Safety concerns raised during I hearing over E.C. development tram SIDES an page i "These children do not live in a proîec- tive bubble," said Ms Ryan. "In tact, the philosophy ot the school is b teacb chu- dren 10 live in the hearing world." In the course of the trial. safety concems over a proposed Ontario Street access had been raised. But those could be alleviated if the Town agreed 10 give up a small strip of municipally-owned land, allowing a Childs Drive access, said Ms Ryan. "If the Town has any safety concerna, they have the power 10 eliminate those concerna," she said. In his summation, Mr. Watson noted the proposai simply isn't in the public intereat. "In my submission, this proposai jusi doesn't make sense," he said. "It's flot in the public intereat 10 cul up this campus." The nature of the site. which bouses deaf and special needa students, should be taken into consideration, added Mr. Walson. "This is a particularly vuinerable and sensitive group of students," he said. "My submission is the open space is part oU the backyard of those students." He said the proposed development would compromise the academic programs and safety of the campus, an issue flot touched on during the lengthy hearing. "The public interest demands that the impacts of the application be stressed," said Mr. Watson. "It's fundamental, in my submission, and il hasn't been done. We heard very utIle evidence addressing the "In my submission, this proposai just doesn't make sense. It's flot in the public interest to cut Up this campus. UAL WAT3ON issue oU impacts ai ail." Even witbout those factors, the proposed development would be cul off from the reat of the town, he said. "This is an effort 10 jam in a residential development at the back of a campus," said Mr. Watson. He asked that in the event the application is approved, certain conditions be placed on il, including the preservation of the entire woodlot, complete with a 5 metre buffer. Mr. Pickfield opted 10 submil joinlly with Mr. Watson. But he spoke aI length anyway, noling tbe site is valuable for academie purposes as well as for residents and the deaf com- munity. 'Open space s lied mb community use," he said. "You cant overlook il and say communities are not relevant. Tbere's no question Ibat Ibis park is actively used by Ibe residents." And il can continue being used if the MUNICIPAL ELECTION VOTER NOTIFICATION fl November 13, 2000 S CI TV 0F * BURUNG[~N The City Clerk has mailed a Voter Identification Notice (V.I.N.) to each household m the City of Burlington to inform those persons who are eligible to vote in the 2000 Municipal Election that they are shown on the preliminary list of electors. The Voter Identification Notice also provides you with the location, date and times for voting. lii the event you do flot receive a Voter Identification Notice and you are eligible to be an elector in the November 2000 Election, please cail the Clerk's Election Information Line at 335-7721 for instructions on gettmg added to the Voters' List. PLEASE NOTE: The Voter Identification Notice lists ail eligible elec- tors at the municipal address. Please share the information with voters in your household. John Skorobohacz CITY CLERK AND RETURNING OFFICER First published October 27, 2000. ADVANcEVQTIN4~J~AYS ,NÔ~0i~bé~, ~QO~Y 1OOO~iwh8:oepm ~ven~ç#~4~0O S:OU an~o6~pm The best thîngs start with a natural gas dryer 0 uiuongas Visit your local appliance retailer and ask ta see their selectian af natural gas dryers * f -e I I