vA towering task Woekxnen put the tlsaiMsipg touches on tIse lau watertower, locetedat Steeles Avenue antI Hwy. 401. Listeners needed Think you're a good listener? If so, the opportunity b help others is waiting through the United Way-funded Oakville Distreas Centre - which haa heen serving the south Halton community for 25 yeam. Volunteers handle calîs - totalling 8,000 annually - that in ternis of content range from lonelinesa and relationship problems b crisis and suicide. Training courses are provided snd the only pre-requisites needed are patience, good listening akilîs, commit- ment and compassion. Those interested in volunteering are asked 10 caîl the centre at 849-4541. Os(juwu~ÊuffrIiu.uI~15W *ekkudrwshrc~ypiwMpwhmhee! DsaTessiasas5siduytrwiit5t~ bainas nuba ~Mtscsnbisd nat~aasw157~usai an~u~suesjnne~ataid owkaydoenntert Tus hsiwjetsloesmbesltossnsaba lartsfîrademsnbes. b1ai,~tlqtslsn~5peoçtscn5~ assgetqtsnalsdss Yhh~u1buaIêuhwaduu* juw~tem fl~essta5sdsedyruic~siln >i~a~sste abssteistnslss motis bsssssrsstde. turn~sIhsspsf atm ~sauspoeffle dtaoesstsmalses sales- psanalsatsnsale~tsasfrsmsssrpralsdsrssla Mvatstg atesSrtaUeslul aîepsïiyperbsssasidtat dasflialude our~nras8saus5fsmu5leud ptamerts tsi ne Isases Tire dent ysu gel FIE cuealse I~sut widuc~einsdalsnaensatsimçKt~ s *bpWh~hu *cqilluéhlib kqèddlL~uL e'-- Ét~ghu~am plqhlL -a- uÉ~Émmi p~ufl~lihd Contact your Champion Ad Rep 878-2341 Watch For Our Next Issue! The Canadean Champion Tuesday, Oclober 17, 2000-21 Volunteer help needed The North Halton Literacy Guild is look- ing for volunteers to help area aduits with their reading, spelling, writing, math or basic computer skills. Previous teaching or tutoring experience is not a necessity. A commitment of three hours per week is ail thats required. To volunteer, or for more information, caîl 873-2200. Halton Adolescent Support Services Halton Adolescent Support Services is recruiting new hoard members to represent north and east Halton. Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. through- out the Halton region. A minimum time commilment of five hours per month is required. For more information or 10 express inter- It's a new twist on est contact Ugo Filice at 639-0025 ext. 233 or 1-800-796-4277. North Halton Mental Healtb Clinic The North Halton Mental Health Clinic (NHMHC) is reaching out now for mdi- viduals from the Milton, Georgetown and Acton areas to serve as volunteers on the Clinic's Community Advisory Committee. They require a few committed volun- teers to dedicate two to three hours quar- terly to aid in advising the clinic in relation to program development, implementation and evaluation. Letters of interest are asked to be for- warded to Mae Vaivods, chair, NHMHC Community Advisory Committee c/o 217 Main Street Esat, L9T IPI. Internet savings Swtch to Prîmus for (Jnlimited Internet Access for only $ 19.95 and get I Ovflminute Long Distance calis to 18 countries! Now Primua can really aimplify your life with one package that gives you Unlimited Internet Acceas plus Iow-coat Long Distance calling, each for one great price on one monthly bih. Surf the Net anytime and as much as you want without worrying about extra charges. And eau 18 countries including Canada and the US. for only I Ogminute with our Small World Small Rote Long Distance plan - and we'll waave the $4.95 monthly feel YOUR INTERNET ACCOUNT INCLUDES: Unlimited Internat Acceas * Fiee e-mail account * 2417 Technical Support Fiee Internet software and user guide * 20 MB personal Web space * Ileliable national roaming Cali I 888 396-7729 ~ Canada Makîng the Internet simply better.