14 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 31, 2000 "I'm do>ing o>koy, but 1 -wish I didn't have diaibetes. The peo>ple at CDA make it eaisier." 31dy, 1g0I ILP SC>MEEIIE ~jCANADIAN I ASSOCIATION DIABETES CANADIENNE ASSOCIATION 1 DU DIABÈTE www.dlabetes.ca Do you HEAT your HOME with OIL Becomne a Thermosheil customner and receive: * $100 AIR MILES" reward miles * Earn one AIR MILES" reward mile with every $25 infl 1 purchases * One complimentary Tank Armor treatment (proteots < your oil tank) a (905) 878-6380 11 1-800-465-6071 Got my Go Joe going for election In a Federal elecîîon which is quîckly becoming the battle of the motormouîhs, watch for the quiet guy in the back to corne Up from behind. You read il here iirst. With a nod 10 the World Series, Old Joe Clark is stealing home. If be makes il, it'il be because nary a aoul can bring themselves to vote for Prime Minister Jean Chretien in the Novemnber 27 election. And those wbo think enough Ontaniana will bold their note and vote Canadian Alliance have vastly overrated the wood- cbopping appeal of ils leader Stockwell Day. But in the firat tender week of the elec- tion no one aaked for, the race seema to be between whicb leader can hop across Canada faatest witb bis foot in bis mouth. Ibis week atonte, Day haa been caught taking credit for policies he didn't put in place. And he proved directionally challenged in determining which way tbe mighty Lake Erie and a certain company's brain drain tlowed. The Liberal party sent a fax out remind- ing us media foîks of this. That seema a bit rich, what witb their leader's aversion to flub-free speech. Chretien's stumnbles are too well-known and numerous 10 catalogue, but juat con- sider the election caîl itaelf. To quote another guy wbo seema unable to keep bis mouth shut, wbo wanîed Ibis election? Nooobody! MiltonCanadianChampion.com .... News on the Net! Chretien reminds me a lot of a man I worked for far back in my sweet youlh, wbo bad very cunningly managed 10 achieve incoberency in four different Ian- guagea. Botb men seem prone 10 do and say tbe darndest thinga, Iben explain it away in a language unknown to man. And botb appear perilously unsuited to their chosen professions. My former boss was a colourblind electrical engineer. And Chretien ... well, be runs a country, doesn't be? Tbat Day's goofs are leas blackly enter- taining is largely due 10 bis baving bired a vocal pincb-hitter on tbe sly. He lhinks we baven't noticed yet, but about baîf the lime the Canadian Alliance is asked to comment on somelbing, it's Day's campaign co-chair Jason Kenney wbo docs the yapping. The unfortunate is effecl is 10 ace Day as a slick-looking puppet jerking Ibis way and that as the man bebind the curtain dances about, twiddling bis levers. 'Mis may ho an appropriate lime 10 insert the Genîle reminder that no one elected Kenney to play chief of the Canadian Alliance. tf the western MP wanted to play chief, be migbt bave considered running for the position. The Liberals haven't said much about this, pmobably because tbey're pissed tbey didn't corne up witb the idea first. If they had, Chretien could apend the next month bauling bis likable old self wilb bis craggy good-natured face aIl over creation while a dubbed in voice tosses sensitive, five dol- lar words about like rose petuls. But the Liberals didn't tbink of it, and Day still manages to slip up eacb time Kenney dants off 10 the loo. So wbo's left but that old atalwart Clark? He's the man wbo, once reviled for bav- ing bast bis mitta, recently replaced tbem witb boxing gloves wben be ssked Stock to make his Day. Since tben be's been aiming punches at Chretien, wbo could be burt if be fails to remember that Clark and bis moribund party still exist. People are mad that Chretien bas called yet another premature election. They're concemned Day means 10 skate by the next four years on rollerblades and Kcnney's words. tf that anger and concern continues t0 mount, votera may just opt to hold Ibeir nose and vote PC. And if t tumn out to be wrong, well, you sbould've heard what I said about the NY Mets. .Wreath making on soon _ t~add~/w For more Information cait (905) 522-6117, ext. 306 Mill". www.bodyandsoulsbow.com Spend an aftemooe in tIse cozy 19tb century farnîhouse at the Mountsberg Wîldlife Centre and leam bow 10 make wreatbs. On November 18 fromn noont 14 p.m, participants will leare wreath-essaking techniques using natul items gathered at the centre or fmmn people's own gar- den. Thse $30 coat includes'imaterials, instruction and ligIsI refresbmenîs. People must brissg their own glu gun. NOICE 2000 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ADVANCE VOTING DAYS and VOING LOCATIONS Advasce Voting Osys wili be held as Isisas.: "MT Saturday Nsvevrber 4.2000 Belcees tre Itsurs ai 9:50 a.m.-5:55 p. LOC09A Wards 1 & 2 Actas Loe, 1l Wright Ave. Actas Wednesday Irarcs 2,3 and 4 Nasasher 8, 2000 Halas Hilis Civic Centre Between the haurs of 1 Halasn His Drive 12:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. Georgetswn tares M. Lasdry Town CIerI anrd Retamisg Olticer 192 "This is a perfect chance t0 gel away from Use commercial bualle and bustle of the' season," remarked Susan O'NeiI, markoeting coordinator for Conservation Haiton, "Handmnade wrealhs make Usoughtful holiday gifta, special hoatess gifla or set tbe holiday spirit for your family and friends when diaplayed on your front door." 1To register for Use worksbop catI 854- 2276. Grads get scholarships Nearly 100 Halton graduates bave received scholarsbips for earning top marks aI their higb sebools. The Aiming for the Top tuition sebolar- ships bave been awarded by the Halton District Sebool Board 10 recognize ita highesl-acbieving students. "These bar d-working students bave eamned top marks and tbey deserve special recognition and support for their achieve- ment," aaid Education Director Dusîy Papke. These acholarahipa were established by the Ontario Ministry of Training, Collegea and Univerailies. They recognize atudents' achievements and belp cover the cost of post seconda-y tuition. The value of the scholarships is up 10 $3,500 per year and studenîs who main- tain bigh averagea can receive the award for up 10 four years. Eligibility for these awards is based on the information stu- dents provide on their Ontario Student Assistance Program application forms.