8-The Canadi an Champion, Fniday,_ LAB ow PSIMISS m EXAMINAflONS AMANGID FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE $129 INCLUtS: s" FRAIIt " SINGLE VISION LENSES "' SCRATCH COAT be YEAR FRAMEI WARRANT> Wheelchai onv Halce ntfo Aids Sales & Rentais ADP Vendor 47 Main St. S. Georgetown Cone la & Sig What We ll8e for You! Any day. Any lime nutrition house CSft hoine tu ws#n Milton Mail 55 Ontario St. S. (905) 693-8942 For more information visit our website: mvw.ouedlon.com Sepiembar 29, 2000 HANDYMAN SERVICES *Grab Bar Installation C'a rpentry . Window Cieaning -Air Conditioner installation For more information cali JOHN at 878-6403 Mondlay Oct. 2: Its "Seniors day ait the Mail". Cîîme aloflg tii meet & greet,play "Seniors Bingo" and shop foir good values. Wednesday. Oct. 4: Computer Club meets at I :30pm.Guest Speaker JefT Coiikson uîf'Compuease will speak on «'Gettitig, the Mo.st (mt o~f Windowts 19F'. He wiii also field questions fr<îm past meets and frim the flmuîr. New memibers welcorne! Thursday. Oct. 5tand Every Thursday)"Seniors Cmnemas" l:3(lpîn aît Seniors Centre. $1. Admission includes refresîsments. Feature performances beiow. Tuesdav. Oct. 10: Seniors "Lunch Bunch" group meets today at a local eatey.Cmne aiong f'or gievi friends,good eats and tht best newss lu tosvn. Time: 12 noon. Cail Centre 87.5-1681 l'or Octoher location. Wednesday Oct. 11: Senior Centre lsosts its ever pîîpular "Evening Euchre Party" starting at 7:30 pin. Corne altîng! Tise coinpetition is keen ani tise conversation refreshing! Prizes;awatrde(I.AtIio $2. Wednesday October 11: "Foul Colour Tour" t:: St. Matry.s,Ontatrio to sisit tise Basebail Hall of Faine fillowed by buffet lunch: at "Datmenis" anti on way home stuop at McCullys Farm to shop! Cail Centre tii sign up tuîtay! Thursday, Oct. 12: Fire Safety Presentation hy ur local Milton Fire Dept. From 12:301-:3iipm.to emphasize the threat iii ire tii seniors anti bos they shoulti protect them- ,selves. Come witiî questioîns. Saturday. October 14: Senioîr Centre% annuai "Chicken Barbecue & Fundraiser" starting at ... Monday. October 16- Corne along t:> exciting "Casino- Ramna" in Orillia. Theres plenty tii tIo, a great buffet anti the oppiirtunity tii hit it big! Anti ifs ail unly $2.51 /head. Hey, hîing a friend! Cali Centre 87.5-1681 to sign up tiiday! Monday, Oct. 16: Friendship Club meets i 0iu in I.ibrary tii tiscuss fontd meinories anti tii listen tii ithers who have stiiries tii teli. Oct. Tîîpic. Memoirrdîle Miientî ini Higtt)ry.Refreshinents served. ___________E DONIT MISS OUT! Have you, or anyone in your family pur- chased or Ieased a new vehicle in the past year? Marvellous new safety and comtort products are available to you at no cost through funded MOBILITY PROGRAMS. Cail 'Safety In Motion" at 905-876-3607 ...ask for "Ross" M Wednesday, October 18: "Fail Faahion Show" is the Seniiirs's soicial event oîf the seasiin! Faslîiins frîîm "Jo'Lýeens» mîîtelletl hy Centre meinbers.Creat entertain- ment plus light refreshments anti a chance tii finîl that spe- ciai iiutfit! Tickets; $6i/persîîn.Cet yîîur tickets tîîtlav..shîîw wiii he a sellîiut! Wednesdgy October 25: FRiEE Flu Immunizing Clinic. Spiinsiretl hy Haltîîn Regiimnal Heiith Dept. Time: 1(fim tii 6:11 pm. Wednesday, Oct. 25: Crai Club ladlies are serv«ing up "Cookie Walk" anti an iippiirtunity tii realîze ur fàntasies! Starts at 1it:tttam. Cîîme aliing foir hest anti iiîîst decatient in tîîwn! Just view seiectiiin-grah a hag anti inake yîîur chiiice. Can yîîî resist tise teînptatiiin? Thursday Oct. 26: Fal excursioîn tii St. Jacobs Village & Stoclcyard Market. Cîîme aliing t i slîîp at market anti sisit the village. Lunch omn yîîu îîwn. Cali Senioîr Centre 87.5-1681 tii sign up. Thurslay. Oct. 26: Miltoîn Senioirs hiilds its "Diners Club" get tîîgether at i loîcal eatery. Juin thein fir ciimradte- ship,great foodt antd he irty soii lizing. Meet at 6:0llpin. Cail 87.5-1681 for Octîîher loca tioin anti/ir arrange fuir car pool1. B:illpm. "Men to Boyo",Musicail entertainment. Yîîu'l saviir aIl that linger licken BBQ Chicken plus piitatii salatl, cule slaw,ri, tdessert & hever ige. i/ 4 ci icken dinner $10i.;,112 chieken dunner $12.E ut in oîr take oîut "Lion King" Draw Prise Wîinners tii he tir wn ait BBQ tiinner. Cet yîîur tickets nîîw anti suppoirt yîîur Senioîrs Centre! IFall Prgreams Include:- Bridge, Learn tus Play Dritdge Eau*ile, Cribtlge, BIio. 7Table Tenis, Snlî#1t< Das ShtuZebapd r*ai Chi, Qi-GngLee Danîcing, Clogging Folk Ari, Bua*ka Japese 5mbroie*e,i Oil PaintingCérumick Cookùîg Claes, Drep-in Oil Paining, Spanish, Persoesel Lifié SturlesAri$ig VourMepnoir ansd Senior Cissemas. A4"UonadAcuw'fies Incude: lÀba) Bu turs LnchRuckDlner Club, Kichen ad Cop teClb hess Club, Friendnitip CtukbFolk An Cab SaftWoo Cavin Clu, Sng piriersChousCrait lub.Trael agsClabplu Sprta Evets Fudram.y w New oori00qýMilton Seniors Activity Centre Current Events "Seeiw im Hawins MIN.icit OCTOBEIR CURIRENT EVIENTS I THE AEOVE INFORMATION [S SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND LIMITATIONS. For further details on activities at the Milton Seniors Activity Centre, Cail (905) 875-1681 55 ONTARIO ST. Hor:Man. Fi 9:0.-:00 Every Wednesday 18 (a "44 &Im Seniors Day 50's & 60's music 5pm .close TAFP &E EATEKY 25/oO FF charleythanks a"l of 'iton for thelr continued support wlthth 55 Ontario St. N. 878-6697 ail menuem newff Neen u:0-n0 un1:0-50 ROBERT (PIE) LEE, B.SC., B.B.A. LIFE INSURANCE AGENCY Life - Disability - AnnultIeS - RRIFs - LiFS RRSP's - Muiua Funas (Lit. ail M.S> .L. e..ýe. e5 1ze SMiltowne Insurance Agency Ltd. Bob Lee & Kim Mitchell 245 COMMERCIAL ST. MILTON L9T 2J3 OFFICE 878-5786 FAX: 878-3692 email: robertlee@aztec-net.com Via ara SENIOR TRAVEL SPECALISTS e Resorts eTours a Insurance 1raMel %lit 1 55n9hemê SHOP ZELLERS MILTON FOR CLUB Z POINTS