Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Oct 2000, p. 12

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12-The Canadian Chamolon. îaiad.u..5 I t you have any questions triese professionals can answer, please write to: "Ask The Professionals" do The Canadian Champion 191 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 4N9 Dr. Tong Wan'ea Tooth Ta 1k Towne Dental Group Tony H. ian Milton Mail - 55 Ontario St. B.Sc., D.D.S. (905) 876-1188 1 arn il weekn pregnant and 1 have a terrible toothache. Ia it nafe for me to see my dentint durimg my pregnancy? Is there anything 1 can do to reieve the pain? Sorte routine dental procedures iocluding teeth cleaniogu. shouid be postpooted ai ieast until the second trimester, or until after pregoancy, if possi- ble. Pain shouid flot be ignored. Il is not realistie for you 10, endure the acute pain of a toothache for fine months untii your baby is boos. Toothaches almost always gel worse when tbey are ignored. If your dentist is uncomifortabie treating you, he or she should refer you 10 somneone who wiii. You should have your teeth examined carefully. If necessary, a single x-ray cao be safely laken. A double layer lead shield cao be used 10, ensure that your deveiop- ing baby is completeiy protected. If a loolh is diagnosed as infected, miredication cao be prescribed after consuitiog with your family doctor. If you have a cavity, a îemporary fiiling may reduce or elimînate the pain until you enter your second trimester. After ihis lime, addiîionai treatiment Imay be compieted safeiy and comfort- ably. casantesa PanNngn ffOL1frflW u.- Pning Tel: (905) 876-0940 TannSeas Fax: (905) 876-2934 .ecw e 420 Main Street East, Milton, Ontario L9T 1 P9 Q: My daughter and I bave becs talkitag about eatate plan. ning. I've heard about setting up trusta te save on probate but site aaid there la somiednng new cafled an aller-cgo trant. Cas you tell anc about tim? A: Il's great that you are taking stepa 10 plan your estate sud getting yosr daughter iavoivcd. it la very difficait fan chiidren 10 ask their parents about their ettate plas. A lot of people icave their esale suis probiemas hecase doey are isitant 10 lalk lu their next of kmn. Trusis in geserai may ase probate coula, us tise asselu la thare ant considered part of yonr entte. Aiso ussaIs dislnihoted by a trust ensure coniidentinlity, as a sutl hecomeu a public document once lit is probat- cd. An aller ego trust lu a living trust dont allos yon 10 move asseta wils- mal neccsaniiy triggcning a taxable disposition, This toast may oniy be st up by individuals 65 yearu of age or oser. The terses of doe trust ment eoure dont during yua lifetime you arc cntilled bo rceise all the income andi ce ose cite may neceive doe income or capital prior to your dcatb. TIse austs arc deemed dispoted of upon yoear death sud tisc lax payable lis detenuincd tIses. (Yon may aiso set up a joint upousal trust.) Trustsand probate planning arc important pana of your entte plan- ning stratcgy. There arc legai, tas sud finsucial issues.invoiscd sud you sbould connuil yoer insyci. A Money Concepts pianner souid te picased 10 help yon enaure that your estale pln mecta ail yoar flan- cial and personal conccmts. Please cui for a "no obligation" nppoistmest 905-876-0940. Masaey ii C onts op Capha Cop. andl N.F. Insuaece Agec Ic. GREG J. LAWRENCE B. sc., iD. CH. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST ~ 350 Main St. E., Milton, Ontario, L9IT lPG L~I (905) 878-6479 1A Princesa Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Greg J. Lawrence (905) 702-1611 B. Sc., D. Ch. Momber of thie Ontario Socety of Chlropodlots ami The. 0sftario Collage of Chiropodlata With the colder weathef quickly approaching we ail must make changes in our lives. We stant 10 wear heavier clothing, often in layers, adding weight on our feet. Our shoes change to boots, which are heavier. Our activity level often decreases with our inability 10 walk due to the climate. This may sound like old news, however, this is often the lime of the year peo- pie develop foot problems. Many of