Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Oct 2000, p. 8

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i-T66 ban'adlàn' Chdfniioh.- Fndas à ant ' -5~ RDtitossr'c )-*etr Have you ever felt like you'vc been iooking for love in ail the wrong places? Have you ever drcamcd of a wonderfui rciationship, or wished for romance and intimacy, only to find your dreamn was elusive, your wish was out of rcach? Or, pcrhaps you rcalizcd your dream, and found that in realiiy it was more of a nightmare than anything cisc. Emotionally, you may have been laccrated on the hard pavement of dcath, divorce, separation or abuse. Every individuai necds to be iovcd! Love changes things! Love can bring hcaling to thc privatc pain of the past and soothing comfort to the heartache of disappointmern. I rcad a story of a man, who, wallcing down the street, passcd a uscd-book store. In it, he saw a Growing In Love book, through the window, with this titie, How to Hug. Thinking it might be an interesting book, he wern in to buy it. He was disappoint- cd to find out that it was a certain volume of an encyclopedia covering subjects beginning with the words "How" through " Hug". Churches can sometimes be guilty of giving people an encyclopedia on theology instead of a practical demonstration of how to live out truc Christianity. The challenge of every believer is to "flesh out" faith in Christ and to demonstrate to a skeptical society that a relationship with Christ can transform any individual. Within the greater community of Christian faith, dedicated ministers strive to create environments whercin people cana sec faith in action. Congregation members scek to provide places where people cana experience the beneifits of real love and acceptance. Churches may not be perfect, but they are stili secking to make a significant impact upon the moral fibre and spiritual character of the community. If you have been disappointcd by a church in the past, don't blame God. Don't depart from the faith. Rather, be motivated to begin your spiritual joumney again, to start with a 'dean siate in a new assembly. Release forgiveness. Let the healing flow! Find a church to cali home. Be faithfui in your attendance and you'll be surprised at the many positive changes that wiil result in your life as you grow in love! *BANAl Consider the mercy of God and His glifs. Ho enjoineth upon you that which shahl profit you, though Ho Himself con well dispense with al1 creatures. - from Baha'i Scrlpture LOCAL: ...................................... 8780011 REGIONAL: ....................... 1-800-433-3284 GLOBAL: ........................... www.bahal.org MILTON ÀoeÇi& CHURCH Invie yoit u weekly Sabh sic.i Hugh Foster Halit 43 Brown Si. Milton Sat. 9:3< t Sdbhjth Schînti SMt. t tîntXý Dn.Iivine. Setvice FREE BIBLE SCHOOL Discovtr the, Jai.ing I[<ic answers ol e pt.rplexing questiotns, mid the, secret to a hippy hie. For~ FIZEE [BIBLE LESSONS, wrrsc. P.O. Box 23012, 55 Ontario St., Milton, Ont. L9T 5B<4. On the INTERNET, littp://www.vttp.cot and PASTORt Carltnn O. Itotttkn, 4t6-tt2i-46it NEW LIFE 6620 THIRD LINE, MILTON 112 kin South of Derry Road- Phone: (905) 878-3358 Citjtclý Affiliated with the - Pontecostal Assemblies of Canada Senior Pastor Rov. Den Rogue Children 'Urs. Notelle Rogue Worship fdrs. Esther Kastler Youth Rev. Gard Clark 9 arn - Early Worship Service 10:45 arn - Second Worship Service Sermon Series: It's Harvest lime Great Sundaey Scitool Kld'a Proammmn & Nusr avallable durlng bathi M.mn -servs 6:30 p.m. Evening Praise & Worshlp CogUCtt I lIMEW2Ti!tM TIEZ7yIItlSbVV Former CIA Servlceman kIfdsà Club (Aes 3 tu 5 1 1 kida' Praise Chi (Brades i ta B) Mu'Ilton Bible Chbursh 10:00 arn MBC in the Word 11:00 arn MVBC in Worship (500 Childs Drive) Pastor: Rev. James A. DeMarsh j__ 876-3586 &..FU -4 4j Miltýon Bo lisiChuýroh 900 Nipissing RdI. (905) 875-1626 9:45 ýam - Sunday School 11:00 am - Worship Service Speaker: Rev. Greg Macaulay Titi.: Sewing Good Seedr Rev. Grog Macaulay - B.A., M.DIv. MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 arn. -The Lord's Supper 11:45 s.m. - Sunday Sohool 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study 1 give unto my sheep eternal life; they shall neyer penish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. John 10.28 9 SOMMSIE COMNMIT cHURCH of The Christian & Missionary Alliance (formerly known as Milto AiJianceChureh) 2850 DERRY RD. *Phone 878-5664 - Fax 878-6676 Pastor Greg McCombs -VR SUeYA 1:5A 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY MORNING LADIES' COFFEE BREAK WORSHIP SERVICE omusTsdymrngfrn (Nurserycare provicied) 9.30 arn-ibmrr For Interactive Bible studios *AVriv~s.N Tee 1 ( babysi*ting la provlded).0»- The Armor of God (for kIds age 3-gr.6) We welcome you ta... ST. PAU L'S UNITED CHURCH 123 Main St. E., Milton This Sunday - OLITREACH 5LINDAY Sunday Worship 10:30 arn Nursery e Church School Oct. 22 - Celebration of Baptism Rev. John Benham & Rev. John Ambrose Judy Hunier, Director of music Church office: (905) 878-8895 www.stpaulsmilton.org HOLY ROSARY PARISH S 878-6535 (T.T.Y. 878-9044) HOLY ROSARY CHFURCH 139 Martin Street Mau at 5:30 pi.r. Saturday 9:00 am., 10:30 amn. & oon Sunday ST. PETER MISSION Mi Line é Br*,gasi vu Mass at 9:00 arn. Sunday l Rev. Ear1 Talbot,P.P To adverttis- in the Religious Directory cali Cindy at - .-e "eefrmIa..,e~~e8Le51 878-2341 1 VIOTOR mi" CHURON The LORD la m np , 1 dW naalro sui l oadoeff nu o do in atM ew s Ho msobufhi na s"uh ho loadoefh nui i dmopalhs of #atoouwe orhis mmanu. psa 2113) 1think most ofus arfamiliar with this Psalm of Davi, but weusuaso aciae itlfteals. Jon u hs Sunday as se sail see howthiswel known passage of scripture applies to our lives right nos. 10.00 A.M. - Sunday Mornlng Worship Milton Lalaure Centre (Board Room) (separate services for childoen 9 yoars and under) Wednesday Bible Study 7-Bpmn Milton Leisure Centre Boardroom (chuld cars provided) "Living A V4ctorious Ufe By Thie Word 0f God" Pastor Charles Boyce (905) 875-2162 E l: cboyce@intrhop The Salvation 11:00 amn- Marning Worship 100 Nlpisslng Road, Unit 3 Paatars: Lieutenants Ushldon il Clare Feenar For mors information about aur services, and other programming pisase cali 876-2420 Grace Anglican Church 317 Main St. E., Milton the Church on the HiIl Tel. 878-2411 Fax 878-3005 www.welcome.to/Grace. Milton Rev. Dr. Mark McDernsott SUNDAY SERVICES 8:00 amn - Hoiy Communion 10:00 amn - Sung Eucharest 4:00 - 5:30 pm - Youthi Croup Chiurch School & Coffee Hour nTHURSDAY EM 10:0 0 arn - Hoiy Communion Wheelchair Access Thr<tngh ptarking LI) Dttttr 1 I SI

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