Thse Canadien Champlôn, Fulday, October 20, 2000 - 7 O UR READERS WRITEr Most teens flot irresponsible vandals, so is curfew really necessary questions E. C. Drury High student f Dear Editor; I am writing in response to tbe letter of September 29, which suggested having a curfeW for tbe teenagers of Milton. 1 agree that tbese teenagers sbould flot have vandalized your cgr and stolen your property, but I do flot agree with your solution tbat "sometbing should be taken from tbem." It is flot fair to hold every teenager responsible for their peers' actions. There are a amail minority of idiots that take pleasure in robbing and smashing other people's property. The majority of teenagers are responsi- hie in the sense that tbey know flot to do stupid, immature tbings. 1 myself, a teenager in Milton, under- stand tbat young people living here right now bave no entertaifiment facilities. There is no tbeatre, bowling alley and no cnmfortahle place to just "bang out" witb a big group of friends. Tbis is wby so many teenagers are always out on the streets. Adulta com- plain and complain, but tbey are doing IV TC jIo 7-7 5ZN« notbing to stop it except to propose a curfew that l'm sure won't be that effec- tive. tt's a bassle for people my age and to our parents tbat bave to drive us out of town wben we want to do sometbing like see a movie. Witb ail the new bornes coming in, young people will be moving in expecting to go someplace on Friday nigbts. 1 alto don't understand bow you can make these teenagers' actions the responsibility of their par- ents. It's flot tbeir fault. You're saying tbat these people's par- ents bave bad parenting skills; these adults, I'm sure would flot be happy if tbey found that their cbildren did this, and 1 don't think tbey would tolerate it. t tbink that most of die people tbat do these type of tbings wouldn't even listen to their parents, or to a curfew. TMat's flot tbeir parents fault. And bow do you know tbat a nine to 12 year-old broke into your car? Wbat would a young boy or girl want witb a pair of man's boots. If you bave proof - fine. If not, then I don't tbink you sbould point fingers. Reboeca Cr011 E.C. Drury High School atudent Who has.... VISION *Restore public transportation. *Implement a famîly recreation centre *With Understanding, Initiative, Business Sense and Honesty.' -ee Fre To Cal Me : :18 0 O N oEN A SEIR SAV 10 M l àoovat i lit Bri qoatlth T NO dllo io / itrlt aBi oa vtta a ao I SCISSORSLd Mafeul!$jf &PSdIoum fer only ~. untd Tii. Offol 4 Gift Certifiates Available for Christmas Gift Giving 25 Commercial Street, Milton 876-2842ý