20-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 3, 2000 r. Classified B O N US! HOURS E ('I TA AA MONDAY TO FRIDAY AI *uiasslileu ,-~uS 900AM 500PM Mb b ao~ear at... v - ~1,W I Ray & Tîziana Sktoeo ofMîlton and James & Kaye ~îova v/Art/sur, are J pleaned to annousice the slscvcîng montage of t/se/r chi/dren, ~7The w Mode & Tan>~ eddsng wîll ta/se place t/us ~~rnonthînGaelPh~p<~ Tom and Viola (Brigdem) Alderuon will telebreite ilicir 5Oth Weddinag Ansnsiverean-sj mi October 14, 2000. in lion- onr of their Golden Anniver.snnj titi Open Hoeaee seul hi- helel on Sumdeey, October l5fronm 2 ta 4:30 at Holy Trimity Msglicam Pamela Batley B.Sc B.Ed Church, 70 Superior St., Cosorsts/stioss tsî Pamela uposi lier Bramtford, ON. /4rsrltsriîilifriîssi Ni/iesisiI/ tlîiit'erstlij Ail frienel.v cire ivelcossie. uit/i lier Boche/or ofEdîîcstios. lVi' Be.ot îvi.ohe.v îînltî. widi I/OIt slîeress iîî y<vir lieu /ioiitiiîli <mcl Deicl. rît ,'itie/isel Crsîisiîj Pîîh/ir Sr/ioolisi CîîngreîtuleetîîîsLo ?eJîîîri .9Isyi/e, Oîitsriiî Love froîn ciii yourfeisîiuli>i. Lave Maie b Dad, Mike, S/sonnait & Dec BIRTHDAY fo Dr Listea end ateft BONUS! ALLcI~~ds wwwmltoncanadlanchamom BIRTH DAY ~Finsm1956-2tK~J Jfappy 5OtIi ~BfrtfufaH @ Vickje Love BENTLEY, ANNE M. (Caaper> Af Allendate Nureing Home n Mitton os Safurday, Septachar 30, 2000. Anne Benfley, passed acey peaca- fully n ber 93rd year. Balevasi cife csf the tata George K. Benftey end mother 0f f ha tata George R. Banttay. Susvueed by sons Lome, 1219 Dundea St. W. ApI 205, Mieniasauga, ON, L5C 1C8 and Bryas, 237 Sydnay Sf., Mittos, ON, L9T 1E2. Facily and friands cay visif et ffse McKeraie-Kocher Funerat Home 114 Main Sf. Mitton front 2-4 and 7-9 pc on Tuesday. Par bar requanf a prsvafe tunerai for fha tacily citl ha haut on Wedneaday, Ocfohar 4, 2000. fntensenf f0 foliec af Evergrean Cacefety Milfos. f deeirad, dosaI/ose te Allandate, 185 Onfarie St. S. Mitfon, ON, L9T 2M4 cosut ha appreoafed. GO G~EEN THI~ WEEK.. R.ECYCLEI TOFFOLI, Enta Suddesfy af Oakvil le Trafaigar Memorsal Hospilai on Friday, Seplember 29, 2000, Enta Toffot t 0f Oakvile s his 4lst year. Beloved fafher of Andrew and Tonia. Loving son 0f Mercedes and her laIe husband Livis Toffoli.. Dear brother 0f Diane and her husband Bradley Arpa 0f Mihos. Ha ciii be sadiy miased by his nephaws Michael and Christopher. Enlo was empioyed with Amis Mentor for many yaam and ciii be fosdiy remembered by ail fila fnands asd co-workers. Enjo had a passion for the oufdoom esd iovad to fish. Famity asd friands cal ted et the J. Scotf Eariy Fuserai Home, 21 James St., Mitton on Mosday from 2-4 & 7-9 PM. Vigif Prayem were recited f rom the fuserai home Monday evesing at 8:30 PM. A Mase of Christias Buriai ciii be hetd f rom Hoiy Rosary Cathotic Church on Tuesday (today/ et il AM. isterment fo foiiow af Evergrees Cemefeiy, Milfos. f desireif, memosiai donations to the Canadien Cancer Society wouid ha appreciated by the famiiy. Jiai Strain 190 Ontaria Sf., Milfon 8784522 Monuments Markars * Bronza Martears Cemafary Leffanng No ose knocs how many timas, 'se brokan dows and criad. When i took bacte upon our lises, Juaf osa thing cakes me glaif, Thaf y ou chose mets shera cith you, Thapraciouayaera we haif. i mise yoa. Forevar Iavtng yau, Carrine Ha att un quiet/y, bis fhoughfs unknocs bof att us fha mamory wa ara proud f0 0W5, So tressera hic Lord, n your gardes 0f reat, for chas os aarth, ha cas osa 0f tha hast. Thinga wa feat mont daapty, are tha hardant thinga f0 nay, for sur deereaf Ded, wa love you ina speciet cey butin our hearfa you wiif aicays nfey. Love Breft, Andrew, Tim, Janef, Sfeve, Ty!er. We could hava spacd ouinelvas the pais but va cvu/d hava misaac/ '71f a Daec&. TARDIFE Ed-tn lovisg