Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Oct 2000, p. 11

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The Car Artist relearning how to paint after stroke *from SEVEN on page 10 As a teenager, another of Ms Clements teachers noticed her talent and submitted her drawings of plant life to the Royal Drawing Society in England. She won s silver medal. After that, wherever Ms'Clements went, sine could be found sketching and painting people, Isndscapes and scenery. Ms Clemenîs, 88, has been to the east coast of Canada, where she csptured the now famous scene of a red and white iighthouse overlooking the ocean. The picture wss recenîiy rediscovered by Ms Clemenîs stepson Don, who presented it to the artist on Tuesdsy. Il was the first time she had seen the picture in 15 years and it immediately brought back memories. "It wss cold that day," she said. "I nearly froze to deaîh." It wasn't the fn-st lime Ms Ciements almost scar- ified herself for ber art. In 1943, Ms Clements and a friend were in the village of Poriock Weir in Engiand. Ms Ciements was sketctsing the shoreline. At that point in the war, the British were expeet- ing a German invasion and it was illegai for peo- ple to photogrspb the iandscape in fear it wouid fait into enemy hands. 'Me pair was arresîed by the miiitary police four days before D-Day, but were reieased, Ms Cements said. Ms Clements thought the sketches were confis- cated by the military police, but the sketchbook was recentiy discovered in a box and wiii be avait- able at the show. Ms Clements is a firm believer in .continuing education. Tbrougbout ber life, if she wsnted 10 ieamn a new medium or technique, she would sim- piy go back to scbool to accomplish the goal. At 88, she is again relearning ber art. A stroke four years ago bas rendered ber ieft hand aimont uselens. She bad to releamn bow t0 draw using ber rigbî band. She also had 10 change mediums. Ms Ciements said oils require 100 mucb room, 50 sbe bas switcbed to watercolours, a medium that is unforgiving. "One stroke in watercoiour, if it's wrong, tbe wboie painting is ruined. You can't take it out. With oil you can acrape it off," she said. Ms Clemenîs no longer goes to far off places to paints, instead relying on ber memory or using pictures. She continues witb il for pleasure and 10 relieve stress. "I would go crazy if I didn't have anything 10 do with my time," she said. Tbe Art Show and Sale, A retrospective of Marie's Artistic Talent goca from I 10 5 p.m. and fron 7 to 9 p.m. at tbe Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 ChilIds Dr. October 2 1. During the day, there wiil be coffee and tes and in the evening there wilt be entertainment and wine tasting. Previous buyers are encouraged 10 bring tbeir purchases for Ms Ciements and everyone to see. adian ChDpn, F Oetobqer,1 3,2OO1 1 LEN WALKER, B.A., [LLB. CRIMINAL LAWYER is pleased. to annouice t e re-openmgf his Crimmnal Law Practice at: 192 Main Street East, Milton, 875-0869 Legal Representation for individuals charged under the: Criminal Code of Canada Controlled Substances Act Young Offenders Act Evenmng and Weekend Appomntments Available First Consultation Free Legal Aid Accepted e-mail: lenwalkerQ.tlawyer.com Fall's spiendor and artists 'flair re.ady to be enjoyed this weekend By IRENE GENTLE art in fur and bide, Victonian screen doors and Native West Cost The Champion wood carvings. The colours of fait are.,.. blue, white and yellow? The Tour is sponsored by the Fine Arts Society of Milton. Il They are wben il cornes to the third annual Milton Ares Studio kicked off two years ago snd was bailed by botb psrticipating