Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 29 Sep 2000, p. 26

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26-The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 29, 2000 RICHARDSON CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE Due toa eDramatic Increase in Business We are current/p accepting applications for the fallowing positions: Full Tna Automotive Sales Raoreatentative Espeninc peferred but not essential. Excellen=opensation plan & company benefits. Partime Receotloniat. Cashierj& Cuatomlations Representative Must have excellent communication skil/s and be avai/able eveninga & Saturdays. Plense fax reaumo bt 878-4443 and cail 879-2393 for Interview appolntment PART TIME MAINTENANCE PERSON '<Weekend Houes) M//ton Mail is /aoking for a hard worker, bandable, responsible, with goad public relation akilîs & en/oys warking with others. Duties include ian/tonial and general mainte- nance. Qualitied applicants may drap off resume at MaIT Management Office or Fax tai 878-8792 Are yen an esreîi .c persuex, FFH wanîîsg to weru ix ii, fast W EL paced exvîrorenesi We are (uqu,.qJcunrexh/y accepig applic.a- t ions for the f l/owîne: FIT P/T Short Order Cooks P/T Waiters/Waitresses FIT Il PM. 7AM. Dishwasher P/T Store Cerk F/T.P/T Fuel Bar Cashiers Appiy in rerson : Fîfth Wheet Truck Stop 40 Chîsholîx Dr., Milten COUNTrER HeL' REoUIRED - Clay, afternoan & overnîght ahita CAKE D)ECoRATrORIKrTCHEN STrAFF W/ilt train. Paid training. Un/forma supplied. Renumerataon based on espar/once. App/p in persan. 8501 Hy 25 Nrh M itoq 575 Ontario St Lllton L_80 Market DrIv, Milton you o o he i a Hs/a sc seny & proteosinna/ a/mosphere t/su con/act Chiahlu Cuesr FUL1 & PA//T-TIME TEACHING POSITIONS: J Secstdary Math. Science & English CI E/emtntaty Mal/eaa/ct & Language Arts CI Prxgramt Wr/ling and Supeisiion Oetai/td ResxmSto: Chlahalm cetr Humai ihsors 440 Ingîthart SI. N., Oakvil/t ON If/J 3J6 Fax: 844-732/ e amail: chishxlmceta@sprin/ ca WabalIIIIIta: ww.chisholmntrt.com CONDO PROPERTY-MANAGER As the largoat and fastoat growing cons/o- minium management company in this ares. Greenw/n Management ix again espanding and se are looking for an experiencod and proactive individus/ ta manage a partfal/a of condominium clients in the Burlington/ Hamilton area. Fax your rasumne to Jim Dazemar Graanwin Management @ 547-5080 TV/FILM AUDITIONS ACTORS WANTED Adu/ta & Kida (2 & Up) needed for TV & Fi/m Assîgnments. Na fees, Na Courses. Caîl (416) 221-3829 the paint and papier people 475 Main Streot East Requires part time salespeople. Flexible hours available. Please apply in person with resume. The Source-Canada Corp. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SUPPORT PERSON Needed immediate/y for off/ce in Milton. Prof/c/ont in MS Excel, Word, Pamerpaint with strang organizat/anal & communication akîlîs. Vohîcle for sonme local travei. part t/mo ta passible ful/I t/me sith flexible haurs. Contact/Fax Rasumo ta: Kevin McGavern <Ph) 905493-0377 <Fax) 905493-0388 *ADMINISTRATIVE Fcae ASSISTANT 0ur nmmbr servicts depsrtnaint requîtes an adminis- trative ssistant. Tht succest/l candis/att ailI ho an enenge/ic high/y urganiood individual with txctllent comptes ski//s, particu/a/y in dalabase mnsagement and MS Off/ce. The successlsl candis/a/s w/Il a/st base aI least 5ysans o/ ex/itrience, suporior ada/n/s- trativt and people ski//s and the ahi/i/y lu wsnk ailh a minimum o/ supervision, Il ouu bave an intenest in to/t and en/ny wurking in a chat ïenging and /ast-pactd en- virsnient /sraard ysur resurra hy Ocîxor 6,2000/to Personnel, Golf Bouse 1333 DeOrD., Oaklll, ON LBJ 4Z3 Emaîl: gaskla@rcga.org Nu phone ca//s ai/I ho acctped. **The ROGA /hanks a/I applicarîs, huseven se/y Ihose se/ected torsen interview ai/I ho con/acled. Visit wehsite: www.rcga.org/about-careerop.h/m IBR.NLe & 1ASSOCIATES Charlered Accountants TAX POSITION loin eue firm's las department where pour. responsibilities wiii include viewing ceeporate, esiate and personal tax returs and assiot with researching tax subjects and client queries. Experience in fuil-time taxation includ- ing eeview of tas returns eequieed. FuIltime position, however, oc f.is appeeciaites