macosy ste halovad huabasif, grendfafhar end greef grandtafhar who att us os Octohar 3,1998. f ont~kea e titffe speca To writa w much ce miss ysu Buf if wtt f feka fha reaf 0f surf/vas To forgaf tha de y wa set you. Sadly mtaaed by WIfe Lama and Famtly KING, Mary - s ioving memosy 0f a greaf Mom & Grandma who passed away September 29, 1990. Aithough ifs bees tes years 00W Your fhought ut everyday, Vour face i see 50 ciearfy f seema like yesterday. Sadly mtaaed by Pafay, Sean, Dana & Kart xxx 000 PEACOCK - Henry A. (Hank) la ovin9 memory ste dear huabanif, father and graniffather wfo pasned away October 4,1999. He had a sassa 0f humour and a sparkia s his eye. A hetping hasd intimes 0f seed os f h et you coulif raiy. Mayha ce cant touch his hanif or see his smiiisg face. Mayha ce cent hear his voica or feel his carm embrace. But aomethisg ce ciii atcays have tuckedsaaiy s our hearta, Our love for him, bis love toron wîii neyer et us part. Deeply mtaaed and afwaya remembered by hie wtfe f ey, and famtly. GREENLEES - T/w fassi W If d & Ch natte Greenees, s.osh/ like t xl, soi u'sr hesrrf e/t rhroik.s te 5,Jssîî(sj fuendi usai îîi.'iF/ibosr.î for a/i r/îe/~' arr/s Jhvu r,, <lissa rions, plusse oid s îsirî <ilirss/' <ni rrecest issus A sps.i.ssl î/îssîk.s to I/si. Shriscs Crîîll Jc.rî'suj & 5dic/s.'lle <j]. Seîîtt Eus/i1 s, ~ Honu', for rhe'ir cosssfortisi.~ ei' wor<s sud .uqî;aîrr Alsîî 1<> Chrsî Hurni for nu' lunch ~îsîr s.ordu <if eoî<ifort usîrl arts <if g kisidsii.îî ut/I relions uiîh us foresir Meraane & Bdt Ettiet, Laie & )eck Wsad 7 'Tanise s- <1/1)L1 ~irÇuŽOctober21 7:30~ Optsmist L Cash Amîvance tickets s "~i'casJers 7 uassa/ ifressipot (i~ * 9vr tickets Viene 878-0851 c Cab~y87 TENNIS anyoneS Avar ega playars wenfîng f0 ptey weakend tennia et privafe facitify - ns charge. Pleasa celI 878- 5366 DRY firawood, aptif, miaad herdwood. 4' by 8' fececerd. Apprea- mata/y 16" pieces. Ceil (905)878-4024 con Centre ~~8 $15 person ~[iiors if ossis&s Ç centect at4y 878-6103 6-W31 lia' 4ir#~.,it 1996 Beylner 17ft inboerd osîboard, fuît ioed, 30 hm, like new. 511,800. CatI Mec 875- 0660 (days), 335-9202 (ave). A-I Coedifion, f011 size Vacaha Clevinova atec- f ric digital piano cif h banch. Asking $1300 878-4415 luU~PPIkfF ANNIVERSARY ELECTRIC Stove, ai- cond Saars Basf". Grant condifios, Rotin- sarie navet uaad. Ante- isg $150.00 Cail 876- 4254 ALL naw 100% gassise leather acta, loveseat, chair afili peckagad cent $8500, sali 53,500 /416)746-0995 BED Oseen biacte rus cesopy, orfhopedic cet- treas/bon af iii packa9ad. Coat $1200 Sacafice $525. Cen dalivar. 416- 741-7557. BEDROOM saf 8 piece cherrywood tour posfar/slaigh, chant, fridresser, mirror, night- stands, ail dovafail, sac stili packa~ed cool $9000 Sacrifice $3500. 905-567-4042. BEOS, Kisg piiioctop or doubla orfhopedic mat- freas set sec n plastic Coaf 51,500 Sacrifice /f<isg $625/ (Double $375) Cas delivar 416- 741-7557 CARPET i have saverai 1,000 yrds. 0f sec Sfaismaster& 100% ny- ion cerpat. Wili do living- room & hall for $349. s. cindas cerpaf, pad & /0- stallation (30 yards) Steve, 639-2902 DININGROOM 14 piaca cherrywood doubla pedeatat fable, Chippendala chairs, buffet, hutch, semer, ail dovafail afill n bosas coat $14000 Sacrifice 55,000. 905-567-9459. WATER fittar - undar tha ointe. Brasd naw, afili is bon, 25,000 galon ce- pacity. (905)690-4604 ATTENTION INTERNET USERS Unhimited ACCeSS Only $15.95, great local SefviCe and support (rom SURF THE NET. 873-2602 ANTIQUES & 01dm utsms WANTED ipe lv tati nslaln P omyt coof dent ai sers cen Please ca/I Nornt/ I/tai hec 9057031107ar 905-704-8519 GERMAN Shaphard pupe. 8 wka. Att ehots & da-wonned. Mothar 0f European efocte, Fafhar Acericen Champion stock. $700 Phase (905)878-9881