Tour - featuring tbe work of 20 local artists in 13 scenic tocs- artists and residents. tions. TMe tour atlows residents 10 appreciate a wealtb of local talent Il takes place tomorrow and Sunday fron 10 anm. 10 5 p.n. wbile enjoying the stunning natural beauty of the Niagara Residents and visitors alike are invited 10 view tbe work of ares Escarpnent. artisîs in tbe place wbere il's creaîed - tbeir studio. Studio tour maps and brochures are -available at a vsriety of Featuoed stops are marked by blue, yellow and white balloons public and retail locations, including the Milton Public Library, on the dniveways. Those are in narked contras( 10 the brittiant f'ait Leisure Centre, Seniors Activity Centre, Tourint Information bues participants can catch on the drive along tbe tour route. CnrTw al ritcFae h odCneto n The wbole event is botb free and self-guided. Viewers can plan Cnentre o ndll Artisi rnTeGodCneto n tbeir own moute, beginning and ending wbere tbey please. UnqeFmeadA. Ali tour stops are located witbin urban Milton, Kilbride and In Campbellville, brochures can be scooped up aI LotI's and Moffat. The tour runs as far nortb as Eden Milîs and as far soutb Lots Bakery, 1846 Log House Craft Gallery, Long Lane as Britannia Road. Orcbards, Mohawk Inn and Conference Centre, Bruce Trait The featured work witl be on display and for sale. Il includes Eatery and Country Laine Cafe and Tes Roon. potter and wood and sione sculpture. There's also First Nations TMe Brookville Gallery wilt also bave brochures on band. Colourful event close by 'Season of the Faiiing Leaves' is being betd at Crawford Lake fromn 10:00 s.m. 10 4:00 p.m. weekends and hotidays or with timited facitities on weekdsys. The event began September 5 and nîns tbrough to November 5. The public is offered the opportunily te view aulumn leaves from tIse Niagara Escarpment, explore the history of the Iroquian Ionghouse people, take part in free craftmsldng and discovery hunts, and veiw videos and siidesbowt. Any visita 10 the gift shop support conserva- tion, as att funda stay in the park. For more information cati Conservation Haiton at 336-t1158. SATURDAY, OCTBR 8,00 Cocktails 6 pgn. - Full Cous Dinner 7 p.i. *Dancing 9 toM<iigIt e $25 PER PERS* The Gr~and Chal1et 324 Stele Ave., Mi1t»n For Tickets & Reseo*xtions Teiepsone (905) $78-7934 Dancing to Don Singular & his 16 piece WHATS ON IN MILTON!s (~~~L1,M 01 & Dancing V~' Frtday & Saturday migjts 55 »NeuI Si. VI 8-M7 Cafl Now to book your Christmias Party'. mIIII~!276 Main St. - Try the New T*Iriçter ýýunjsicl -,jugt $215 /IrI~~I(1sRI Inn Hwy. 401 & Guelph Une N Ù -j û ý -, -n 11 Milton/Campbelivlle Mo a gra ýe ifrsfay 854-2277 -Book your Christmas Party now! Express Lunch: 15 Minutes orFREE 45hom Dr. 8764731 A% TAàsTEr 0F TEXAS BARNEY THE: w%«llào Everyw Wag. froff S5-9puu t, > id1irKARAOKI ,pm- Knigh C @satirduIive Deja Vu x*, K n ègh C Sm ~ N elMrC19son 8:» -itp 270 Main St. E. (905) 876-3780 SFRIDAV Vivian Clements SATURDAY 3MDM WEDNESDAY'S Karaoke 5ý75 Ontario St. 876-1186 e Ciriowre H1ili CriwneCoutryBreakcfast .rown Sat, Sun & Foidays Sun Night: Ros Beef FsmIly Afir 875 Ôntario 8t. 876.1186 FOR FREE CONSULTATION IN YOUR HOME PLEASE CALL BRAD CLEMENTS jig» c ATELO 878-676 a876-3377 ce SAL caFE ~ sQIIS ýACLNSBN INSURANALLCAIO ST4IGCSEALCTO ER UF IA IDY CAIA ' ý<g DSTRB RrtGIC R MONEYMMAUETL FUNDS >~FARM UTU OIAL - GEAE U lie NIA AsVCStN. SETENACUT 2. Final Destination 3.Snow Day 4. Where The Heartils (2000) 5. Mission to Mars 6. Erin Brockovich 7.2 8 Days 8. Rules of Engagement 9. The Skulls 10. The Cider House Rules I.'AUL

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