Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Sep 2000, p. 7

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Women' s Centre loses funding By WILMA BLOKHUIS Special to The. Champion The Womnen's Centre in Oakville has lost its $45,000 in annual core funding from the Ontario Womnen's Directorate effective tomnor- row. "We're shocked," said colexecu- tive director Melvina Walter. "The Ontario Women's Directorate changed its funding formula last year, but we Stil meet most of the new critenia of promoting violence prevention and economic indepen- dence." Thie centre, officlslly known as the Women's Support and Information Centre of Halton, learned the baid news September 21 '*and we're Stil in shocit," said Ms Walter. She vowed thse centre will continue to operate with funding it receives from the Trillium Foundation, the Oakville United Way and the Halton Healthy Community Fund and ita own fundraising, "But the $45,000 we received from Uhe Ontario Women's Directorate is our core funding, wbich pays our rent, utilities, administration costs and our part-time staff," said Ms Walter, adding the centre bas between 35 and 40 volunteers, s number of them trained facilitators. "We've had several cali.s from peo- pie wbo have heard about this, and tbey're in shock." The centre is contacted, by phone snd in person, by between 200 and 300 Halton women per month wbo need counselling for sucb shinga as abuse snd job loas. The funding cut was contained in a confidential fax sent to the centre, said Ms Walter. TIse centre's boafd of directors met Monday nigbt and bas drafted a letter to Uhe Ontario Women's Diretorate askng for an explanation. Ms Walter is seeking community support in bopes of reveraing thse Ontario Women's Directoiate's funding decision. wnHave You Always Wanted to Enhance Vour Appearance? Now is the perfect lime. Wethave tfie solution toit s tate-th-art Laser technolngy in a quiet, cosetottabte and puivate office setting. We effet teeatmemst for *Spider Veins -Age & Brasse Spets *Facial Veina *Sun &Red Spots *Bitmarks Tattse Iemovat *Facial Pigentation - Warta *suagely fee vanenose veina * injectin Sctereaherapy *frlfjSkinCare Peeductu ter Vinese Veins Forainecnsutatin reJk jcc! A ! M i E S Fle 4 -C Br: [,C The Canadtan Champion, 1Friday, Sep .tember 29, 2000 - 17 Melanson seeks re-election in Ward 2 oaht By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Once Ward 2 Councillor Art c Melanson gels a taste for a thing, hie haies to let it go. Take Milton, for example, which he travelled t0 from the Maritimes t0 play on local sports teamo in the late 1940s. Fifty- two years later, he's stili here. And take public life. Mr. Melanson ran for thc first lime in the late 1960s as a Art Melanson trustce for the separate school board. In 1970, he decided he liked il 5socîel he was going to aim for town council. He won a place ut the table, but retired in 1978 to mn bis oson Main Street clothing store, Knight's Menssocar. 1I was out until 1986," said Mr. Melanson, who places bis age ai somewhere in the seventies. "But the interest was always there. 1 soas always a community-minded person." He still is, and t0 prove tl is running for another council termi. If he succeeds, he plans 10 tight.for the building of more arenas, parka, playing fields and bail diamonda in town. "We have to have places for children to play. Lit diamonds, since mont of the activities take place in the evening." If hie gets re-elected, Mr. Melanaon soilI also push for a beefed- up transit system. "I don't think thc dial-a-bus syutem il working ai aIl," he said. "I'd like 10 scrap il right noso. I tbink we bave 10 bite the bullet and provide that aervice." TIse former merchant also has a keen interest in the durability of the downtown core, especially with growth peeking around Uic corner. "The downtown ls very near and dear 10 me. There's going 10 be great thingo happening in the Main Street in the next year or so." One difticulty faced by downtown merchanta isthe tendency of time-strapped people 10 shop sohere they work. Mr. Melanson leamed that while toiling in menswear stores in Brampton and Oakville. "I've seen a lot of local clients and customers cornte (0 those stores. It's very difficult 10 keep thrai loyalty in the down- town core." tn his years around the council table, Mr. Melanson has helped shape the gmowth that will soon be busting down Milton's doors. And he wants t0 stay on board t0 kcep it manageable. That means pushing developers t0 front-end growth and supply necessary recreational opportunities through parks and arenas, he said. scoop? We'd love to hearyour stoPy ideas. Cali 878- 2341, ext. 234. BUYER BEWARE: 13 Extra Costs to Be Aware of Before Buying a Home MILTON - Whether you're looking 10 buy your first home, or trading up t0 a larger one, there are many colts - on top of the purchase price - that you must figure mbt your calculation of affordability. These extra fees, such as taxes and other additional costa, could surprise you with an unwanted finan- cial nightmare on closing day if you'rc not infomred and prepared. Some of these, costa are one-time ftxed paymenta, while others represent an ongoing monthly or yeurly commit- ment. While not ail of these coats will apply in every situation, it'a better 10 know about them ahead of lime 50 you can budget properly. Remember, buying a home is a major milestone, and whether, it's your firat, second or tenth, there are many amaîl but important detaila, not 10 men- tion stress and excilment, 10 deal with during the process. The last thing you need are unbudgeted fmnancial obliga- tions in the hours before you take pos- session of your new home. To help homebuyers understand what these extra colts arc, and in what situations they may apply, a free indus- try report bau been prepared called "13 Extra Costs ta Be Aware of Before Buying a Home" To hear a brief recorded mesage about how to order your free copy of Ibis report, caîl 1-U88-475-8645 and enter ID# 1008. You can cai any- time, 24 boura a day, 7 days a week. Cali now t0 make sure you're budget- ing properly for your next move. 1ha np,,,,ioC,.n.,1i,,R-n.iîSpihilsîc, -Advertorial- il Halton CathoIic I'eachersl. We commend you for the caring and generous ways through which you help our students grow in their Catholic faith. You expand their knowledge and develop important life skills and their love of Iearning. You are an inspiration to ahli We salute and appreciate you on il

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