26-The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 20, 2000 4057 a Ferve S t urlina o I! East Entrance of Clegg Glass Building- ast of Walkeres Lino) Mon-Frn, 9am-5pm for Genberai Maintenance & repairs of Buildings and equipment ai 17 locations. Applicants must possess experience: with hand & power tests and a general ability with ceramics, plwnbing, carpeetry. drywall, etc. Electrical or H.V.A.C. esperience preterred. " Salar commensurate wdh experience. " 8etPackage. Faset and rssestJmro aidU STORE MANAGER Ws're bomloolifo sommons worb: ci Traly betieve the castemefatwaps cornes lirst: oi Mas proven abitity te train and coach; ci Witt bring enthusiasm and motivation to oui leurs; ci Can beilci costomer relationships lhrough commonity marketing. W. coa ofbur: ci A great group otf people bo work with; 13 Comp. benelits package & associate discount; ci Eociting incentives and contesîs: ci Ail the training lo be successlul with us. Fossil, an exciting speiatty store caring Fossîl brand watches, song lasses and leuther goods is opeeing ils newes lotcation in Square One. Il pou have preoious refait esperience, preterablp in a specialty market sert yoo'd like the opportsnity In foin or lears, torward pour resmme in confidence Io: F.m msmml @-'.,eft. Fu <O) 32405 or E-mol: 6ImmPsimmI«k.em Wte a eual oppoloeity employer Laxhaun a exctng Career with one of Canada's RESP leaders Were loofring for sell-motivaled individuals dedical- ed tI helping parents starf Registered Erlacalion Savings Plaes (RESPo) lor tIroir children. We need Enrotîment Oficers Io help parentsuanderstand recent changes lihe thre Federal Gevemmeel initiative Of mas- imioing RESP dollars iIr a 20% Savingo Grant. Join the Monitage Team sert you'il enhance your future as viel as the future 0f clîdren. Monitage olters flexible worhing arrangeents and growih opporfonities wilh- in ou1 national, indpentancnewr For more information: J.F Nehme, (905)678-2878 or (905)844-3571 voice mail or las (905)84-1699 SHIPPER/RECEI VER CLERICAL ASSISTANT FOR ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTOR S urfingtan Location *Compulernzed Warehouse *Warohouse/Clenicaf exp. prelerred Sand resumne ta Box 1799 clo BurlIngton Post, 2321 Falrview St Burllngton, ON IL7R 2E3 CDE contre for Driving Excellence D)RI VING INSTRUCTORS P/T a F/T IN-CAR INSTRUCTORS Oaevitfe, Biurflngton & Milton Must have own car and instructors ficense. P/T cLASSROOM INSTRUCTOR Oakvilf e & Burlinglan must have Clasoroors Instructors Certificale Celi <9R6) 634-3390 CAFETERIA STAFF M UIM is alwayo intereote rn meeting people efro woutd like t001 joUi ou gowing tram of: Cafeteria Managers 0 CeaIre Dlshwashmrs e Mition Service Staff We ofler Fulitime Mon. - Fn.' mark sched- utes and the opporlunily to grow wvilh us in Budington, Mississauga and Oakvif le. 1used of worklng nighfa, weekerxda à holidy.? Fax yaur rossais te us ut 1-O-143 19 Part-time Sales, Evgs & Weekends It Superior Music Knowledge It Apply with resume 3So0 Fipdvle St., Acmàns frmn UIfr Pinin Muet Entry Level Invoicing 1 Stock Contrai Cîork Leading Wtrolesale distribstor in Milton area pre- seetly acceplieg resmmes in their ieooicingi stock controt deparlment. Must have previes experience in a cempulerioed eevironment and be dotait oriented. Own transportation required. PMesser fas raserna te: Cassis (9M5) 354-604 Goneral Laborer *Must have farkllft expenience-certlfied *lRotating shifts *Beneflt package *Campetitive mage *Lifting and climbing invalved Fax resume to: KORD PRODUCTS