The Canadian Champion, Tueuday, October 24, 2000-27 CL,ÇIIBI O> N US MONDAY TO FRIDAY 1 MH:OmOOMu5:0"OS ALL ssified Adsu PAUL, Marnail At Milon Distri ct Hospital, tol- towing a courageous baille, on Thursdap, October 12, 2000, Marshall PauI of Campbellete in bis 65th yeer. Betoed husbsnd snd best fdiend of 45 years cof Barbare. Lovlng father oaf Bittp and bis wffe Eva and Wayne and bis eufe Tracey. Dear Papa 0f Christopher, Wiltie, Dawn, Bowdey and Wayne Jr. Witt be sadty miaaed by bis sister-in-ta, Mms. Pain Paut of Budingtosr. Predeceased by is brother Cliffard. Visitation was hetd ai St. John's Anglican Church, Guelph Lime, on Mondey, October 16 from 9 Alo untît the lime of the FaneraI Seivice et 11 AlM fron the Church. Internent fottowed et St. John's Church Cemetery. In lieu of ft0wers, donations lai the Heari & Stroke Foundation would be apprecated by the famity and nay be made by contecting the J. Scott Eady Funerat Home et 905-878-2669. YORK, Rusul Orven (Orv) Passed away with courage and dignity foioWng a brief itîness aI Milton District Hospit on Monday, October 23, 2000 Orv York of Miton in has 81a siear. Loving husand of 52 yeera of Effie (mea Simepson). Chedished fether of Berb and ber huaband Mike Morgan of Homby. Proud grandtether of Mark and bis wife Leigh of Kanata and Brooks of Homby Fenity and trienda nay cati et the J. Sco lay Fumerai Home, 21 James St., Miton on Wednesday fron 10:30 AM unl the lime of the FumeraI Service et 11:30 AlI fro th Chepet. If desired, nemodal doînatns ta the Milton District Hospitl Foundetion or Mifton Mitlenntun Communlip Residences would be eppreciated. Our most heerifeit thanka to Dr. Chumg, Jean and Judy, amd the cering marnes et ilton Hospital. RIIIMMBIANCES ain btsi ciiosatios to The Miltos District Hoîspitl Fosslaîios am appreciated. 41A7Tea-anatlfs 79 190 Ontario St, Milton 978-522 Monuments Martoars n Bronze Madoara Cenetery Lettering Mary Janre Bowen, In tovimg memory of e dear Mother who pessed awep ou October 25,1986. «The love you gave me for many yeara, Wi111 neyer f rom me depeet, Though you have gone beyomd my reach, You are atweys in my heari." Forover remembered, Your Ioving dagughtar, Janetl. lra Memnorp of, a Desr Wife, Mothor, Grandmnothor HOEY, Doreen Rose (MeKay), Fobwuary 5, 1928 -October 24, 1990. We are ail stili harbroken that pou tet 0s000 suddoentp an/f ce nover ha/f a chance loupsa goodbyo. Love ix atornal. A perfect nomn define Vour warnlh and carina are the traits That ce are proudeot ut Our tuturo's brighter tbrough The fine oxamnpl of pour love. Tontiblp missef. en/f Forevor Loved, Wilson, Louise & Gary Loader, Diane Cunningham, Karen & Ratph Staper, Brent, an/f il Grandchi/fren. NOBLE, Captain Robert Edreard (C.D.C.F Rel'd): In memory ut a dear husband, faihor an/f gram/ffethor who pasaed awep October 26, 1989. At the en/f of the atreet cao chere t sw pou again an/f for one brlef moment, reetlipy di/f not exist - pou stoca et he comer, wlih a teck of cententment on pour face and a sile sn wvom/fnut famillar. The shorteat of drelama cen be eneet - Lavinair rememlrered. tihe famil. SAT., OCT. 28 et 10 A.M. AUCTION SALE NUMBER 4 for the Estate of the Late John Macrthur at the farm, 5440 - 5th Slderoad, 2 miles wesi of Hwy. 25 north of 401 Hwy. Centary welder; 1.5 hp air compressor 2 hp planer, aboat 50 mare pawer tools; 50 cabinet makero clamps; lots af hand toots; tout cabinets; etc. Ward BrownrIdge - Auctioneer 90 7-730 HOUSE BY PUBLIC AUCTION Sat. Nov. 4, 11:00 arn E[Éma on homo Sat. Oct. 2f & Sun. Oct. 29, 2-4pm Laoated IN TUE VIM OF AIEB.L (583 Wtllington Rd. 37. Apprun. 3 mi. E. ut Hw. 96 or 2 mi. Suto Hw. #T, Guelph) Home cuusisting ut 3-bdrm brick & alum. with eta-in kit. fli basement w/h rieur addition, rnany upgrades euh 20'x25' separate garage wurkshop situated on 80'x30O mature lot. Hume uetting subject lu reasunabie reserve bid. *CONTENTS idl bu *rifhienï au Mev. 4& ha nlulgt il1. (Owneru are moiog lu umallier quadteru in Guelph) JIm MeCartouy, Auirele Suies Ltd. (905) 6898778 Walsrdown uqeCdanCraftsr 10i0 ahe ertow 4:00trici and iun hy Scobe l t 70 Guelph Street, Georgetown wiih Free Parking Proceeds ta the Georgetown Rotary p.Clubs cammunity service projects. 