Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Oct 2000, p. 29

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The Canadman Champion, Fnday, Octalser 13, 2000-29 requireS fuit lime confident self starter fa develop supphed SSI teads Person muni be comioriable ialkung iv Equ~imbmt lac people on ihe telephone and n persan A sha ses mtgr locatoi Previaus espar ence n ihe following fîelds n Bort o ion requ as cash ha an assai real astafa inside/outaide TIG !~IIELDER sales remit sales customar service To etli Sta nloss stool non basicols Fuit paid iraining Base salary + comm Fao rosons 10 To arrange an interview contact Mixe or Linda (996) 333-5235 at 905408-9244 No phono colts pieuse F~mmtmcar~ ors a~îe mi. bi, mn: Irleacacnnpihla au a~ I~atkaa * ~ ifl P~OIdiUI J Femilikare tan fcam orne Cuelmar ~u it~ 'UsOihiflU /84de ~om 005k, DuIlf 10-6, FrtIayl 1119 a Vsiiun.~kvy 49 ~lem J~e A~~'m ~.S~-103I * Loes Pem i a - - à Mare is an oppartunlty t î i i growing organization, ta asalsi lu ifs devetoprient sud conhiuued growth. We are worid leaders lu the manufacture ai tlght-meight power transmission & convepor belting, sud require smart aud taleuted people for the po- sitions ai PRODUCTION & FIELD SERVICE PERSONNEL Succasafut candidates miii passasu strong Interpersonai, communi- cation and computer akilis, a techuicel education (C.E.T. or equival- eut; Community Collage dipioma) and a machanîcal aptitude. Pleasa rapiy wlth resume ta: Mr. Marty Ahaarn Production Manager Habasit Canada Llmitad 2278 Speera Road OakvIIia, Onlailo L6L 2X8 FAX: <905)425-2612 NO TELEPHONE CALLS PLEASE PETS ON TV Dogs, Cals, Birds and Exotic Animais needed for TV commercials, sertes, films, catalogues and brochures. Send piclure with name and phone number with info on pet 10: RO. Box 58541,197 Sheppard Ave E , Tor, M2N 3A8 Cashiers Thasa fuil-tîme. day ohitt positions raquira handiîng cash sud customar sarnica Stock Clerks Wa raquira hard morkîug and eaiîabia fr11 b peet-tmmo stock clarks Maavy lifting s nvolved For bath poasUona. you muas have good commniunlcaOion akilla and enjoy worklng wieh Ch. public. 1-2 yaara' .xparm.nca la prafarrad. Fiasse appty in pacson with casuma ta tha Store Manage. aI: OskviIIe Tawne Centre Il. 200 Morth Service Road or fax lu (905>338-0822 No osl.phono cafla, pleca. HY&ZEL'S *A * i Oakviiie Ca. iooking for an anergetic, self starter wha would like a position with tue opportunity for professional growth based on performance. Customar service andlor transporta- tion expecience an asset. Send resume in confidence ta: 1011 Upper MIddIs Road W. Unit 4 Box 86066 Oakviiie, Ontarlo L5H 5V6 LOCAL company reqxîres an Installer Service Techniàun with Oaa Tach Il. Some plumbing espenence an assaI. Pieuse dmp ott or mali renume iv Terry Romiey Mechanicul lncoepxruted, 925 Main StE, Unit 03, Miiton, ON LOT 4MB Experienced Machinisi raquirai ixr conventional machining by Aulomulion co. lu Oakviile area. Toi: <905>465-2484 For. (905>485-2485 VETERINARY ASSIS- TANT required for companion pet prac- lice. Minimum quaitil- cation Animai Caca Ceritilcate. Coniaci 878-8853 Industrial Millwright Large Brampeon Compasy requirca expericsced Miiimrighto. Muse hotd a vaiid Ontaria Miitwrigbts ticesse. Expert- ence lu pueismatice, bydrauiics, rebuhiding of pampa sud gearboxes, seick sud dg welding, piumbiug sud troubie shooeisg of processing equipeucue. Rate of pay $24.25/ hr. Miduighe shift. Muet have oms tools. Please sesd resume eo: Humanan Resourca Officer Maple Lodgc Farina Ltd. R.R. 42 Narval, ON LOP DKO CAS FITUERS UTIUTY SERVICE COMPANY REQUIRES UCENSED 9*3 FITTERS <ESIOENTIAi.) * VEHICLE AND TOOLS REOUIRED * FULL & PART-TiME AVAILABLE STAPT IMMEOIATELY QUALIFIES CANDIDATES INTERVIEWED Fax racumea ta: (905> 820-8961 SERVICE ADVISORI BODY ESTIMATOR Successfxi ieniership roqoires ouperiencel service coonier heip We ofer suppurtiox organisation, ox- ceilent CSi uni iop prodoci. Compxiitioe puy ond benelils Appif 10 Service Munuger. ~ 23M Foirnima Streot, Boriaglan, OU Ssii: 1805)632-5371 Fan