INC. Mitn: GreAllan BurIhogton, ON or E-Mail I 80 grsg.allan@kord.ca SALES CORRESPONDENT TRAINEE vie are seeeang an enlhusiastc persan for aur inside Sales Departlment. Same comn- puter skiffs and pleasant telephane manner are an absafute necessity. Pfease aend your resumne ta: ROBERTSON INO. 97 Bronte Street Milton, Ontiario ESTABLISNED Inspection and Testing~ camparry In Burtingtan requires a part-Uime Duties wifl Ilncfude, but nat be Ilmlnted ta, administration of custamer database, research and revlew aI busineas directa- ries in arder ta expand existing custamner base, arganizaitian af direct mail carn- paignis. Laoking for an individuel roho ls table ta hetp us grow oaur business. Past understanding afIS Q5uatity Systema and Requirements preferred. Please tas resume in confidence: Attention: Sales Mgr, Conam Quantum Inspection & CIassned Ads)3-34 Sposiltes includ Sele hoe spprfo Cusme ads xutsidaespspe Srervwitep orer TGBr N prepar sion f ho son-maxGoadn 0f worknsh ed a rc-rdnufacuer o Brmnn orers, pices ad udevre i h sur Vend ors.ttn eupe balance multnipteri aeee oiti onis.ni tilen/ stogme Sanice aitu hou uble Ontrud htadorice.n ocmfral ihMirshOfc aepnblictis nluode lproeson sprt and odeabaet appcation f Paieus maiportenanme of cokontd ee e oodnaino rdrpie ad eivis itouf ThamosanGra Cbalneg tpporituityfltespogesv canstom machine sIrpud abl Ioa ar h blernsadb fartag po ith ion s otOfc apeliatin wor od prsiogmrn, sad osheg ande noabsDCone appiatins Plae Gnyoryfemmi confidae.n imu t 1oi: xpneein uti Diiinvihront. o HORIZOaNL BRingo LL 3RT4R CN MACIIT Eopleneiod tut toin aONC1IIEMI Cprogrsv csatn tochmeaae wpi t ote nnateCreaivean CopanyUn Neee wuds eIp No a nadas rges asrer prnter sYpci.at re ra es o 2 . mon s x51 mtes u i C D sotae iiumo Printerinen C aftg Thncen fuît ie 70.m-4p axind e in0pm ta 12a.m. MHIN ont Fl. Exelent wages rt ihexein IFya aresmehnaty nc0in8d-4 ard kinngandrtibe, r as-trter manyt wonk att n ast paced preranmenilis. ehae...ra rdcthpycs Lamer a han, atped war envrn me hents , funn rlght indvid a . m - p Exepnentr aexprecewud oa PIfase asreumea:al TnyLinon, and menufatn eoflable aplicaiontapters as se immk ei porao for Machî ntiomn.. Dues wttanve I reachnn pr cos ats y oms sf001, a u n , arstinteso. Suitab e nitsni- baen ao Gert hini iceandamiium0 2-3eur priene. MuseIec h o uaifid ix apnt bpanasiondsheureagert groder.M47-ho59e1 wCU waith minimmt up aerviin ledsg Wn afue of lab aipive cpnation pacaerr na a tram o eted opohneioa Paieus plt p r. dn stee mnu nd og less Sutbecnddtsxl hae G 'a angto L 7Mns an3amniumo Pa sexeinc.Mst (905 335-5088o pea equifr aceii ormnaOtionckag Duin teoind e t nryiting eShowpy yroomin aesum and athrn lfer Clria dt s Fas0 resuese 10 1 CU 9 F5)878-5)361-98 Tols nd Rawley Mercani . ELECTRICAL CAD TECHS The Mississauga office of our engineering firm requires to Design D ters toi prouce drawings 0 pwer distribution systemris, fibre netwrs and gas systemrs. Appicants should have strong Autocad drating skills with at Ieast 0w years experience in electrical or utilit drafting. Must possess a technol- ogy diplomna. Attractive pay, benefits and work environment. Send your resume fo: Human Resources Manager THE SERNAS GROUP Fax ( Whitby>: 1-905-432-7877 E-mail, hr@sernas.com We thank ail applicants for their interest; however, only those under consideration wifi be contacted. JR PC EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Technicien A greut npportonity for a hardworkin~ individoal te reqoired paritime in work dirncflp