0 5th Annual Craft Sale at Acton High School Over 100 Vendors from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Saturday, November 18, 2000 Admission: $2.00 Aduits Chitdren under 12 free Refreshments - Raffles Limited Vendor Space Still Available For more information contact the school - 853-2920 Fnarniture Lawn Sale Rein or ahinel Sat. Oct. 28th, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 11998 WINSTON CHIURCHILL BLVD. 1 1/2 mi. N. of Maatflnld Rd./Rlver Dr., Georgetiown New ready ta finish handcrafted faenitare TV Armoitre, TV vides cabinets, TV/VCR stands CD tscner dressers wardrobes, ar- maie, night tables. blanbet bsses, mirrars, lette, racbk, deacsn henches, corner cabi- nets.rhatch and baffet. Harvesi tables, caffes & end tables, china cabinets. sofa tables jelly cabinets plant stands bssbcases. desks hall tee, hall mirrosecabinet, magazine racks, csat racks. magasine tables. Grandia- Cher clscb. pedestal kitchen table, and msach mach mars? Brmg a truck and take lit wlth youl (Orders welcome) Provîdes a full residenlial cleanisg service. For a na cnet ne ebigatien in henne msimaIs, pline asi 877-3443. Mose affoniable thcan yoa lhia/c! CARPET t have severai 1,000 yrds. of mew ASIS aN Tecer Stainnaster & 1001% ny- required for local pre- fin carpet. Witt do living- sohoot, part lime. Cali room & hall for $349. tin- (905)878-4697. cludea carpet, pad & in- AUTO Cleen-Lube ti. stallation (30 yards) We are ecceptimg eppt- Steve, 639-2902 cations for fuît and part lime Dettioera. Expert. ence preferred. Seff no- tiveted people onty. Comrmision based. Watk in vAth femume et 925 Main St.East ai. No ATTENTION phoee catis. INTERNET C.v.w positions avait- USERS able fult or part-lime et mew and existing adol- tJntimited Accesa escent residentl pro- ortty $1.5 groat 9orsinHeconr Rdc tocal service and lion in Chitd Cara or re- tated field required. Eu- support froro perience in rasidentia SURF i-IENET. setling an enset. Fax re- SURFTHE ET. sune to 905-723-2491. 873-2602 EARN $200, $300. $500 or more par week, essombing product in the confort of your own home, end e esO a- dressed stamped enve- ANTIQUES ope to ...620 & oldor ItemU 541 Raf 940 Misssau- WANTED ga, Ont., LSt< 2R8 lpc lu fuit ette. PIANO Mover requirex Prompt cootidentiat xtrong neal reaponsible services. Ptease cait individual Tues.. - Set. Nornt/Healher FT/PT $10/ir. Cai Jin 905-703-1107 or (905)878-6597. 90-704-8519 Classified EXPERIENCED plus trucko drivers and opera- tors with piow trucksn needed innedatey. Fuiltino, part-tine or uubcomtract witb guar- antee. Misu/umauga amea. Cai 416-990-0624 or tex remume lu 905- 693-9104. FOSTER parentu are meeded to cae for youlh wilh specietlized needu. Experience worktng with mental heath issues ta an asset. For more in- formation pisaus cai Hatton Chitdren'u Aid Society 333-4441 eut. 260 LOCAL home improve- ment contrecor, re- quires hardworking, self-m otiveted Labourer/ Installer. Own vehicte required. Car- Cnr knoedge woaid bean assat. More into. Phone (905)331-9333 or Fax (905)331-9334. ONE FIT Aaaembler for plant, one FIT Equip- ment Installer tor sites toceted in Honby tire. Pteaee fax resunes to (905)876-3791. SUNOCO - Campll- ville. Under new man- agement - Hiding Fut- tine anhd Part-ime. Ait poitions - Fut serve, self serve, cottes. Daya, evenings, weekends. Enthunîestic, friendy people needed to iOn our tean. Fax resume ta (519)621-2436 A.S.A.P. WELL eatablished deet- erahip curranly eapamd- tmg, is seeking Licenaed techniciae, Lube tedh- niclena & Service Advi- sors. Compelilv cag- es and emptoyee bene- lit plan. Please foneerd remumes tai Box 2353 c/o The Canadien Champion, 191 Main St., Milton, ON, L9T 4N9. cueil aris r à Eiectronics, rota I. Uw II FUMilie SHIPPERI RECEl VER Experienced wrth basic computer ukîis. Cumuefitive sataryp great boeteit package. Cail (905) 825-2000 Fax: (905) 825-2538 Dispatcher Rep. With sou/f knuWtedge of Costumer Service & Micrusoft. Working knowiedge ut Microsut Office, e-mail, phono etiquelle & great organizationa okitis. Able tal cork wkudn & shift fieuibiiy essenlia. E-Mail: Fax: (905) 634-11156