Rural resident gets jail time for welfare fraud By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion Tibor Nagy will spessd U~ 10 siX months in jail afler pleading guilty 10 defrauding the Region of Halton of more than $22000 in social assistance. The Campbellville resident was sen- tenced in Oakville provincial court October 16 afler pleading guilty 10 fraud over $5000 and perjury on August 21. The charges against his wife, Frances Nagy, were withdrawn the same day. Judge Douglas Latimer also ordered the 62-year-old man 10 serve one month con /Here kitty Dave Bedor. of the WlldUfe joklngly tempts this stuffed Siberlan Uger wlth a Kit Kat bar et the wildllfe dis- play ai Milton Mail. The exhibit runs through until tomorrow. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE s * e e - s *ee o o. g g, *r* - g Wtrie ncreeslmr Or edonrtnd terser ,enm'cene epOrohose qccmcnnr Nodoatersoaso r/Smo ovro ne retenroecas nar rcnydoytoe crocos Milton Mail 55 Ontarlo St. S. <905> 693-9207 current for pesjury and 10 pay $15000 ina compensation order 10 the Region, said assistant Crown Andrew Goodman. In order 10 collect the $15000. the Region has 10 take Mr. Nagy 10 court, Mr. Goodman said. 'We dont usually gel real-jail lime for fraud, especially welfare fraud," he said. "Il sends a good signal OUI îo the community and 10 the individual (Mr. Nagy) as well.' The charges against Mr. Nagy were laid December 15, I 999, afler a four-month investigation by the Region. Mr. Nagy was charged with lraud for incidents that occurred between March 1, 1997 and April 30, 1999, in which he collected wel- fare while he was employed. The Canadian Champion, Fridny, October 27, 2000 - 5 ~j Have You Id~êi Alwags Wantedto Enhance Your ~ Appearance? Now is the perfect time. We have the soluicco wrth orale of fie art laser rechrology a a qoret, corolortable arA pfcate office seroog Weotfertreatroeot for * Spider Veins * Age & Brome Spots * Facial Voies * Sas & Red Spots * Birttsmarks * Tatton Remocal * Facial Pigmentation * Warts * Sargery for Varirose Veins Injection Soterotherapy *NEWSkie Care Prodaott for Varicose Voies Foea~gconnoItafiors calS Dr A. Mafik MO. ÊO.C.5c. I. I ~ j >b~. 5OE5E5OO~E/OOO5OEM~:OravE I INSURANCE: t JARGON T~ GtCn 11FR & DISABILITY MUTUAL FIJNDSI I FINANClAL SERVICES INC. LABOUR SPONSORED FUNOS Union... A Name You 've Grown To Trust. i e e FOR FREE CONSULTATION IN YOUR HOME PLEASE CALL BRAD CLEMENTS WALT ELLIOT 876-3377 BOB WALLACE 1-800-813-5773 V~~P4CIAL PLAN 1-800-813-5773