family lite and miii allow for flexible houes, Please mail resume te: Browo/ow & Assenciates Chartered Accountanis 259 Wilson Street Est Ancaster, ON L9C 28 e-mal: mark@bmownlowcas.com HUNT CORMIER "JEEP SMALL STORE VVITH BIG TRAFFIC is looking for EXPERIENCED SALES PEOPLE To join our Sales Force IMMEDIATELY. If you have experience and want to malice money, we need you now. We offer: " Advertising support " Combined new and used sales " Company demo " Health benetite Please call 905-876-2580 Ask for Wes GENERAL TECHNICIAN Busy, growing G.M. Dealership in Milton requires experienced G. M. trained or Class "A" Mechanic. " New G.M. image facility " 2-Lane drive thru reception " New comporter systent " our population is about to triple. Come on board and benefit from our growth. Fax resume to: David Fraser, Service Manager fax (905)878-0960 or call (905)878-2353 KraDam L 409 Main Si., Milton 160 Ï60 Office HMP Office Wp An equal opportunity employer www.gojobs.gov.on.ca - - Rais/ton rna is a /eading pet tond mniaufacturernis the Mississauga arsa. We cunren/t require Dlingual Part-il. Assisance in nur Consumner Relations area prelerah/y Tuesday and Thurodat's ai/h //esihîi/iy lu assîsl in covering vacations/ i//nets or seasonal dermieds. The successlol app/ican/ shsu/d he confident, seI organîoed, costumr service orîen/ed ai/h a goos/ to/ophoao Torsona/i/y and a s/rong dsoe to soliver. 00v suit usss/t /ho Consumer Relu/ions Cours/ina/or in restons//ngo l / verbal and aristes consumer cnmplaînln/ onquirits, ansaoring tht 1-800 linos, oponinq di: i sur/lot mail. pho/ocopying, liling and any oIl/r administraive dulios an requirod. Qualilîcatromi for Ihîs position inclus/e once/Ions communiîcatinn skilîs, ho/h wriRoo and oral, aoking koaledgeofu PCu and software applicationsl such as Microsoft Wnrk. Exel and e-mail, excellent key- huard/s/ata rntrt ski/lt, tu//y hîlîngual, French and Eng/ish. Ca/I Cen/rt enptrienca asu/d bo as asset. If you have the ahuve qualifications & are in/eres/ed in patlimre aork. p/oase torad tour resumne hy sailto/ Humain Resourcas, or tan /00905-855-5920. We thanh a/it app/icants hownver ooly thoe uelec/edl tor an interview wsi be con/acted 1990 LeBaron concert- 1993 Foid Aaros/ar XL h/le etc. condition. Fa// 139,000 km. Es. cons/i- /oas/ad and certifiad. t/on. A/C, rearwhee $5895 like nos. Ask for s/rie, sewstarter, nos Mac 875-0660 Idapa) bsttery, 2 nos f/mes. Ask- 335-9209 leva.). $n 6,500 OBO /905/ 87 8- 4 013, '86 Cu//as upreme /905/875-0522 Kovin. 180k, F/os/s/s car. Nes ps/nI $2500 cer. CaI 878-8375. GO 0GREE~ &~ Ontario MINISTRY 0F FINANCE Group Managers, Audit $56,325 - $691485 Join the regional tax office in one of these two opportunities ta manage audit staff conducting field audits under the Retail S aies Tax Ac. You wiil: recruit train and develap audit staff; allocate audit axxignments; evaluate job performance; resolve camp/ex audit issues; provide technica support. Location: Mississauga. File 358. Qualifications: management ski//slexperience in an auditing enviranment; abi/ity to, /ead, co-ordinate activities and motivate staff; thorough knowledge af the principles/practices of accountinglauditing techniques; successful campletion of CA, CMA or CGA designation or succensful completion of a recognized universisy degree p/us/inc/udling courses in introductory financial accounting, intermediate financial accounting, advanced financial accounting, auditing, taxation, either cont accounting or management accounting, and one of auditing, taxation, cont accuunting, management accaunting or finance; demonstrated abi/ity ta interpret re/ated /eqislation; know/edg e o f CAAT; xlrong interpersonal and communication ski//s. Senior Field Auditors $1,018 - $1,227 per week The regianal tax office, retaîl sa/es tax section, seeks three individuals ta conduct comprehensive audits of variaus large, complex taxpayers ta, ensure comp/iance with the Refait Salex Tax Act. You wi//: determine audit appraach, extent of tests conducted ta ascertain compliance /eve/; canduct in-depth audits; present findings. Location: Miseissauga, vvith trave/. File 357. Qualifications: extensive experience in/know/edge of advanced