The Cariaclian Champion, Fniday, September 29 Ili IPatterns lin Paint Affordable Wall Finishes Color Blends -Trowellin8t A ging Bloclning -Crackling - ilding 15 Years Experlence Anu Johnston Mr.% Ak77R Q100 28381 Apartment 1 Hous 1 Business Seniors Dlscountsl naver ou rears cxporurum commercial & Realdential a~.HARDIMAN ROOFING CO. LTD. Tel: (905) 876-0958 02 Henda.aon Rond R. ne. 1, Miltona iT aue Rés: 19") a Fam: (OUt a*Block Farsosios e *Ffreplâcsrr *Chiosrey Reprar *Generai Mmroey *Rfetaiinn Walls Work 7ree Cal) Sieve McDougo Sp=calnd Who Pioe$ It? 1DELREX ',Y~ ' "RUaa£HomSECi.E dG ALUMINUM LIMITED Esirsace Sgoemni H tave your hme cleaised by soine- Alan .iSda ,eft ed one wh carest Senes w=ilss TI'ragh Reasonabte rates and refereaces availlabte. M o C11 77-383behmn gm &9pmCail Doris tiico877S33bewen9o&9m 905) 875-1479 Concept Ca5incte 1TING c I "VME "P~W LTD. 81hanm Castors fflwortt SALES a INSTALLATION o REPAIRS I i High-Etttcieaey Furnacos, - flSfl 184 *ll Air Coadianers, Gas Flreplaes SEPMI TANK PUMPING Robert Noble Ltd. '180 ft nf hose for crossing larens 3 radin dispanched trucks ts serve sou Don't vrait for 1>041Os, - Prareg h.for. in ta. lt9. (Shnuld pump at least every3 years) Never use coored or double.pty tuilet paper (519> 853-0500 Acte" Answering Service 878-6869 L ý,oje 9Kffe '97Kffl4 jýe. Guality Custom Homes Additions - Renovations CommerciaJ/industrial Construction Freqtaimqtnes 19051 826-0892 SHELLEY K BABA, 55. .... 19 Chiiopmeti Heul Cear df Mihne 905-876-3970 CENTRAL TRUCK & TRAILER LTD. Parts, Sales and Service t0 ail Makes and Modela of Truckns and Traitera *MTO Inspection Station sHeavy-Duty Accredited Clean Facility *Ail types of aluminum welding *Houts 7:00 a.m. ta 12 midnight L ight & heaW dots' angine & ~fl' transmission differentiais oversaut For more into ask for Renato or John Tel (905) 878-0900 * Fax (905) 878-3520 Qaie Doors - M«uisi (Apeiters Sales, Service jaud instalflton Woadosea, Eraeaae Dooro, Stonu Do,, Patio Doons Te Rowley Mechaical mec. B athroem Remodeling Specialits oCeramsie TU*. a News Construction Puampa a Water Systemas 925 Main Street Enast, Unit 3 OP7O 1 a'70 I SW~,ore- IM.A.R.C.H. filXS R&m.Wafta eurmo.5 ytern "Oa, Proe and I Caramlic Tules HandO à Wa saees ieh uaaomcwff Air Rue RoMSs Steel 51.15 .Cetr.a f oomn Air PuSes à Haflhdifla5 Iathrosas 0wO Ceilisus I 785 Min Street Eat 19051 876-4023 M.A.R.C.H. MECHANICAL Parta for Waahers * Dryers * Rangea * Pr«re e Refrlgeratora e Dithwashera 785 Main Street Mant 1176-1138 Across from thse Go Statto CUSTON WINDOWS & WINDOW COVERîNGs Cutf etcl & Venetias .- Silhouette & Lsurflots ____ Pteatad Shades & Dussles f viiteOur Shewreeo iiis.s 2395 Lakéahota Rd. W. 724 Matan5et E. OaIsviSO. ON LOL 1124 Mitona, ON L9T 3P6 tsl. 1905 847-7508 tel. (9015) 878-1180 Stan 1876-1138 (SERvicE) 875-2700 (syLu rerî" Rowley Meehacal mnc. Air Condltonmg Sales & Service Heat Panips a Furnaces IRS 925 Main Street Eut, Unit 3 OW0U 878-1979 LNO CERTIFID ~~ TECHRICtAN Looktng to purcbaaequallity standing tisnbe t-tee On-Site Cnsultation Cati Getty Levesque an: (905) 371-3550 (1111 1. . AS C 5(15l . ton,% 2QsLdn5d &5 Cfaoice it Clear! ResisteoSiat & Coasneei We kto an EAVESTROUGIIS 13 Ne-. of eliable Psofao.aast & Oasy Service on Yusr Ame LEE Etissai, Catis mm "m ces~ nom ia Inn"uS M, Mm -.. ImmA ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC. Metro lcense for over 35 years Industriel, Commercial, Reuidentiel 1-800-461-6098 Fax, Aetswering Machine 1.416-806-6290 Celi 1-519-822-9084 Home 111[I 'I uM Ca i ND Far ira 1os l.ti or isii lier ataaram