e Classified B O N US! HOURS Classified Ads MONDAY TO FRIOAY AIL arnearat... -ena *UNN, Matrice LOUIS n iavisg memory oIe deer husbesd usd te8or mira peseeci emey Octaber 31,1994. ifs teseiy here mithaut ~rou. Wo miso you maso eech day. Fer lite s sol 8e sorse loua, Since you more ceiled amay. Cherisired momories lest forever" Loved md Remsmbered Always Claîra, Lori md Usa. AT~EN11ON INTERNET USERS Uniimited Acceas onfy $1595, greet local service and support from SURFTIIE NET. 873-2602 Il The Principal andstaffof E.C. Drumy HIgh Schooi, Milton cordiatly invite gou te attend the NUNETEENTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT lu be held je tise School Gymnasium Fridag, November 3,2000 et 730 Pif. - - TROTII Elale Peacetuiiy et Mutas Distoct Hoopliai as Thoraday October 26, 2000, Mm El aie TroUs oS Milles n her 901h year Beioved arde ni tire ste Ciraries Troth Lsving mother oS Kathy and her hssbasd Michael Maso of Mitas asd Martyn and ho rerte Margaret ni Engiand Wtt be sadiy m ssed by her 9 grandchridren and 12 great grandcir idran Fam y and f rends may cati et 8e J. SceS Eariy F oserai Home, 21 James SI., Milles os Tsesdey (leday) tram 1:30 PM ustil the lime et Ihe Fuserai Service et 2:30 PM tram lire Chapel. Cremalies la totem. Speciai thanka te tire Reci Creas and VON. for their kisdneoa and support. Il derared, desaliens ta tire Canadien Cancer Sedely or Atzheimers' Feundalien wauid be apprecraled. - - I PAUL, Stanley "Stan" Edmard Bers September 20, 1924, St. Thomas, Ontarie pasoed amay ouddenty ai the Jaoeph BranI Memeriai Haspilai, Burtingten, Ontarie on Sunday, October 29, 2000. Stan Paul aI Burtinglen, age 76 years. Sen 018e tale Edmard and Hazet Peut. Beieved hsoband for 64 years ni Dorothy Paon (nea Lemin) Faut. Dear la8er aI Lewis Faut and his parlner Lynda Jehnston ai Woedolock, Cheryt Larson and her husband Larry et St. Themas, Brande Paut and her triend James Gomier at Londos, Onlarie, Catiranne Suzenne Peut anri her huoband Dan Sheray ni Misassauge and Jamea Peut and his pertner Catirenno Lloyd ot Milles. Loving grandpe aI fit- leen grasdcirlidren and neyes great-grandcirit- dren. Bra8er ni Vers Beatly and her husband James ot St. Thoman. Stan witi be aadiy miaaed and fonciy rememirered by Mary Peut and 0ev- erai nieces and nephemo. Predeceased by hie daughter-in-tam Carat Peut. Stan mea a Naval Veleran, HMCS Ontia, s member et lire Naval Aaaociatisn Burlinglan Brancir, asd a termer emptayeeot tire Unlied Way, Hamillon. Stan had ireen a counneifor et the Ontaria Seheet for 8e Destin Mitsn befora tatdng an 8e jab et Reglonai Empfoymest 01fr mith the Canadien Hesring Sodely n 1968. Setected la estebliair a CHSettice in Hamittan, Stan spesl 8e tiraI eight montho at iris jeir atone on Bartos Sîreet East, n tecitities ranled by lire Hemiton end District Asoocielion tar lire Deaf and Herd 0f Heering. Untit 1972, Stan mes raspenaibie for lire enlire Hamilton Region (consistisg 0f Hemitten- Wentworth, Natctmand, Narfotk, Motos, Brant, Weiiinglos, Lincoin, Niagere and Wsterioo regiono) himneif. As Regienai Officer, Stan mas inotrumenlai s devetoping and expanding empfoyment and mettere nervicea for deat end hast ot hearin~ peopie s 8ie ragion. Mis IresI- une" mens tindîsg job plecemesta end interprat- lng for clients met ose ai 8e primary neede ni 8e co.nmunliy as idenlited by dents, peresta and 8e orgenizates lieell. Wtrile ire reeddy ednrlited liraI