The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, Octaber 10, 2000 - 17 * SPORTS Ptot by GRAHAM PAIN! Martin Street Sohool's bentanm boys cross com"tr tsem proudl diepfay the.chmnhp pennent th.y won et lest ws.k's North Hiton junior meut ln Surthngton. Minibus Include «1rom lt> Jered Robb, John Rusesil, Simeon Shan, Charle Waln, Jacob Goode, Thomas Wells end Bredl.y Hoy. f"Martin Street bantam boys are golden at cross country meet Martin Street School's Bradley Hoy found his way back into the winner's circle OctoberZ2. AndI accompanying hni tlunu were his banwan boys enwss country teumautes - who -atue the tam title duriilg the North tl.i«t Junior Champiouships at Burlington's TIbe 10-year-old contingent left thiai opposition in thse proverbil dst 0fove ieoe-ile momlingrace. Mt~in tri plac #ed tour suiers in thse top iftn spotsuto easily dseg Goo5ctown's George Kmstody by neady fte 1Hoy sels tWs 6verall winner in thse 80-nussnrdivsion - mtceing is lI 4sediti performace at thse atoin level last f811 - whle teammatsae Jacob Goode finis"e4lllts. Tuking eigbIIs and nilati q>ot rospectively were Igred Robs andI llxmmWlsWi filoissnor h pisps - eld t thsane venue in thse aftenoon - produced a couple of local teain champions as wedL W.L Dic prevauled in thse junior girls clasm, besting second- plac f8nher CeotetwilofGeorgtown by a dozeispoints. iz Clark,~ Vaieie Burkse ansd EAss Whimn finished tiisi lourts and fiflt respectively white rouniding out tise school's top four placers wus Jessiea Coulsais wiso raced hie way to Just as convincing seas an internnediate girls triumph by Samisheue Ladin tisen to victory wits an individual dard-place per- formance was Meuiditis Canmpbell. One spot back for fourti was AsMy uiz wiltKMm Robb cracked the top 10 spot by Btpcvillie maaged a couple of indivlduai seins ai thse Joey 14.met topped tihe junior boys class of 57 mmmier andi wngsRck adcloges inthe 65-runner internseduategirls loop waas aie reenfeld Meanwhde, Samn Shesrras KÇim Critapis delivere4 agolden performuaceinthejunior capesi's bantin girls class. Her stiffest competition with i de 68-tacer pack sets second- plac finiisler BdUmuay Wisemn of Robest Baldwein. Silver miedalists Insta thse senior clsanpionships included Brokvilles Kristen Louuie (junior girls) andI Scott Collard (senior boys). NeMay two dozen scisools frosa tise regions norhds ct ook pat le thse cross-country competition. Senior Royals earn another tic on gridiron B3y STEVE LeBLANC The Champion Bishop Reding's senior football teamn has to be feeling pretty good about their role as visitors for Friday's showdown against Oakville Trafalgar. Because heading into the latter hall of regular sesson play, the local gridiron wamrors remain unbeaten on hostile ground. Now granted, the Halton Division I debuting Royals have yet to, taste victory - but the two tics they've secured thus far are certainly cause for some dcgrcc of celebration. Espcciaily when considcring how cach of the non-basses wcrc dclivered. First, BR stagcd a sensational sccond-half comeback ai Oakville's Loyola Sccondary School to carn s 20-20 season- opcning drsw against the Hswks. Then - in even more impressive fashion - the teami rcbounds lrom a demoralizing defeat at the hands powerhouse M.M. Robinson and batties its way to a scoreless stalemate with Burlington's Assumption Crusaders Thursday evcning at Nelson Stadium. Reding's defense dynamite Amid chiIiy, rain-soakcd conditions the Royals' delensive ranks offcrcd a vastly improved effort over week two. They did a much better job piugging up the middle, guarded vieil against thse sweep and unlike the previous wcek agsinst Robinson, didn't coilapse on itsell in thse second hall. In lact their fiesty play lasted right up until thse bitter end, whcn Ivan Bosnjak and Greg Bocsvcld dclivered consecutive quarter- back sacks to quasis Assumption's final scoring bid. Moments carlier the Royals had possession and tlsreatcncd to break the tic. A 14-yard gain by lullback Mike Long got thcm inside tise 30-yard line but a pass to Joci Castro - number two in the series - was droppcd and tise bail switched hands for the last trne. Castro was knockcd senseicas on the play but got up a lcw min- utes later and appcarcd ta have cscapcd series injury - at lest upon initiai inspection. Controversey reared its ugly head at Uic taii-end of the firat haîf when BR pivot Jodie St. John and kicker Stefan Linder combined for a perfectly-cxecuted single attempt that was called back in thc dying seconds of play. The Royals had another big chance ta get on tise scoreboard in tise second quarter, but three straight incompiete passes crushcd tiscir hopes for a touchdown and a subsequent field-goal attempt by Linder was easiiy hiocked. Assumption's greateat scoring opportunity came a fcw minutes cartier whcn their top running back broke Uirough tralfic and had pienty of breathing room for a touchdown dasis - at ieast until a hard-charging Maurk Antoneili burst down the field and piaycd thc spoiler. Oniel Martino was once again the team's top yard gainer with pienty of reai estate acquired on the sweep. The 0- 1-2 Royals have three more chances to tîy and break into the division one win coiumn. Foiiowing Friday's clashs at OT, they'ii close out tise season wiUi a two-game home-stand which begina Fniday, October 20 against Iroqouis Ridge. n GEORGETOWN TOYOTA SALES 15 MOUNTAINVIEW RD. N., - GEORGETOWN 877-2296 Tor. 874-4276 WEBSITE ai or E-MAIL ai