AAAAACHOOOO! It's the flu!!! It's time ta roil up your sleeves and fight the flu! The flu is a highly contagiaus respiratory disease caused by a virus. Anyane can get influenza but some peaple have a greater risk of it becoming a serious or even life-threatening illness. The Halton Regian Health Department is offering free flu shats ta anyane with certain medical prablems ar a chranic illness, peaple wha are 65 years aid and aver, and health care and emergency service warkers in Miltan at the fallowing location: Wednesday, October 251h 10 a.m. to, 6 p.m. Milton Seniors' Activity Centre 500 Child's Drive Milton Your family doctar will be able ta provide you with mare infarmatian about flu abats. Far mare information about the Regian's 2000 Influenza Immunizatian Program please caîl tihe Haltan Regian Healts Dcpartment Flu Line at (905) 825-6158, 'n'Y (905) 827-9833. MiIIennium PMulimedia ThurEc1ay, e. Octol2er 19, 2000 12:30 - b:30 p.m. Halton Reglonal Police were out ln fuil force dur- Ing a reent weekend uaffly bih:z to ourteil epeeders and lncrea seaiut compiance. Here, Constable Bruce Haeenbecher lu -en uslng a Uldar luer on Martin Street. Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Fes Reliable Service - No w earn AIR MILESO p eward miles for ail We service ail "aes and models of fumaces, baller, central air condioner and s floeplaces --------------- PAYMENTSa FOR UP TOl FULL YEAR!: Plus -COLLECI 300 BONUS AIR MILES", N U roward m1iles!' OAC see Dealer for details --- - - - - - - - - - Only ertiied 1ýw So876-1020ton * Tmcm,~o(M WLSlnWenamna HdMgsN.V. sdw*ehMue AOyity JÎLmmGm~ aa~ hc n 4361weln Nomo iser MSMLR.n m Se smyoe bo cIiibepmdciyn àem, W.Mmu Shi LgeH meSe h. -