ire irad ns idea et 8e acepe ot 8e job end rIe reopensibntdaea aires ire mas hired, Stan fet 851 ire did eucceed n crealinp a viable nervice commited ta job plecemest ee8 potes- liai for grawtir end devetopisesl. Stan taughl Sign Language et Mehewk Coltege for over 30 vears, mas interpreler tor tire ireering impeired, Beard Member ot Burtinglen Seniors Canîra, for- mer President and Field Representative et Zone 13 ot Unlied Senior Cliizens ot Onterio, nerved on Cam Jactroans Committea. tor tire international Vear attire Older Perses, Former Wardes and active member ot St Georgea Anglican Churcir n Lomoilie, former member ot lire Cenedian Association crf Rehabititetion Personnel, and former Presidenl end Govemor attire Canadien Progreso Club. As e former rea- dent 0f St. Thomas, Stan had been active osa Cuir and Scout Leader, Lieutenanl mitir tire Sea Cadets, Union Steward et *4990 Steelmoricers and mes a former memirer attire SI. Tiremao Labeur Ceuncil. Visitritias et Smith's Fuserai Home, 1167 Gueipir Lise (ose stoptigirl sertir et OEW), Burlinglan (905-632-3333) an Wednesday 3-5 and 7-9 p.m. mirere F userai Service miii be heid in tire Chepel an Thursdey, Novemirer 2, 2000 aI il a.m. Tire Reverand Canon Ciratfeo Masters atticialisg. istermest 10 take place et Eimdsle Cametery, St. Tirames, Ontaria an Fnidey, November 3, 2000 et il ara. if desired, expresuiono 0f sympatiry ta 8e Budinglon Seniors Cenîre or tire cirsrliy at yaur ciraice wauid ire oncerely appreasled iry 8e tamt~r Stan Peut cerne ista tire wofld anci teuched 8e heert ssci seul et meny by iris presence esci kisdsess. We are grstetui for tire velues he înstitled and tiret will romain in aur hearts toravec Tire femiiy invites you ta elgn tire Bock et Visitation aI www.obliueriestodey.com JARVIS, John Brodenlck (JecIs) Os Fridey, Octoirer 27,2000, Jack pesoed awey et 8e ega 0f 91 et tire Mitos District Hospital. His pessing ueddeno lire tivea et iris aster Edliir Kemo aI Dundes, iris masy nieces esd nephews esd iris aid Inenda esd neigirbours n Pelermo. Me mes pmdeceased iry iris salera Elteen Marry, Maries Wendiisg end Daratiry Pictrard. Femiiy anri triends vsoted et tire Md<ersie-Kocher Fuserai Home 114 Main St., Mitas 878-4452 on Susdey. Tire fuserai nervice mas heid os Mandey, Octaber 30, 2000 esd 8e inlerment fotiameci et Evergreen Camelei~r n Mites. n lies 0f tewers piesse cosalder e donation 108e tilles Dratrict Moapilet Feundetion. *** AUCTION "<~'<"< Joies Ils For An Estra Ordinary Sale of High Qualit~ Calibre Marchandise NO BUYER'S PREMIZIN OR RECISTRATIONFEES Adilng onder loaleucllene ta eaU le nasleua fats Furnishingsl Artworkl Giflavarel Colectibles THURSDAY NOVEMBER 2nd Preelew at 6:00 p.asi Asactiera heglas et 7:00 pua. Sharp Plan te Attend - An*re Eastaje meure Seetlnj THE LIONS CLUB HALL - MILTON UPSTAIRS 0F THE MILTON MEMORIAL ARENA 1?? ?Soeeee Rd. - 5nre~,~,oees S1ro~(h~,Akie 55. - Wmloe M.ie te MANY ONE 0F A KIND PIEdS -A PARTIAL LIST ONLY Furaushlaga, Glftwars £ CoUectIbles Dinlng Set - Ciocits - Consoles - Unique Chests - Mehogeny Cabirrels - Ouill Stands - Occasionet Tables - Boistronts - Hait Stende - Fera Stands - veesirolende mi8 Plichers end Bords - Upboistered Chairs - Loveseats - Cabinets - Cotfee - Endablea - Tebriz Ares Rage- Cerved Chaire - Bonkoasea - Vitrine Cabinets - Tee Servers - Deaira Minora - Whet Nul stands - Ouees & King soda - Ber Stoots - Bell and Clua Deslgn