The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 13, 2000-27 Classified ASSIFIED B jOr NS! MONDAY TO FRIDAY li lassfe d 9:00 AMt 5:00PM ALLU qnne.r nt--- HINTON - Enic and Kandi (nea) Mrtchell fof Mifton ara pi aaed f0 announca the barth tf her son Ryan Abada waighing 7fIbs 4 oz at Gakvria Traafar on July 22, 20.AfJso waiored b big sîster Raecc and brother Raymond Spe"al thantra f0 Dr. Gfan Peara and Dr. Sharmsa and the defivery staff at Oatrvif f Trafalgar. WILKINSON - Peut and Jufie (sas Austin, big siafer Chistine and big brotharAustinara thriffed foi announce the birth 0f Jenna Lynn weighing 8 fbs 6 oz af Milton Distfict Hospital os October 3, 2000. Spaciaf thantrs f0 Dr. Shansa, Dr. King, Jacide aroine, Lyns and ai fthe 085 nurses. Vou'ra the basf. 487 Laurier Ave., M911ton 878-2881 IRTHDAY OPEN BOUiSE In Celebration of Doreen Coulson's 7 Ith Biirthiay. Sunday October ISth * 2-4:00 PM at 4 Strathroy Crescent Waterdown >(905)690-1686 IRTHDAY 50Sth BIRTHMDAY SN N:Wrtb a sae fîke mrne,.wbo needs a nrctrname S. Basebalf fil sam- mer, Skrdoring in >SA The moad of love is a roagh crart L ~NY: A job eres to ail your accomplishmertts! -,Love Joy, JAm Heather and famile JOHNSTONE, Catherine Paterson Os Satarday, QOtober 7, 2000 et ber reaidanca, Cathie Johnsfone ment f0i be wrtb her Lord. Befoved wife of ftha fate John R. Jostone (1962). Loved mofher of Jackr and Lynsi Jostona (Missîssage, Marat Johnsfone and Glara Brown (Mition) and rsce and Peter Willoughby (Brantford). Beioved grandmothar orf nrne grandchifdran and saven great grasdchl- dran. Fniends gafhared et the T amer & Porter Chapaf, 4933 Dandas St.Wasf, Efobreotra bemnf iingfon and Kipling Anas.) from 7- 8:30 PM on haadY. Fanera Service in the Chpe on Fid ctbr 13, 200 e 1:00 o'c cr wifb visitation ose hoar pror. Ramambrances f0 the Ricbviaw Residancs Disisg Roora Fund, moafd be apprecafed by the family. -MARTIN, Maria Elizabeth (ne. Meyer) Facefaffy, foffowing a couragacs be et Mition Distric Hongufa1 on Tuesdy ctobar 10, 200 Mari M tn of Mifton sn bar SSth yar. Baoved mite of Paul of Milon. Loving mothar of SMon andf bar fianc Mitre Crumpton and Daniel and bis friand Jamie Hatchissos. Survivad by ber brother Ferdinand and bia mite Hiftrud Meyer of Garmasy. Femify and friands may cai et the J. Scott Eerty Faseref Home, 21 James St., Mition os Fridey tram 2-4 and 7-9 PM. VI *1Praers *1 erfh reciteri trom the Fanerai Ho me, Friy aevaning et 8:30. A Mass of Christian Buriaf milllx h eld from Hofy Rosary Cefbofic Charch os Setnrdsy et 11:00 AM. Cranration ta tottow. In tien of tlomera, donations fa the Canaddan Cancer Society or Mifton District Hsitl ouridtion woaid heaeppreciafad by 1~ Mfan?'iltcr 5D n ic HIC3ropital I LAUGHTON, Irene At Altendate in Milton on Monday, October 9, 2000, Mms. Irene Laughton of Milton, tormeily of Campbellville. Beioved mite of Wribur. Loving mother of Brent and his wde Carol of Milton, Efeine and her husband Don MacMurter of Homby, Launie Goatding, Paut, Stephen and fis mite Cod, ail of Milton, Sharon of Toronto and her tate sons Leonard and Randy. Wilt be tomsngty memembered by her Il grand- childrerr. trene worked an a homemaker with the Red Cross for meny ears and mii t be sadty missed by att ber relatve and friands. Famify and rinds were received at the J. Scott Earfy Fanerai Home, 21 James St., Milton on Thuraday tram 2-4 and 7-9 PM. A Fanerai Service mutl be hietd tram the Chapat on Friday Stdyet11:00 AM.' Iterment f0 folfow et vegenCemetery. In fies of flomers, dona- tions to, the Alzheimera Founidation or the Heast & Stroka Foundation wouid be apprecrated by the famify TEICHT, Stefan At hie residance on 4fh Uisi Mffton on Monday, October 9, 2000. Stetman Tetchf, MIt be ioved and missed by his parants Maria and the fate John Teichf, bis mite Wendy Taocht, sons Gary of Toronto and Marc of Miton et so his sistara Entra and ber husband Dave Oick of Ffesfrertoni and Mary and ber husband Heinz Muefier of Victoria B.C. Lovad by grand- cbildrerr Alie, Erik and Tara. Fredeasad by Ns brother Joban. Famify and friands visifad et the McKersie-Kocher Funeraf Home 114 Main St. Milton 878-4452 on Wednasday. The Funeraf Service mas bat d on Thursday, Ocfober 12, 2000. If desirad mamnoriaf donations f0 the Canadaen Cancer Society wouid be appraciafed by the famiiy. CARLTON, Fred - Suddenf y on Mon- day, October 9tfh. 2000 at bis home in Orton. Fred in his 82nd year, former y of Georgetowun and Ferry Sound. Befoved husbend orf Dorothy and foving father oit 0Dfle Carfîon and granditathar oft Kyf e, Adama and Victoria. Dear brother of Gil- bert Cartfon of Frescon. Friands witf be receivad et the J.S. Jones and Son Fu- narat Home, 11582 Trafalgar Road, N., of Mapta Ave. Georgtowun (905)B77- 3631 on Wadnasday from 2 f0 4 and 7 f0 9 p.m. Funeraf and committat service wif f be hafd in the chapef on Thursday. Octobar lSth et il1:00 a.m. Cremation. In memory contributions f0 The Heart and St roka Foundation woufd beaep- preciaed BISHOP, Kim - In Ioving memory of s dear son-in-fsw wbo passed amsy Ocfobar 11, 1998. Every day in some smaf way, Mamorias of you coma or way; Though absent, you ara anar near, Stif mmssed, f ovad, afwsys dear. Ron & Sandre McCalmont CORLESS, Thaomas -f sn oving mamory of my partner Tom who leff me oria yaar ago October 16,1999. God called your sae so sofffy That onfy you coufd hear And t did sot bear the foofafepa 01 Angals drawing sear. Vos neyer said f' ra eaving We neyer ssid goodbya Vou wame gone before f knew if Ont y you and God knom mhy. 1 kaep our mamonies warm and close Anid know in my heast you are onfy s mhisper away. Lavlngty rmemnbered by Sandi and Spirif GREENFIELO, Bill -f In foving memnory of Bilt who passed away October 10, 1999. Thare's a place in beaven that's marfced RFesarve<r For lathers such as ha, Who f ived ffaiong devofion f0, fis wife and famify. And theres a pface in our hearts Martrad thaf way ton, Whare his dear memoryfreh Writt ba fovad as ha was foved,bfrh anfared etemity. Foraver ramamberad, Judi &Grant Thefamuly of the laite Ferruccro Grazian attend our srncere thanks and appreciatron te thre many friemdo, neighbours and co-workers ~ifor their acts of sympathy shows to us durimg the loss of our loved one. KEIRE, Ingor 7?. tank you for th (1920-2000) - Af Oakvif fe Trafalgar turas oai Memoriai hospitat, on Mondey. October J rbts oai 9th, 2000, et the aea of 80 years. Born le the may to in Hortan. Normay on Merch 3rd, 1920. receivedWords c Bat ovad wifa of the fate Herry Kaire and herfttlakj proud mothar of Dr. Knut Kaire and wiita Efaina oit Burtington, Katharine Korzack casgadupo and huaband Hait oft Toronto and An-tta tf drea Wiliams and husbend Hugh 0f Milf ton. Much tovad grendros f0 Vanessa, Michael, Adrienne, Ashliegh, Sarah, Daniel, Victoria, Jacqueline and Andra. Great grandmothar f0 Brandon. Davof- ad eister oit Arne Kristoffersen oft Nor- mey. Frienda mare receivad et the J.S. AUCTION SA Jones and Son Funeraf Home, 11582 rn ites, 1 87-é Trafalgar Rd. north oit Mepf a Ave. ta hi, glas Georgtowun (905)877-3631 on Wad- Milton bricks etc nasdy, itroro 7 to 9 p.m. Funerai and JohSMacrthur commi55sf service mes hetd in the chep- tH~ 25 etl et on Thursday, Octobar 125h et 2 pm aw 25 Fai Cramation fotomad. In memory contri- a 0am buin othe fmmenuei Luthean Wardl Brownrc Chturch(Geogetomni or e cherity oft (905)8 your choi os oufd ba apprac eted. Gud éerlrighet - DRY firemood, spitf miced bsrdmood. 4' by 8' tacecord. Appros- FRAME, Bruce -tIn foning memory of our inefely 16" places. Cli Husbend, Father & Grandtather who passed (905)878-4024 amay Octoberi15, 1999. Ona of Natures Boys «The gratstt thin youfI f anr feair is jusf f0 love and neoed in rafam" Faraver In aur hearte 1941 Ford 9N4 Tractor. Lz, Mike, Uindy, Rab, Daug, Susan, Jady, New rebuff angine, Kafie, Effiat & Jack cltcb, sheet mataf: L ~10/10 restoraron. $500 Cait (416)525- othe fibrm cr>f donayu-tkrn,' tc> 3339 or (905)876-2514. Fo:umidoati:n trie appr-cstecL e beautiful floral >r as ta charity and ,~; ghtful cards we -ammot express our.,.>- nr lravimg Sa mamy rtive people during cuit time. LE orf furnifure, Haiton County si, aifvar, good ofd for the astata 0f ilt the farm 5440 - 2 mrles waest of .October 14 raviamu 9 ar. Jge uctoleer APPUANCES - fdrdge, 2 door; Stove; sufomat- ic weshar & dryar. Aiso, spariment set. Under Wsrrenty. (905)637- 8328 CARPET f have severai 1,000 yrds. of nam Staismaster & 100%/ ny- ion carpet. Wiii do living- ronm & hall for $349. sn- dadaes carpet, ped & sn- staffletion (30 yards) Steve, 639-2902 COUCH & chair set peacb/beigembife. Good condition $150. Six dising roora or tritch- an chairs beige febric mît b brass cofoar base $50. Ceif 853-3376 (Ac- ton) eneninga. FOR Setle: Gardas fur- niture, meding pool, Hoover vacuuma, aser- cisa bitre, antiques, tep- top desr, and gfess- mare. (905)875-1267 FREE Estimetes... Gof wobbfy or broken chairs? Wak sots or chair sprng? SoIl tosm? fired toing mood fsisbas?... Than oetil Frids for ail fami- tome repaireaend customa mood retinisbing. 9-9 daiy, (905)875-4427_ HARDTOP camper. Ouittfd. New tires & beeringe $500, O.BO. Toro lawsmomer self propefied matcbing $150 O.BO. Pool fable 8M4. Si yers. $500 0.8.0. 854-1412 SNOW Biowars Hsndy- man Speciais @ $50 eech . SHP Tecamsetb, 21yiking 8HF Taons- sefb 24" 876-2837 SUPER Spadefl. Sae Up f0 30%/ on dacorator fabricsl Psy no GST' Love your tarnifure.. bate yonr cofoars? Sofa & mefchisg chair tram $788. Loveseefs frora $448. Chairs tram $199. Frise Estimafas. Senior Discounts. Rids Gai- fy Customs Uphofsfaring, 9-9, (905)875-4427 ANTIQUE Show & Sae - Royal Botanicet Gar- dans Castra, 680 Plains Rd. W., Oct. 13, 14,15; Fni. 1-9pm; Sef.10-5pm; San.11-Spm. Daity Dram. Admis. $4 (9051335-0511 ------ PIANO Sale, Grand - ~Opesing of oar naew fergar store. Many sem & ased Kemeis and 1996 Bayfiner 171f., ased and rastored pis- inboerd oatbeerd, full nos. Tbarsdey, Fridey, lsad, 30 brs, titre nem. Satardsy, Octobar 12, $11.800. Cati Mac 875- 13 & 14. Haydn Masic 0660 (deys), 335-9202 Studio, 211 Armstrong (ana). Ave., Georgetown. 873- 42'1 1650 Cab Cadet 80 Snom Bfomer etacb- ment $200 876-2837 Fu 76.2364 f. Rds yows 171MM - ý- . IIIIIIIIIjý IIII