Tha Canadian Champion. Fnday, Oclober 27, 2000 - 21 Dateline * from DATELINE on page 20 - Tickets are by advanced sales only, ao cati 854-2276 to order. h coata $10 for aduka and $7 for youtba 15 and under. The program is not recommended for children under five. There la a Bazaar ai Bethel Uniîed Church, which la Iocated on Trafagar Road in Dnsmquin, from 2 to 4 p.m. There wiIl be a bake table, crafts, a tea table, a whiîe elephant table as well as produce, meat pies and homemade preserves. Halton County Radial Railway presenîs Halloween Streetcar from 6:30 to 10 p.m. People are invited to take a ride on the spooky Nassagaweya trolley car and haunîed track, listen for the mournful whistle of the ghosî train and catch of glimpae oU the ghosî utreelcar that roama the mainline. h cosîs $6. The museun is located ai 13629 Guelph Line. For details, cal! (519) 856-9802. The Nassagaweya Preshyterian Church, which is located on No. 15 Sideroad in Brookville, hosts its annual Bazaar fron 10 arn. to 2 p.m. There will be a bake table, bazaar items and a draw. Lunch is $5 or $250 for children. Saturday Oct. 28 - 29 Bring the kids to Mountsberg Wildlife Centre for a pumpkin carving conteat, with judging taking place aI 2:30 pro. each day. Pumpkins are $2. There will aiso be horse-drawn wagon rides, birds of prey demonstrations and farm animais to visit with. The park is open [rom 10 arn. 1o4 p.m. For details cail 854-2276. Forty artista are taking part in the Artist's Studio Tour, A Celebration oU Art from 10 arn. to 4 pro. at 12 studios throughouî Oakvjlle. Paasports, which are $10, are avaîlable ai the Anastasia (3allery ai 6 Lakeshore Rd. W. Monday Oct. 30 Learn to write a resuiné, cover letter and contact card ai the Milton Human Resource Centre, 310 Main St., suite 106. For details cali 876-9828. Wellspring Halton-Peel, 2545 Sixth Line, in Oakville, hoats a drop-in peer support program froro lOto 2 p.m., reiki from 9:30 arn. to noon and a dmp-m peer support program [rom 6 to 8:30 p.m. For details cati 257-1988. LEN WALKER, lIA., LL.B. CRIMINAL LAWYER is pleased to announce the re-opening of his Criminal Law Practice at: 192 Main Street East, Milton, 875-0869 Legal Representation for individuals charged under the: Criminal Code of Canada Controlled Substances Act Young Offenders Act Evening and Weekend Appomtments Available Firat Consultation Free Legal Aid Accepted e-mail: