Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 26 Sep 2000, p. 27

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145 145 Genoral Help Generat Help The Canadian Champion, Tueseiny, September 26, 2000-27 145 '14514 General Help General Help Qmueraf HeIp Manufacturing Solutions SniaCroain sa leading electoncscortaract auacturngervces oepany pnodg a fll pcrmo nert vau-de lcteoi aatuegnserces. Theccoepany provdenihesoervcesn ha diversied bsoflaigEMsi th omncainidon5tia ad edicainrumentaioand hgh-end comer ectrothe ncsiduty nimn'sEcosr ytemnDvson, headquartieed inTorno Ontario i rnttcry ptepaerintom n to ei efaltyon ofe res ofltakn n ewrdic wtnihousncntto-tthn-artecosuredesign, manufacture, etegrtnandts aaiii SANMINA - BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE Joie n in oui Oea word clans facîlitis. Wc have immedîote permanent flli ime oppnrtunities, airS oetme auailahie Brake Press Operators - Mont be capable ni petintenea ovn net-op, lenst oit apptovai aed toeeîeg patn on Amada. Wiynog adortLD3. 4. 6ortaxiac ines Welders - Qoaified aioeeeoe and nieet neidoîn. Mont be abie tei tend biotpeinted and e n th Mîg aed TOg applicaion. Grind/Cleanup. ..... Mont Se--- .Si mn .ptr o adepntede n . . ne. .mc ... ed.. ......n.. ...e ......epti Th anoo pontînnaeatiiob lo o oatd co at nh,ti ted etq ScOae cnn yopeit tnt fleed iin ciine JOB FAIR CANADA CARTAGE S'YSTEM A Leader in Contract Trucking Is now hiring for A MAJOR F000 CHAIN BASED IN MILTON, ONTARIO expriecedAZOrivrs Saturday, September 3011 and Sundsy, October 111, 2000 At the Quly Inn 161 Chisholm Drive, Milton 9 a.m. u¶ti 3p.m. (w.15ad401 near the TffiMe ruck Stop, exit t320) n Zlicense n Current Drivera Abstrac . 0 s . mri euv iéýro aunmnorm pacKage --.1 l *Late model equipment Pieuse contact our Humain Resources Department 14800-268-2228 or 416-259-5454 for furthar detlails JOBS AVilLABLE NGW! a Fuli-timne Temp to Perm. * 12.50-$1 3.25 0-our " Afternoon Shifts aFast-paced Safe Environmnent aUniforms/Trainiaig Provided Fax: (905) 876-7212 Cal:. (905) 876-7214 A1TN: RECRUITING 8205 PARKHILL DRIVE MPn ON MILTON ONTARIO L9T 5G8 BILINOUAL ime OPERATORS The Royat Canadian Golf Association is saarchiog for saventl Bit ingual Operators tai aiswer phona catIs ragardiog the 2001 Bell Canadian O an. The positions ara 3 and 6 manth &onac positions. Tha saccaustal candidate(s) arîl have ootstaoding arganizatinal skiffs and ira bilingual (Eoglish/ Franch). f ntarastad candidates shoald sand a do- tait ed fesmme, va fiax or e-maril, Sp Septembar 29, 2000tIo: Parsannl, Gli Ha... Fau U08U45-7fl amil: gaakl@rcga.arg No phone calta atISa b acceptad. ***The RCGA thanks ail applicants, hoaaaer only thase salacted for an interview ait I le csnfactad. Visit wahsite ww.rcg.rg/abot-careerop.tm REQUIRED: SNOW PLOW TRUCKS & EQUIPMENT OPERATORS For Highways 401, 410, 403, and 6, f rom patral yards at Highway 401/10 and Highway 401/6 for Yaar 2000 and beyond. Equipmont Ownar/Oparators: - must have prior experience and welf maintained fate model equipent, (Plow/Spreader Truck, complete wtth aRe-ay plos & riglit wing and/or 6.1 3m' spreader, single/duaf spinner, electronic spreader contrefs) that meet MTO speciticatians. Equipmant oparalars who: - have winter mainotenance experience - have a dcean" DZ f icense TWD Raads Management Inc. Toronto West 6199 Huronlarlo St. RR#6 Mississauga ON, L5M 25 Phono: (905) 670-3080 Fax: (905) 670-3716 PEF-- HALTON, DUFFERIN VAbat's lit Store I'orYoîi ...Atbe MARKETý Meet 75 + lbp Eiployers: theHewlett-Packard (Canada) Ltd. n<. ~ Macdonîald Dettwtler Space & EhbtHall 1 Martin Sprocket & earCaIId rt Paaad, Sotutheast conter of Airport lic. and tan>' more. od DmR. issaga Hiring forl1,000's of jobs ii 1000am. - 7.00 p.m. Administration, Crîstoiner Service, 1 .00Sales, IT Specialists anrd Drivers ta ADM4ISSIODN nine jest afew... I ' Il I I I i I Coorddnated b>': Centre for Edîcaioa and Traidtg Ftndedhy: Hu~ enp22:== d- Rapidly expanding Oakoille Manufacturer is currenly Iooking for t he following personnel no foin oor f eam: MANUFACTURING MANAGER Oversea production, quality, cosf confrol, training aid maintenance, Eoperience wif h narnous eqoîpmenf for inelal shoot formiog, slamping, spof' welding and machining, Pronen mînîgerial and leadership skilus a mouft Engineering/ fechaical degree reqaîred. Min. 10 years eperience. ACCOUNTANT Af f east 5 pears expeneance in genera fînancia accoînfing. Must ha able a f genarafe and mainfaîn monfhf y financia sfatemeaf s, year-end audif pro- cedares. Contraf and recanci e assaciafed tedgers. Saperoisary and Windows 2000 eaperience pre- ferred. Accaanfiag desîgnatian an asset. Box 0217. , o ie l HaVir 407 $Mum Rd., Si"1lI9 LIE 384 7oes. S T AFF 1UN G OPEN HOUSE Thursday September 28 at Trafalgar Square 310 Main Street East iu Milton 1O:ti0amn - 4:0Opm Recrutting for 10 Permanent Positions Production Line Work Please bin your femen d 2 watie meferencen 1-877-799-3M0 rift#t". COUINTER HELP REQUIRED - day, afternoon & overnight shifts CAKE D)ECORAToRIKiTCHEN STAFF Wtt I train. Pnid training. Unitorma supplted. Reenumeration based on experience. Appty in pernon. 8501 Hwy 25 North Milton 575 Intario St, liton . 80 Markat Driva, Mlo Grow & t1Ia wîfh oor uprgeusive arganizafioo! Ail Fired Up! Ltd. Ceramîc giftware mfr accapfing applications for tffl- time permanent cnat production positions, Mon-n, lam-4pm. ($9/hr start + honusas & profit shilring). Strong self-initiative, teamaork, communication, prohfem sofoing & minuit deoferîty relquired. fndioid- sals if aork ta hning ouf thoîr ows, thoir fams'and She business' pateotrat, thruugh performiog manp different tppes of work. Heaop lifting required. Aply wlth rasam: Wed. Sept. 27 ta Mon. Oct. 2, lam-4pm if 180 Nipuss ng Rd, Il, Milton, ON. la nose hirnng for the fotlowing: " FIT P/T Kîtchen HoUp " F/T P/T Hostoss & Watt Staff " F/T Cleaner/Dishwasher Mon-Fni (dnays) Cali 878-6697 Canada" PERMANENT FULL TIMEF LOT ASSISTANT & CLEAN UP PERSON Reoponoibte person with a vatid driveras ticence and the abtttty toi drive manunt transmission pick-up trucks ta rnquired ta hetp organize our vehnicte inventory and to keep lt cars ctean. For an interview ptease cal Dwain McGilvnay at Milton Chryaler 878-8877 FULLTIME LUMBER SALES Lumber salen person required ta work fult time inctuding 2 eveningsannd rotnting weekends. Succeastu appticants muat hava tomber atan expertence and be cuatomner senvice orienterd. Schuylar Homa Hardwara Building Centra 385 Steeles Ava., Milton Fax: (905)878-4049 MacLachian College SMACIIM11 la aun I.amai c0.adacat i q Sa cheel. juniar KI.drma ta OIC. WeI are caaeftly seekiog *Subffltai tiaclar ta add faonu supptp tint Direct tetters of application, fesmme, enidence of qualitications and retereoces ta: Mm P. Hargreaaes, Diretor of Staff Deaelnpment MacLachtan Cottage, 337 Trafalg~ar Rd., Oaavif fa, ON, L6J 3H3 www.maclachlan.on.ca ENJOY TEACHING Without 8h. Haeasien IIyo tove kîdu and eno fafaach i frieody & professioal amosphere thon cootact Chisolu Contre FULL & PART-T ME TEACI-ING POSITIONS: CI Sacoodary Math, Science & Eogtish CI Etamantat> Mathamatcu & Langage Arts CI Prngramn Wrîtîng and Supervision Detaifad Rasuma tai: Chisbh Contra Numa Raaourcas 440 tngtahaOr St. N., Dîkaitta ON L6J 3J6 Fa: 844-7321 tenait chishotmcentreOsptinf.ci Wahslt: www.chisholmcentre.com MILLSIDE RESTAURANT Requires " WAIT STAFF " KITCHEN HELP Fult time & Part time Apply in person to: 243 Main St. E.

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