16 - The Canadien Champion, Fniday, October 20, 2000 vPTetite beauty hopes for big career in music Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Milton native Tara Sales hopes that an upcomling appearance et the Mie" Toronto Univers. 2001 Pageant la her sprlngboard to big thlngs ln the entertalniment lndustry - and posslbly e career ln music. Ipc By CLAUDIA D'SOUZA Special to the Champion She may be small in stature but Milton's Tara Sales has her set her sights on becoming a giant in the Canadian music industry. Ms Sales, 23, a conteatant in the upcom- ing Misa Toronto Universe 2001 Pageant hopes the stepping atone will hetp kick- star her promising musical cameer. The bubbly beauty was bom and raised in Milton untit sbe was 12 before relocat- ing ta the Muskoka ares with ber family. In Muskoka, the singer met s well-known music producer through ber dad. They began workîng on a CD of pop/dance-style music in the ame vein an Madpnna's current bigb energy hit 'Music.' Both Polydor and BMG have shown interest in their work and she hopes a recording contract isn't far bebind. Two years aga, Ms Sales returned ta Milton ta study botel and restaurant mani- agement at Humber College while pursu- ing bier firat love, the performing arts at Toronta's prestigiaus Randolph Dance Academy. Leamning practical theory in singing, dance and piano confirmed ber desire ta pursue ber cbildboad dream of becoming a ricb and famaus singer. "My family tbougbt I was crazy, but t always knew wbat I wanted," site aaid witb confidence. "Once I get iny singing cameer off tbe ground, I'd really like ta open a botel in Muskaka, or maybe Florida." Many entered, few picked Chosen alongaide 19 ather contestants out of a field of 400 applicants, abe views ber entry into thse Miss Toronto campeti- tian as a wanderftil cameer apportunity. "I needed a new venture," abe declared. "Wben I saw an ad for contestants I tbaugbt 'wbhat do I bave ta Jase?' If you're chasen as Miss Toronto, yau move an to the next level, thse Miss Ontario canteat, and tben Miss Canada, and finally, Miss Universe." Sise said tbe campetition concentrates an persanality, career goals and intelligence witb a tesser empbanis on tbe batbing suit parade. 1I tbink pageants are trying ta get away fram tbat type of fluffy image," site says. *ses SALES on page 17 auring OPEN HOUSE WEEK at the MILTON LEISURE CENTRE E Visit the Milton Leisure Centre between MÉïTONI Monday, October 23 and Sunday, October 29, 2000 ~' and enjoy a FITNESS, CYCLE or AQUAFIT activity at hait' the regular rate. The MUton Leoue Centre 700 Main Street. East *Present this ad and receive 50% off the regutar 90.Ç-78.7946 PAY-AS-YOU-GO price during (Open Hous. Week. www.town.niitoO.ca Tour the newly renovated CARDIOIWEIGHT ROOM improvements include: " TV monitors frmr nomto * expanded workout area afomrei-"- " new cardio-resistance equipment 8 87 4