Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Oct 2000, p. 6

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6 - Tieý Careadiah Champion, Fniday, OctIbar 27, 2000 *COMME.7NT Someone stands to lose in'0MB ruling The verdict from a recently wrapped up Ontario Municipal Board hearing into a proposed development at the E.C. Drury complex could be issued by November 30. But no matter what the outcome, some segment of the town stands to lose. Nearby residents will see changes to the land they've grown to think of as a park if t .he application to build 189 geared-for-senior detached condominiums is approved. Also, the deaf community will face the carving up of lands which have been historically ideal for hosting major cultural events. But if the proposai is denied, seniors will wonder why their cry for urban housing is ignored. They'lI wonder why the town they lived in, raised children in and paid taxes to for years wants themr to leave sim- ply because they' ve fallen prey to the passage of time. As for the remnainder of Milton residents, that bruised feeling is likely the result of being whacked in the walle.t by pricey 0MB proceedings. This much is clear - if the current application is killed, another will simply follow. And ail the emotional opposition in the world is unlikely to tum this property into a real park. O UR READERS WRITE Post-surgery care was exclellent: reader Kelly believes this could be the last time [>aar Editor, assistance'-of Cornrunity Care Accesa we get to elect our own Mayor of Milton In recent years funding bas been drastically cut to health care services. In addition it bas b ecorne fashionable during the sarne period to criticize thse quality of care available. For the past eight weeks 1 have been recuperating at home frorn surgery for a total hip replacernent and 1 arn writ- ing this letter to express Mny admira- tion for thse care and consideration given to me by thse health profession- ais I came in contact with. Without the Centre of Halton rny situation would have heen intolerable. Through this excellent borne care service a wide variety of assistive devices were pro- vided and weekly visita frior a physio- therapist and the Victoria Order of Nurses were arrsnged. After tbis expe- rience I can truly appreciate th e value of such service and I applaud thse dedi- cated professional who provide it. Ron Dodds Oak Stfeet THE CANADL4N CHAMPION Box 248, 1 Milton,. (905) 8 Editorial] Advertising] Classif lian Oliver Neul *Oliver Wendy McNab Karen Smitlh Steve Crozier Teri Casas Tim Coles 91 Main Si. E., The Canadien Champion, psblisbed eveey Tuesday ard Friday at 191 Main St. E., Miltron, Ont., L9T 4N9 (Box 248). is ore of The Meteoland )nt. L9T 4N9 Prirting, Publishing & Distributing Led. group ot suburban comparaes which ircludes: Ajax/Pickerngr Ndews yduertiser, Aitiston Herald/Courier, Barrie 8-2L34 1. Adrarce, Barrys Bay This Week, Botter Erterprise, Brampror Guandian, Bu rirgtrr Post, Buetirsrrr Shopping News, City Parerr, City rf York Guan'diar. Crlliegwrrrd/Wasaga Correction, Easr Yrkt Mmiro, Brnr Fax: 878-4943 Adrocate/Counry Boures, Etrbicoke suardiar, Flastiorrugh Posr, Pome Yorg Georgetown Irdetiendert/Actrn Free Press, Huronia Busiress Fax: 876-2364 Ti'mes, Kîegstor Tbis Week, Lindsay lhis Week, Maek5am Icoromist & Sue, Midtard/Peretaenistiere Mienne, Mitre Shopping News, Mississauga ied: 875-3300 Busiress limes, Mîssîssauga News, Naparen Guide, Nassagaweya News, Newmantiet/Aunona Ea-Barrir, Northumberland News, Nrth Yorki Mienne, Publisher Oakvîtte Beaver. Sakvitte Shopping News, Stdtîmees Hockey News, Onîltia Trday, Osiawa/Wsitby/Ctuirstre/Poet Penny This Week, Owen Sourd Assoiat Pulishr TibulePeteborough Tbis Week, Pîcton Coorty Guide. Bichmond Advertinïng Muanagyer Hillflboenbitt/Saughar Liserai, Scarborough Mienne, Stouttnillelabridge Tribune. Editrîr Advretisirg is accepted or the condition thai, rn the avent of a typo- Circulation Mana egaphical errol, tsar prtion ot the aduertisirg space occupîed by thn er- Circulutunrm Mom ne ous item. together witli a reasorable attowance tor signature, wîll rot be Oflice Maunauger cbarsed ton, but thn balance ot the adoetisement witi be paîd ton aithre applicable rate. The pubtishen reseres the right to categorite aduentise- Pronductin Manager ments or dectîne. Dear Editor; This election will in aIl likeli- hood be the last lime Miltonians will vote for thse Mayor of Milton. In fact, witis proposed regional restructuring on the table, corne thse next election we may no longer he Miltonians but citizens of some new entity like the City of Halton. The towns and cities compos- ing the Region of Halton are fighting a battle 10 at best pre- serve the status quo and at worst retain tiseir autonomy. The Greater Toronto Services Board is seen as a tbreat to that autonorny. This may not have happened had the little individual political fiefdorns not been so prolective .of their turfs. There have been suggestions on the table for years to combine electrical atilities, fire services, tax collection and road mainte- nance by forming a Halton Services Board. Tisat's why the Region was cre- ated. Instead, local counicils sucis as our own prefcrrcd local control regardless of cost and efficiency. Has local control been of any benefit 10 you? Four Mayors, four fire chiefs, four tax departments, four utility boards are just a few examples of costly and ineffecient duplication witising Halton. Politicial seîf-preservation bas corne before any cost benefits to Miltonians and even Miltonians themselves are presumably unqualified for any senior posi- tions at town hall., Sadly gmowth will destroy most of our small town atmosphere and political intransigence rneans amalgamation of some form will sbortly follow. That's a few of lise reasons 1 believe that those of you who take the time to vote will he par- ticipating in a major part of local isistory - Voting for tise Last Mayor of Milton. PDud by Stei Milton 'e Nease MUtU1 ýM fl. LJ] THE LIBERAL MASK IS. FLAWELQ BUT SOMEHO RENVUNS FP)PUIAR#1v 11'IE ALLIANC MASK IS NEW AND AKINL) 0F SCARYo.. TH~E NI>! ~' MA$K IS OUT 0F FAsH ION1 ~BEEN SHELVED FOR YA$!/

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