with the Presidont and EM of a fast- the iJakvtlle areu su growing, muîti-m Illon dollar internet compunp. A smig padn ae- highip visibie pnsion requirmng poise, diptomacp & Custoer rlatin sklls lIiiliy t hardie smuttanenus tonctons ar uîas vii as with minimal overo ghf and ah lt y tu thrive under are a mustpressure. Teum piaper envirenmenl. Prefîcîency in o-ais e tasart o MicroSofi and advanced Internet okîis adefinite E ai es medl ao assai. Eocellent wrntlen and verbal communicatiun Faxe:ad on05 ca4- or42 k Ils are a most. Pieuse seed remome, nctuding satary Fou 905845 542 requiremenîs, 10: msuaecmcsêl m PuuI.om, a new B26 internet trading companry based in Canada, Mong Kong and Europe is lasking for staff te help il beomethe flat panel dinpay indostry's faverite way of hopieg and setting. We arn staffed by 'wired', internationaity-minded people sfio ait have fluent spoken and wriffen Enigiish sert preterahly have soe eoperience in, or knesIedge ut, Asia, the USA, or Europe. We are carrenty tooking for an: Office Adinistrator, Canada (Rf# SA-NA) This person witt ho respunsibte for the dap te day operatiens of the Oakville office, including: " Generat clericat, office and administrative dulies " Travel and Intel bookinge " Management of facililies (office supplies, tetephono, utitities, eIc) " Liaison for adminisfration of benef ifs, eopenses, paproîl. Our ideut candidate is independent-minded sert bao a minimum of 2-3 pear's noice administration experience. You know Windows and Microsoft Office. You use tht Internet aodte-mail, and have some toperience with data ont ry. We oofer good corser prospects, and international envirormient, scope for porsonal grusth, and attractive remuneration and benefits. Rather than using phone or fax, pieuse e-mail fesumes with salarp oopectations, in Word format, Io jabsepanes.com includirg reference.I0A-NA in the *subject' lire. lFei d DMrato T0f Ont arl1oý HALTON LOCAL Accepting Applications for OFFICE MANAGER Requirements: Escellent Personat Interaction Skitts Computer and Inlemet Skitls Knowtedge of Accounling Software Generat Baokkeeping & Secretania Skitts Cumpefîitie Wupes und Benefits. Please forward reoumne by Mon. Oct. 301h: Kathy Clarke, Preaident ETFO - Halton 1176 Blair Rd, Durlington ON L7M 1K Oolty candidate shoilisied for interview will Mo coniaclod. company 1ose en Mit- tan reqirea Rcption- ist for busy switchbooard. Computer skitîs are nec- ensary. Please repfp by sending fenume lo fax # 9 905)693-1575 Afie: >~ Xru Quutity Truck Contre toc. is a highty motivuled RAcompany afrose locus is detivering the highest quati- ly service 10 our customers by the highest quutily 7Y emptopees. If you shure these values and want to Z E work in a oew state uf the art ý ý IIIIlr4i,Ottsqt, facitity in Milton with the neaest techot- ogy in equipment and tooting, pou cao ho partof 001 teum. *Painters, minimum 5yrs evp. using Dupont tmron paint. *Body prsp personnel *Liconsi body moe *Liceesmd Techelcians *Appetîce Techniciens Sube s Technlcians, ail shifts *Truclt wsa personnel, ait shits *Frame correction & Alilemeel Tech. min. 5yrs. enp. BeeLine exp. *Parts ceenter personnel. Must have Sprs. heavy-doty truck and traiter eoperience. Ait makes woutd ho an assel. *Ouside parts sales staff. Min. 5yrs. eop. in heuvy-duly trock & traiter rap. Att makes woutd bean asse. If you am a eam player whois commitiedto0qoatity, please suhmil peur resume te: Rick Mlowilt, PO06ox158,80350 Lawsen Rd.. Milton LOT 4N9 905-469-4227 las rhewit@oqtcr.com i