Tio Cana;diRn rinamnin. Tueudtan. October 17. 2000-29 Food Plant Maintenance Assistant If YOU are: " a dlscipllned thinker with mechan icel training *careful, thorough and wei organized with the work that you do " conscientlous of your work and the people that work with you ... then send us yaur reaume. Our bakery production facility shipa hlghest quallty, frozen fruit pastries throughout the U.S. and Canada, and the Far East. If yau're interested in sharing in the succesa of aur rapidiy growing organization, then let us fell you more about this opportunity to: " develop your knowledge in food procenaing mechanica " mark in an enviranmenf that focuses on recognizing a job weII done, flot criticizing your wark habita " uae your creative problemr aotving akili " faate courses ta, upgrade your akilla Pleaae aend yaur resumne ta: Human Resounces, Chudleighas By fax: 905-878-6979 By mail or drap off: 624 McGeachie Drive, Milton, ON L9T 3Y5 We appreciate ait candidates' interest. However, anly those sefecfed for an interview wili be contacted. Previous applicants need flot appfy. %ilsottdirv io 'four Healfh AZ OWNER OPERATORS Georgetown Location Ment Have " Cieux abstract " Eop. ix tood iairy retait " Computer kxowleige un usset n Late moiel tracter We Offer " Compreinensive compensation pkg. *Steaiy fuit time positions DZ OWNER O1PERATORS Rexdale Locatien Cali Kathy or Peet 4@ 1-800-661-6718 7qor fax@O 905-829-9664 FULL TIME LUMBER SALES Fou time career opportunty in our Lumber and Building Materials Department. Succetaful applicant ment be organizai and cus- tomer service oriented. Wil aiter training if required. Comprehenuive Benefft package inctudei. If pou are tooking for a career ix lihe refait building malerials business, mail or fax your resume toa: SCHUYLER HOUE HARDWARE BUILDING CENTRE 385 Steeles Ave. Milon, Ontario L9T 3G6 Fax 905-878404l9 Phono 9054878-9222 ArcT yo an eneemetic person, <WHEEL) pucei environment? Wr are cuerently ucce t n& applica- FIT.PIT Shert Order Ceeks FIT WaitersiWlaîlresses FIT 11 5'.M.-7 A.M. Dishwasher FIT.PIT Fuel Bar Canhiers Apply in persos: Fiftb Wbeel Tntck Stop 40 Chisbolm Dr., Milton We have immediate appartunlties for people interested in praviding a htgh levai of custamer service. Positians include pant-time eeriy maminga, part-lime eveninga, and full- time with same evening and weekend wark. Appblians are being acceplai for: Automotive Service Advlear, Automotive Parts Clerle, Hardware Sales Cieris, and FiIIing 0mew. Succesaful candidates muet panneau e responsible attitude, positive autlook and a high energy level. Wie affer e complete training progrem in an enviranmenf that believes in persoal challenge, competitive weges and benetits and profit shening. Please submit yaur applicatian/resme fa Canadian Tire - Milton or Fax 878-0180. AfIn. Mr. David Shuvera. ECONOMIC ANALYST Ti.Centre fer Spatal Eeuies ts looking for an entry-leool oconomic analyxt to atoist lhem in coniucling economic research. The analyot thould pottent a B.A. in Economico combinai euth gond quantiltatoin compotersokillo. No enperioncn in economic reoearch is inqoirai. Location: Oakville trot. lnlerented applicenfa appiy by AK e-mail ta Emie Stokes et s0â EmieStokes@cs.cam or by fan ai (905) 845-9957 Milton Lumber Yard has Full timne positions for:« General Labourers and Experienced Load Preparers toassemble lumber orders. Oeil Kathy eit (905)693-9663 extl. 3 PRODUCTION TEAM Permanent Fuli TUrne if VU*are a conscientiaus end thaughtfui team ployer, " enjoy worfning in a stoady onvironmont velti others who share the came dosiro ta produce quality producta, " have a croftsman's sonse ai prido in what you do ... ... then nend us your renume. Our temily opereted bakery hen been providing peaple like you with an Entertaining Teste of the Country for generetiant. LaI us knaw abaut enly previaun manufacturing experience you have. If you're new ta bakery praduction, aur stop by stop training miii provide you with fthe technicel and mechanicai knowiedge yau'Ii need ta be a Teomn Member in aur productian procens. In addition, we provide e grat work envlronment, job ntebility, and performance