Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Oct 2000, p. 8

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8 - Thse Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 10, 2000 COIlow New anti-domestic violence video launched By IRENE GENTLE Thse Champion Domestic violence doesn't just tear through families. It also shreds the fabric of Society. To help repair it, the Women Survivors Advisory Croup (WSAG) haa launched an anti- violence video. The stark haîf- hour tape will be used to educate stu- denta in local achools, aa well an help train police officers in thse reali- Ellen De Guerre tiea of-domeaîic violence. The video launch took place September 28 at Rattlesnake Point Golf Club. The invitation-only event waa an elegant affair, complete with entertainnient provided by the Tropical Vibea Steel Band, country-gospel singer Kelita and the squeaky dlean teen vocal girl group Dream. AIl that lent a surprisingly feative touch to pro! ceedinga which could have been fundamentally aomber. After ail, each WSAG member has stared into the hot, diatorted face of domestic violence at one time or another. Fighting back against abuse But the maldng of the video - planned as the firat of six for WSAG - ia aIl part of tighting back againat abuae and taking command of once out-of-control livea. The making of the video was a communal effort, made possible due to tic financial support of the Halton Regional Police Services Board and Roy Sangstcrs of Sangaters Healts Centres. Donations in kind fromn Cogeco Cable 23, thse Hallon Regional Police Service, Hallon Trauma Centre and co-producer Kathy Ali of Kbadija Productions Inc. belpcd tuni the ides of a vidco mbt a rcslity. Tfli video recounta the gut-wrenching true lufe experiences of tbree siibouettcd WSAG mcm- bers, punctuated by dramatic recnactmcinta of thc sometimes brutal events thcy deacribe. But this isn't about biame, said WSAG co- chair Elien De Guerre. "Wc bave to approacb it in a balanced way," ase aaid. -Wc don't; want 10, point any fîngers." Since WSAG waan't intcrcatcd in puliing punchea, cither, questions have to be asked. For inen, why do thcy abuse? For women, why be in a relationship whcre the Photo by GRAH-AM PAINE Members of the girls group Dream perform durlng tbm launch of anti-violence vldeo 'Prlaoners oft Violence' et Granite Ridge Golf Club September 28. levers of power and control are s0 tragicaiiy unbalanced? "Tbcre's no one answcr," said Ms De Guerre. 'Tbere are a lot of faceta to il There arc a lot of reasons." With Uic video now out, WSAG is boping to submit il to local achools as part of a growing arsenal againat violence. flic time seeros ripe. Thia bas been a particuiariy barrowing year for Canada in ternis of domcstic violence, with bioody tragedica writ large on ncwspapers and television sereens. Tise WSAG vidco was made during tbat peri- od of national grief, but Uic timing was purcly coincidental, said Ms De Guerre. 'There bave been bigis profile instances in Uic paat," she said, noting the bonror of Uiose cases didn't slow down abuse. "ise frcqucncy hasn't cbanged." But bringing tbe issue into the open abouid belp, ssid Haiton Cbair Joyce Savoline. 'This is an issue that I gucas you can cali a cancer in our society," tshe said. "It'a almoat sulent until it's 100 late." She urgcd Uiose cxpericncing abuse - wbîcb can lic emotional as wcii as pisysicai - to speak out. The criticai nature of domcstic violence con- vinced Halton Police Chief Ean Algar 10 take a speaking role in Uic video. "It'a a demonatration of our servicc'a commit- ment 10 tise probleni and a recognition of tise magnitude of tise iasue," bie said. About 1,600 calis per year In Halton, Uiat can tic judgcd by tise approxi- matly 1,600 domestic assauit cslls answcrcd by police cacis ycar. 0f Uiose, about 25 per cent resuit in charges iscing laid. Putting a voice 10 tise sulent epidemic deserves applause, said Paul Bennett, executive director of tise Halton Trauma Centre. "It takes a great deal of courage 10 take your private experiences and be wiiling 10 sisare Uicmn in public," bie said. "Tiseir voices will not be mufflcd or siicnced. Tbey wili continue." Video director Ma Ali spoke about tise experi- ence of putting tise tape togctber in juat a fcw wbirlwind montba. "Froni June 19 until Ui date, -we bave movcd mountains," sise said. But Uiere are pienty of mouintains lcft. "Change is coming,' said Ms De Guerre grini- iy. "But it'a slow." Cogeco Cable 23 wili broadcaaî tise vidco October 23 and 31 and Novemiser 13, ail limes at 7p. A copy of tise video coats $19.99. Proceeda go 10 WSAG. To contact Uic group, leave a message aitie Norths Halton Distresa Centre at 877-1211, or tise Oakville Disîresa Centre ai 849-4541. u i '~~1VN~ ~11 ~ COGECO 14 Programming Schedule - October lOth, 2000 - Oct ober l6th, 2000 M2 i4 b% Ih ZM./q ~ hi 9111 111 11%l e11 114 1%l i 5%4 L73p kaLlwk91411Mrwb ; w, 7 " NW 59673 fk,~ a db 511,14j l fkal d IIIh, 5:30pu lL"ciSem M hp BU rie k"u' ste~ Cdi..km.mUtod* u, w~amw www.cogeco.ca tumc4oî litS TIL«k , -S Wb am Tt. im IISIL NORTH HALTON STUDIO to LImlwae.L 21 Main Street North, toSp pâmm11 Acton, ON L7J 1V9 Icilifi (519) 853-4700 Feature thia week: Optimiat TV Bingo Returnsi Tuesday, 6:3pmIl

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