. Hoarty rtt. Check www.controtchem.com SENO RESUMES ASAP TO: CantralCli Canada Ltd 5275 John Lacas Dr., Burlungion, ON L7L 6A8 Fax: (905) 319-0438 WAIENGUSE POSITIONS Wu hotu immudial u ll-timu npponîitus fsr tupuri- uncud Ficker Puckurs, Shippui/ Ruculouis und a Luud Hund i u Outtillu hardwaru Facility- Il ynn art intuiustud in noining a wull-ustabtîshud und dynamic cnmpany tuât otturs computititu compunsa- tion unit ppntunity toi udouncumunt pluasu fnîmurd ynaî nesame to: Stanley Commis- Humun Rusouncus Duportmunt 1100 Ceioroto Or., Borlaglon L7L 5R6 mfinellltmlefwodcs.em Fox 906-3354071 or 905-335-3430 Ph: 905-335-0075 mxit US BIACKs Lei oui tru cotours sineai utstock Photo Corporatin, Canadu's leudiug retailur ut pholouraptîr uttuipment und photoftuisiu. Currunly, au sent ataanizud tean players for our Hopodole Mati and Onkuilte Place locaiouns as are reudy to achieva us. PART-TIME ASSOCIATES Yoa pussesu superior cutomer service stills aud are nager Io udvance pour cubeer uppuntuiis wittiu sur grumisu organizutios. Previous experinuce in a reluit eutiroumeut lu prnlnered. A phoiographîc background moulli ho su uasat. Bluet's nIfera more thau a job. 00e aller loug- terni caret satisfactiau, a frindly mork auvirsnent attractive benfits aud cumprehleusive training aud develupueut We iuvite you tu apply in peusue ni the fllowing Stick's locatiuus: Hupedmlo Mail, 1515 Robocco Street or Oukville Place, 240 Legion Av@, wilh restons andi rsferencee, Aftn: Sine enogor. SGO GREE TItS WUEK RECYCLE Pemson. Reqaire moui- vated persan mlith tom- mator ouperioncu for our siripping and recels- ing iosm. Stroug verbal Ind writon cueumunica- bon stitls necoaaary. 40 boums per week, plus ome overtîme. Milton location. Fax resumne to, 905-876-3337 TWO port lime positions unaitabte. Onu position, Monsday & Friday 11-4. Second position, Fniday 4-8 sud every utten Sut- orduy 8-5, suitubte for a stodout. Apply in person ai Stoppas Dry Cieunero, e8s Main Si. #14. WANTED body aud prep persan for local reatoralien stop. Fao ne- srve iv (905)878-4813. "*0 e lowr Ep. n Training prosiduit toi vuw drivers " Short & tout US tans n Toroto busuit " Hume mosi wtnids *Poid Wetly *Up is .36 pur mile Cuti Don @ Total Staff Solutios 1-877-68 TOTAL Contadine Serve & Elotue, lscotudi n Outoillo tom biring Fuile: Purchasor/ Ports IlandiDo ShlpporlRoceivor Espuiescri with basic computer skills. Computitisu sulary, busutit package. Cati Sue for interiew: (90) 825-2000 ,or Fox: (905) 825-2535 CUSTOMER SERVICE REP. ruquîre ui me, immudioiuly, Inn bosy collision centre Fax resumne: (905) 845-9906 Leasing Consult- ant Puttuct pai-tîimu protussîssal position. Wuukusis uni stme otusîsus. Are you ouigoing, pursonabte andi inferustosi in a sales career? Fax restnne lu: (905) 639-0996 MAINSTREAM clother ot iowntows Outtîllu ru;,,cus flexible ASSOCIATE Compultîtvu motos, Great onsîrosmunt. Phone or tut Jayn Pt: 905-338-7771 Fo: 905-338-5044 Fax us your Classifieds 876-2364

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