~ResWdents speak their minds on housing proposai By IRENE GENTLE The Champion Traffic and safety concernis were pitted against the desire of seniors to stay in their own corn- munity at the public portion of an Ontario Municipal Board hearing (0MB) Wedinesday. Tise ongoing hearing revolves around a controversial development proposa at tise E.C. Drury coînplex. Two separate public meetings were held, one mainly aimed at seniors and the other St residents who are concemed about thse proposai. If approved, it could bring 189 geared- to-seniors, single detached condominiums on about 33 acres of land that many cur- rently consider a park. The seniors appeared at Town Hall in thse morning armed with short, concise and clear presentations. The majority were in favour of the development, saying a scarcity of seniors housing is driving themn out of town. "t believe tisere's a need for seniors housing as proposed in Ibis development," said Charies Thomson. "Tse location is excellent. Let's make it possible for our seniors 10 continue living in the core area of their town." Speaking against tise proposaI was senior Ron McNeil. He said the site was aIl wrong for tise elderly, who would be better off living in a deveiopment beside the hospital. But Freda Strain said seniors want 10 live in tise beart of town, where amenities are wîthin walking distance. "Please, please don't delay tise deveiop- ment any longer," she said. "We want 10 be able to enjoy our senior moments." Otisers, sucs as Jo Axford, argued that tise woodlot on thse site sisouldn't be razed to accommodate seniors. "I rather resent being used t0 take a piece of Ibis deiightful piece of land and say il's for seniors," she said. "We don't need 10 eut down trees 10 make a concrete desert in Milton." But when asked if she was aware 80 per cent of the current woodiot would be saved under the proposaI, Ms Axford appeared surprised. Tise proposai bas outrsged nearby resi- dents, who were given thse chance 10 express tisemselves aI a public meeting Wednesday nigisî at E.C. Drury Higs School. Presiding over tise public sessions and tise hearing is W.R.F. Watty, wiso noted ise doesn'i put mucis faits in petitions. "I've signed petitions in my life jusî 10 gel someone away from my front door," ise said. Tise evening meeting drew a crowd of about 300, wiîis close 10 100 of tisose being deaf students, provincial scisool staff and parents. A tigist sisip was mun by Mr. Watty, wiso asked tisose attending both sessions 10 be succinct. 'Tie evidence is wisat is said and isow *se. TRAFFIC on page 16 -3 -,dom M