feedbeck. We have immediate openinga in aur Milton plant. Pleene nend your resume ta: Human Renourcen. Chudieigh's By fax: 905-878-6979 By mail or drop off: 624 McGeachie Drive, Milton, ON, L9T 3Y5 We appreciate ail candidates inferest However, anfy thase sefecied for an interview wili be contacted Provious appicanta need nof appy "Free Training" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US Call ua eow at: (905) 877-2251 Or 1-877-914-KIDS Laidiaw is an equai opportunity employer 'FT &t~o. COUNTER STAFF and BAKERY STAFF Required far: Ovornight shirt il PM - 7 AM Day shirt 7 AM - 3 PM Witt train. Paid training. Unifarmn supplied. Renumeraion based an experience. Appiy in persan ta: 8501 Hwy. 25 North, Milton Laudlaw Transît Ltd. has grown - We require s Clasa A Mechanic with Diesel experience. Cai 905-877-2251 Laidlaw ta an equaf opportun ly employer Currently seeking individuals to work in our Mississauga Distribution Centres as ORDER ASSEMBLERS I PICKERS We are Iooking for indivîduals who'enjoy working in a fast paced environment and are capable of repetitive heavy lifting. " Permanent part-time Up ta 40 hrs per week " -Flexibility is required *Previous warehouse experience is an asset * OSA approved steel toed shoes/ boots are req'd LCE Please submit resume ta: Loblaw Companies East Human Resources 6100 Freemnont BIvd. Mississauga, ON, L5R 3V7 Fax: (905)71246644 Oakvil. - 173 Lakeehoro Road West à t* Wo're lookinq for ostgoing and encrgoati e tirant Personnel wftr a lom of food ancd an appreulation for aucuce. Somo CA!5HIER;S TATON COOK$ MARKETEERfl - 1AKERS Fuil-time employe are eligilnle for benefits. Plaee forward your râeumi t0: Herne Reeourca, Movaepiok Restaurante, 111 Riohmoeid St. W., Suite 1500, Toronto, ON MSH 2G4. Fax: (416) 566-1934. E-mail: hr*movepikoanada.com HELP WANTED Different Shifts Avallable Monday ta Saturday Safety Shoen Required Apply in persan ta Laude ai: Warel)ouse- Burlington Post 4057 Falrview Street, Burlingtan (East Entrance ai CIegg Glenn Building- Easf af Walkern Linm) Mn-Fri, 9am-Spm Retai Management Careers Department/Sales Managers starting at $ 8.00 to $ 15.00/hour We have big shoes to fl11 In our Oakufllc Burllngton, and Mîssîssauga Stores. The Shoe Company Is a Canadian success story In the hlighiy campetîtive retail fashion Indlustry with over 30 stores across the country. Thte atmosphere Is friendIy and funky. we aiso have a knack for attractlng the very best. You know what theg say about big shoes ... lots of Isolc'l And that's just what we're ooklng for. People wlth big persanailties. People who are outgolng, enttnuslastlc and approachable. People who have a mInd for merchandlslng and a flire for fashion. People who want more f rom life. We ask a lot of our people, but we glue a lot too. we offer excellent training, autstandlng benefits, a competîtîve (non-commisslofli saiary and the opportunlty ta earn a much greater salary as you advance quickiy In your career. You aiso get a great staff discount on ail the Iatest footwear andi accessarles. Now lot's -il Hf you've gat the atuif tai fii aur shoos. Apply In persan at our Oakvilie store (OakvIlUe Town Centre 11, 200 North Service Rond) an Frlday October 20th, botween 10:00a.m. and 7:OOp.m. Your resumne may be faxed ta (416) 638-3847 Hf you caniflot appiy In persan. W. diaek ail Bras sfso apply; frowever, we wfli oefr be contacting candidates selocfod for an Interview 1 À Ein Stein Brew House P/T postion aoaitantn. Mut ha min. 19 ynarx. APPLY IN PERSON WîTil RESUME TO: 481 N. Service Rd.W. OAKVILLE Cati (905) 825-2337 ARNiEs collînon uen- Ire. We have an open- ing for a tutftime futty qualifiai Coltision Taein- nician and ana Painferos Helper, Alsa axe part- lime dlean-up perton. Pleane cui 877-5720. LOCAL compaxy requires an Instatler Service Technicien wifh Gas Tech Il. Some plumbing aupenience ax avet. Pleuve drop off or mail reoume f0 Tarry Rnwley Mechanlica Incarporafed, 925 Main StE, Unit #13, Milton, ON L9T 4H-8 PLUMBER or 3ri-41h r ear apprenfice waneci la rv ica work. MuaI have own foots uni dlean driving liceoxe. Phnone (905)854-9939, Fax (905)854-0011. PLEA5E RECYCLE -rHI5 FAFER_