us would agree that our activity levels decrease in the winter months. How might this pose a problen? Our feet are a very complex structure with twenty-six bones as sel as numerous tendons and ligaments. When we are not as active the the soft tissues silI tighten. If you have sot been active for ashile and go for that mile salk, as injury may result if you do flot stretch. Also, a change from shoes 10 boots is oftes nec- essary. This means more seight and sot sîssys more support. This silI fatigue the soft tissue sn feet and loser limbs. When adding the extra cloîhes for warmth, you are adding further strain os the foot until something gives up. lt's sot usually the shoes! This sili often account for arch pain, heel pain, bunios for- mation, neuromas (pisched nerves) and may cause havoc tip isto the ksees and hips. Stretching is vital for strenuous activi- ties. Supportive shoes & boots silI belp prevent these possible problems. If you are doisg indoor athletics, it is vital that you wear appropriate shoes and stretch before activity. Masy prob- lems arise this time of year and are easily treated if the diagnosis is dose early after the symptoms arise. B.A., B.S.W., M.S.W., C.S.W., DtP. SOC. ADM. Counsetting & Paychotherapy tnduviduats, Couptea, Chitdren & Familles 11084, Sth Line, Milton, Ontario Elmyn. M. Tanner (905) 8540801 O:Weav yetu ain, faced tragey In our community. .1111 tbe metdsh fanmber of sur hildren. These Mile affeclta maey culots. 1 amn concernait *bout the Impact on My feit and at sbould7f1okh fer? A: As a parnt. sy suant sues sut lt au sh ave suffered luis lnauic toss. Yen are dight lu se Cuncemea. Grefl aftects peopte ut ail ages and t lies nul no aa auin the tonnai souminu puntua ends. Oini ut tihe mss Imputant thiens yu eau d au jecnicuue tl aud keep the lises ut commuicauin open. Tain aisut lte pieusn auu Sas dieli. Taik abuut the feelings yen sact aet u te s, neS be stenild Isat taiking about il ahil Cause Mure pain becanse the pain il Isere andaI lueus dasanint If il lu piacia utsidi ut us caIsier ehau su Iu. Il say ut sana tur ysu lu aatch suseune cry sud peur Seult Instinct mtai he lu in lu Cuie uses up su that lSiy ai stup. bel ceyiug Is nueli for us. Il lits ui the pain. Il ye lied trust peu un peur loet use Insus changeI sleepinguo unatiel pattens. stopu sucialiainu, seems tiflts clit ns spadi, titis hopess, han uigtmares un ceuluesous 155ugts ot elien thei incident un lthe ludisidua, ut cais cuulisnusly, peu seula negand luise as dangen signais. AtteSalely yen udsali se ienldication lOut the ptrssn sas; COspiîtly, and iuappmopdatley tsrfe5sen ordieaees imthe incident as asulsen sigu tsiaithe Slip huelp Titi eongin auens s5nsptsms nu un aiSshutletssising, lie se cuncintia ysu sissia te. Asp majon change e itueasisun sucs as ddnklng, pessiscunp. stea» inn, se taiting ai ceAi un schooi, tuaat lu oalut ofscaractn, tua tauter can ulue. dany anxietylparnIc suftîdung mms dipeesuien, griet, posi-lrauselic sinise aiseusen, urs ancimet dissrei, lu nasne a tint. Thtle lu intimeant tu a tiroal etent, ieepi issu tl cas suntetide lIn luhue course ut tnîatmnt. Csunsellisn. especiatp If l ei ns as sues as possible, lu or necte ral ut tuent conditios au lu EM5R tIpi Munemenl utuenuIlîsatîsu ài Repnucesuing), wsicu i asua use lu cunjuluessu calh ceunseing lu appnupd*. aie cases. Peoplt se soemes atrala te litso ot ltin gri, fting eltsen. test il cil suen testl thty did n55 toe tue persas aus aiea. un aitrshe cii luntil sut sciad une ilnthe <use u st s l i ote paie, vo an sloe smesue ou a in t e us er aisd ceep ltin sessiy ali, altuu feellng pale. Tient are san) aundedfult ings tusi pan canaso lu sunsan lues aud ulai stsslsg lu ltin titi itilpiun soene ese ails ltin iundes ofees soalls Il sasien lu canuy sans. Elayne Tannes a Cenuajle Social Wanker n a pnaae pracc is north Mdaae. Ifyoà hawftranher querrions on if>sa acald like ns arrauge an appoiien, plusse caIl (905, 8i54-0801. Cqa eaLàli4oeaaeed TiaDoe 86 Main St., Milton PHYSIOTiII5APISTS 876-1515 Q: pense started geltins heaadace. My docter hu gies meca refeèrral te