rossas: (905) 881-0098 SECRETARY lire Cusudias Cuncer Socicty hua foc aei~stauea us vue Budinglea & Unit offices. Yvu miii peunide profeaniosat secretarlul sud ciericut support for daily nperatioss iucludiug moekag vu nurivas faoiruiaiisg eveutu asi notunteer prograssa. Eifectinciy ausugiisg concurrent multiple unku isciuetusg typusg coerespouienoe ouf reporta, processiag arome tus receipta uni hauts depeucta, maiuruiuiog ionentvry xl muterista sud receptice, are key fuections ta lista rote. You lianes positive attitude uni exceptivuai cuntomer aceace ululEs Yuu arc prolicicat a MS Office (WordlExcel) aud are cvmlvuabie mvebang mue <latubase nobsure. Yvu muni ha s non-sauker sud respect cvnfeicutulity. Soune cvmiug sud meekeni boues esay ho eequired. If pou mccl me ahane qualifications, iieuuc ucai yvar ecuame, ni confidence, atutuug sulaey copcctationa, by Oceeber 2e, 2000, 10: Unie Masager, Casadian Cancer Sodcty, 1251 Norehaide EL, Bueilaston, Onturlo, L7M 557. Faxu (905) 3324004. (For due Dmirllugton Ualt).OR Unit Maaqcr, Canadian Cancer Sodeey, 51-635 Fouiflu Une1 Oubville, Ontarlo, IdiL 5w4. Fax (ses) 845-0092. (Foc tht Oakvlfle Unit). 'Ste iuuk ai upplicunu for mcx iniceent sud adxiuc isat only inose aeiected for au iuteeniew mii tic costactci. No phone alla, pleuve. - - Located ian Main UodMing sO Cooeby Memitage P~ 144 TREMAINE RD, MILTON LOT lYS TUL.o ~S4S3-1SS7 FAX: 005-093-1558 Wills Imo yeurs ot iîrectly relsled eoperience ani un Eurly Chilihosi Educution diplomu, you us more thon prepurei 10 lahe sn Ihe chaileoges ut this role. Dramng on yoor expertise, yso miii inleroiem upplicunts 10 ussisi milh tho cool ot ch:id-csrx serorces uod determine eiigihuirly uccordiog o applicable legisialion. iepartmenlui policies sert seroice ugreenrenis. This iusk ahi require f0i~ 10 prepure appropriole torms, case hisiories uni court reports, uni ietermmne ihe neei tor counseiiing n chiii-reiutei muOors. Certiticatiso hy AECEO s a prereqoisite 10 adouncement o Ihe sulary runqe. Compoler experience woxii ho as ussel. The salary ronge for Ihîs position is $35.972 ix $44965 Pieuse tormuri four rosome, qimatino Campottisa 055-216, bo October 27, 2000,10: Humas Rasoarcos, The Regiesat Municipailtn ai Naitan, 1151 Branla Raad, Osheille, Ontaris, tOM 311. Fan: (905> 825-4032. We fhonkaîl caodidaieo for Iheir ioreresl Hoaxvxc ooly fOsse seiecîed for uo iotervrew es/Il be coxfacted. * Faciiiiuiei cnmmunily meetings? * Been responsible toi negoiialing with cxmmuviiy, business uni/or service cixha? * Usei muitipie toms xl commonîcation busai on axdienoe needa? * Wsrlrei usa pudner throxgh ieaiership lx huili trust ix grass rosIs cxamuniiy ieoelspmeeis? * Evuluaiti progrums litaI yax have developai? Il yau have auswerei ~O5 10 these quesiiosa. mi hune ihe perfect tub lue ynul' Ilulian Regien n ixohiet fora Communily Covriioaiar ix ienelup Eaiy Chili Deneiopnsaet uni pareetieg prsgrams/ceetreo. For moro defails, pIeuse niait ihe Halisu Regien Web aile ut ~.regioe.halisu.un.ca. PIeuse subait rensmes qunlins Campetitia. *H-331, by Octaber 13, 2080, te: Reglanai MhoelcIp.Ilty ai Naflan, Nanan Raseurce Services, 1151 Branle Rami, Oakviiie, ON LSM 311. Fan: <808) 0254832 inaitufom Tachnologiss mc. Technisai & Flou Construction Laborers EASTERN CANADA Insitufaren Technologies s a morîdmide leader n frenchlens pipeline rehabilitation tachnalogy. lnsitufarm s presentiy expauiing ils solli base aI techuical uni construction emplapees ta wark ouI af TORONTO. Saccensful applicants shauli possess previaus construction experience (mater or semer utility preterred), a commercial drivers liceuse, gaai abstract, ha available for some travel, sud successfully pans a physical exam. lusitutaren affers excellant mages, heaitit cars banef ils for empioyeas soi thaîr tamilies, alang mith au excellent Ragisterai Ratiremant Savings Plan. lnterested applicants pieuse seni resumé sud reterancas ta: îNSITUFGRM TECHNOLOGIES îNC. Fax: 905-420-1876 Atta. Humai Rosourcas

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