auditing, fi nancial-statement analysis, accountîng theory accounti ng systems; knaw/edge ai computer technology, Retait Sales Tax Act; abi/ity ta rende decisions affecting taxpayers' fiscal operations; interpersonal/commun ication ski//s ta resolve contentiaus issues; CGA, CMA or CA desîgnation or successfu/ completian of a, recognized university de gree plus/including courses in introductory financial accounting, intermediate financial accaunting, advanced financia/ accounting, aud iting, taxation, either cost accaunting or management accaunting, and one ai auditing, taxation, cost accaunting, management accaunting-or finance. Note (a/f positions): proof af designation or academic qualifications must bie attached ta your resume in order ta be considered. App/icants must clearly indicate an their transcnipts which of their courses meet the position's academic requirements. App/icants wha abtained their qualifications outside Canada must submit proof that these qualifications have been recognized as equivalencies in Canada. Resume must be received b y Oct. 6, 2000. Quoting appropriate fil e number, send to: Ministry of Finance, Human Resources Branch, 33 King Street West, Oshawa, ON Lii H5. Fax: (905) 433-6588. RECEl VABLE CLERK Theradyne Itna/ional, reqo/res a Temporary Long Term Accounts Réoeival/e C/ehk foi/the Oakvi/ll On/ario Cns/oer Service ConterInoca/ed in Ca/el/e. This is a c/ta//nnging position' co/locting from nur Latin Anxoican custoirers. Tht idel candidate wl have: +Fuency in English and Spanixh /Psrtuguese wou/d ho an asset) +Colltction esperience +An accountivg hackground +Excellent verbal and aritn communication ski//s *Good business ski//s Pleaso toroard your rosumo Io: THERMADYNE INTERNATIONAL 2070 Wyecro/t Road, Oakvi/le, Ontario, LàL 5V6 Fan: (905)827-5876, o-mail: ru/h-ans huxev@hxrmdvne.com (Word at/vchmoo// Theroînadyne In/ernationa, îs an oqual opportunity employer. Wde wish ts thank ail applicann, however on/ly thoso seec/ed lor an interview wastb contacted 1996 Mercury Vîllager WANTED 2 hos/rosmn HOW to stop paying GS, V6/, groen, good aparîment, hasement rent and own your w condition, PW, PL, PS, apt. or smail houso, bar- homo. Free rocorded AM/FM cassette sterso, nished or not. Imme- message 1-800-218- s/ual airbags, losing diato occupancp. a/tp #00 Exiai t. Re packoage, cru/se, nos /905/884-1006 at pcait lino, god 50v/caIMMACULATE, com- record. $11,500 060 pleteit apgraded 4 hed- CaI /905/854-3517 room home. 157 RIRE heroos aait Harvest Or/vo. 16'x32' able in House - M//ton. 3 Coomremvae/ Shared fac/lit/es with kitchon, saparate din- COUNTRY rural ares osmer. May suit ynsng ing-roomn lattice-co- apartment wantod. Re- prolassionals, coupte, ered dodo, 2 lireplaces, sponsible lama/e teacS- inaI faml . Availabh tasteuly finished hase- or, non-smoker, no pets.Nv s k e29 ment. C aI for appoint- Phone /905/502-7749 8806 Milton ment 875-3013 ____________________________ $204,900. OPEN I THI5 WEEK, RECYCLEI Ocoe 1a~, 2-5 pda 1-ve/Çy - 1-d. . No pet .s. Laandnp tac/lit/as inid. Ava/lablo mis/-Oct or No. 1.5$850/m lndl. Ut//- Ilas. Ask tor -Conrad (s/spa) 905-639-8777 al- ter 5 p.m. 905-693-02/6 BAISEMENT room. Shsred kftcsen 1t/sun- dry s/est for single aordng ada/I. No amok- inpets. $650tmonh, ahil/tes /nc/uded, te/e- phono eta. First and fast, ses//ah/e Oct. 1, 2000.878-1833 MILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NCIW LEASING 2 Bedrooma avait- ah/a on bas rout, f resh/p s/acomlte, 2 appliances, on-ar/a saun/y, indus/es aIl ati/ities (essep phono & cable.) F-ree parking, no pots. Roforesces required. Avai/shie Nov. 1. Stsr/ng from $935. Office Hoars are 1Oanm-5pm 905-876-1249 By appoitst sa/yj MILTON large one hed- ronm haisement apat- ment in bungalos, c/ose /0 s/oas/oas, Look TV, $80par mon/ se/u- n/ve. Avai/ahîs Novem- her 1. CaI John 878- 6859 ONE hedroom Main St. Mil/on. Avai/ahi e Oct. t. A/to avai. Bach. & ose hedroom s/sas/oas Ac- ton. Nov. 1. CaI 878- 3636 or /416/410-9194 FULLY larsished Carophelle//le farm house. No smoking, no pets. $400 month. 854- 0959 ROOM Ion rosI. Must Iko pets. Phono 876- 3168 TEMPORARY BILINGUAL ACCOUNTS

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