physiotlierapy. De yeta thintithaf fiais wili helpe A: Many people are succecafutly ireated sitb pbysiotuecapy for beadaches and neck pain. Whcn you attend physiolberapy yoar therapist shoaid perform a fuit aasessmcnt. Dnring dois assessment your doerapist sutl likety check yonr posture and yoar abitity to move yoar head, seck, armu and back. As sdIl, any muscle iighesess or imbalances wii be carefutty notcd and each joint sutl bc tested for siiffaness. Your theeapist sutl asaess sheber any specitic neck positions, muscle tests, orjoini movements scem to bring on or reduce your headache. Don't forget to tatk to your themapiat about tihe type of hobbies, sports and souk that ysa do. Sometimes, changes can bc made ai your souk station, in the way you perfono yoarjob or in the style chat you performi a sport actisity 10 reduce pain. Fron your assessment your physiolherapisî cas determine shicb pros- tenms are coniributiug 10 youn paie - postual probtemrs, joint pain aud stiffueus. tocs of ueck movemen, or muscle tighieess. During treatment, your tberapist sitI souk togeiber wiih you to reduce your headache using a samber of techniques. Most themrpisis sii ue modalities such as ultr- soaud or beat tisai belp 10 improve tissne btood suppty or cedace tissue stiffness t0 promote heatiug. Otuer modatities help 10 reduce pain, inctud- ing interfereutia carrent. Some therapists cas aiso pmovide acupuncture tresiment. Your pbysiotberapist ca s e masua ttuempy techniques and exercises to reduce your beadaches. MassaI tiserspy iuctudes bhauds os" souk suis you to perfonu gentte joint movemeuts, muscle siretching or suber techniques such us tender point release. Exercises inclading sireich- es, strengis relraiuing, postural exeicises or neck sud back siabitization cas bc prescribed 10 correct posture, tocs of mobility or otiser probtens fouud during the assessmeut tIsaI contribute 10 your paie. A home pro- grama of exerciscu is a great say to continuelso betp yoursetf 10 reduce yoar headaches sud reacis your potentiai. So don't lt your headacise gel tise beat of you. Go aisead, gise physiother apy a try sud ho sure t0 sec a registered pbysiotserapist. Speciatista on Etectrology & Louer Hair Removat Phono: 905-878-9113 on 905-878-3945 1 Certification & Treatmnent Centre Canada'a Leadlng Laser Haîr Removal Specllets Facial and bodty hair can easily be remnoved. Frequenly-Aaked Quaestions About Laser Hair Removat Q: Whal ia laser batin removal and boa does fil work? R: Laser hlair removat is une of the lalesI teeheotogical aisances 10 cumplemeul the electrotysis field of permasent bati remova. I ses tighi encrgy 10 uctectisely target cotoar (mieissin) in the isair. The beamn of higbty concenlralcd tight disaicles masy haira silh eaeh patte, clearing large aveas in a masten of minutes. Thse coltege lis pmeud tu praside the sorîdus leadling laser, the Coherent Lighîsheer Diode Laaer, for permanent bair neduction. Q: What ta "Permanent Hair Rteduclios"? R: This is a very important factor as nol att lasers arc ctcared by the P.D.A. for ibis designalion. Att others may onty be tong-lasting or mcrety a temporaiy solution, like sasing. sugaring sud doreading. A patient's decision about laser hair remosal shoutti be baaed on the effeeîiveness of the laser used sud the expertite of lIse practilionen. Q: Who ta it fer? R: Men sud somen of ail âges. It is possible 10 Ircat mout parts of the body sud att skin types. fromi scny tight skm te darker skn types (types V & VI) pmsviding the bain lis dark or pigmentcd. If blonde of white bairs anc also presenit, thonsa coabination of elclrolyuis sud laser sitI clean thse aiea sefety sud effctively. Q: What to expeet? R: The Coberent Ligheuheer Diode is fast, efficient, comsfortable sud safe shon used by adeqaely-raned profesuionas. For more information. contact thc Electralysis College of Canada lsd., abuse privale etinic bas for msuy yearu, pmsvided Ireatimenu for the publie in the ltest laser bain remnovat, ceclrotysis sud vascnlar (treai- menl of broken capillaries).

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