Furnishinge - veau Redis - Perses Carpetu - Beautitut Titteny temps - Frencir. Chippendete & Oueen Anse Style Furnishinge - Some MegoCcent Estete Pieces - Aners Otiders - Weethervenes - Wrought tron - CeaI rus - Sateume Vases - Jeweiiery Bones - Bronze Stetees - Cenrile Hoiders - Fine Porcelets - Doit Furnure - Parieur temps - Porcetain Doue - Laurel And Hardy - Sigs Bourda - Bekers Rectra - Magazine Stands - Doonstopa - Atabeuter Statues - Giesomure - Sports Shoiscanes - Marked Limoge - Unique Hand Crafted tOitteare - A Privete collection of Coins, BanS Notes & Stampa - Some Estate Jewellery A spectucuier collectes ot tedias and gants gairi, diemsod uod genuine stases Autographed Sports manne Gretzby - Maunce Richard - Gordie Home - Sobby On Meny Others - Runkie Carde & Pudra An outataaadlng CoIbectioa ef Art ORIGINAL 0f LS 011 CANVASI ORIGINAL FRESCOS James Lumbers - Notion Betemen - Jura Daiy - Weser Camptieti - Cari Brendera - Les Outils Meny Mare Ait Pratesolonaiiy Framed enri Mened A.J. Cesson/ 1001h Anniyersery I Ostarto Series I Cessons Cessose/ Pietinuras I Fuit Signature Ceosons I Franktin Curmicheel i J.E.H. MecDonald/Tors Thorason Terme Cash- vos- M/C - avenS vieux - as per onotod anri annooncerS. Addeions and daterions eps/y Audtoneer net responoiblo for occidents J.D. MARSHALL & ASSOCIATES (905)953-8358 wlth Gueet Auctioneer Keith Vrieaen FREE DRAW FOR ATVNCRTO ALL REGISTERED BIDDERS For the estate of Sante Michelon at 23 Peru Rd., Milton. Directions: From Hwy. 25, Wesl un Steeles Ave., 10 Pers Rd., rigirt to sale. Sat. Nov. 4, 10:30 A.M. Antique & modem tumliure, ail major appliances, complete houaehold contents, riding lees momer, snow irlomer, rotoliier, hand & garden Isola, etc. Dohertys Auction Service <905)878-9802, <905)854-3577 Auctioneer - Patrlck A. Doherty AUCTION SALE THURS., NOV. 2nd. AT 5 P.M. aS Humes Aucora Fana, 9313 45h Liane, 3 mlles northeaat of MîlOon. To inciode Antique furniture, Glass & China & Collectibles for Mrs. Doris Height of Bronte veho has moved to a smaller residence. Sherwood & Gardon Hume. Aucsloneera. 905-878-4878 Fax 905-878-7647 - CARPET I have neyerai i 000 yrds aI new Staînmaster& 100% ~Y ANTIGUES ion carpes. Wtii do sang- roem&haii for $349. s- & eider items dodos carpes, pad & s- WANTED sîsllatios (~ Y~~) lpc lu luli estule. Steve, 6392902 Prompt conirdenirul DOG kennel, Gaivan- SOrOICOS. Pieuse cou ized steel, oniy 3 NormIl-leather montfra nid. 905-703-1107 er 6' by 8'. 2 esirance 905-704-0519 ~ $275. (905>878- Fax 876-2364 fo liat your Claaaified! reqoireci for Milles pro- scirool. Perfect tor moras mur ocironi-egeci kido. Wark osiy mule tirey're ut sciroot. Cati (905)878-4697. AUTO Clees-Lobe t. We are ucceplisg eppli- calions fer bu and part time Detaiters. Esperi- once praterrod. Soit mo- tiveteci peopie osiy. Commission beseci. Watt n mitir resume et 925 Main StEsot *1. No phase caits. FLOORINO iNSTALL- ERS manlod formelles- tablahed footing cors- pesy. Minimum 3 yesrs expesesce mitir carpet, visyt, teminete anri hardwood. Oms 10010 and references re- qoireci. Pas hasdmrittes resume 10 519-853v 4722. LOCAL herse imprave- ment contracter, re- quires hardmerking, neif-motmeted Laboureri isotaitor. Oms veine re- quireci. Cerpestry knamiodge mauid ire as anal. Mare info. Phono (906)331-9333 or Fao (905)331-9334. REMEMBRANCES tir tire larra ni drrs.iturss trr Tise Miltrmn Dinînri Hospîtri Frrurrrl.rturrr are appreu.rted