Classified CLASSIFIED BONUS! HOURS Classified Ads MONDAY TO FRIDAY Ail 900AM500PM appearat... BIRTHDAY .-' SLAMA - Gary and Judy and blg brother Ryan lbs 9 1/2 oz., bom, Seplember 13, 2000 at 5:07 reat grandparants JacIr and Peggy Sales of mishes from many Au Undas, Cousins and friands. A very special thanka goes 10 Dr. King, Dr. Shanna and ail of the wondertui ~ Staff. Mommy worald also like 10 give a warm and special thanku to Daddy and 10,uui*,u Wnwurrt whn helned n Ihe sale arrivaI. GRAZIAN, Famacclo Suddanly muta on lion n ltsiy on Saptembar 20, 2000, Ferruecto Grazian 0f Milton in his 71s1 pear. Balovad bas- baud ol Rosanna. Lovins fathar 0f Sonia Grazian 0f Toronto, Lias sud bar husbund Buan SI. Hilaira caf SI. Cathannes, Sandra sud ber husband Steve 1108 0f Aima. Ha mii bu usd1 y missad sud fondiy remamburad b y hie grand- chiidren Michael, Christophar, Natalie andJatia. Feersaccio mut bu sadin missud by att bis fumity sud friands n lIaiy. Family sud frivudu mare raceivad aI the J. ScoIt Es~ Fanerai Home, 21 James St, Miton on Monday froc 6-9 p.m. A Mass of Christian 05451 milI bu hald frors Holy Rossry Catholic Church on Tuesday aI 10:00 sm. lutuemant 10 tollom aI Evargraan Camatery n Miffon. il desirad, memorial donations 10 the Hearl & Sîrolea Foundation or the Canadian Cancer Sociaty mould bu appmcmted by tha family. i/erstones Sue Tudayi CIampiuiifoei>iin Mlesioiieuecsiiii Tu ouummoe ~,mrupeaalewiîI fus flue Chau~uuuub CI.uuu4ied Depueinieni ai tli-23ri4 arcane 10 uuruffice lit Maoî 5* E la ____________________________ NOTICE TO CREDITORS LAWN SALE F BIRTHDAY OPEN HOUSE ABdaunsagainstthe estateof John SATURDAY Town 0f Milton, Ontarlo, who died on or about the SEPT. 30 (t 21sf day 0f May, 2000, must bu filed with 8 AM - 3 PM yau. are. iwited ta. a the undersigned personul representatives on or before the 3rd dsy 0f November, 8549 p S urpiw ~u~j~' 2000 efler which date the estate mili be E Lelebrate. daims 0f which the Estate Trustees then dstrîbuted having regard only to the FOURTH LINE F CauL~m< ' shaîl have notice. f. iUa~1d & DA1ED aI Mîton, Ibis tffth day sf Sepleurber, 2000. MOVINGICOURT r Joaeph P. Servos and SALE Helen Scilsîssi Multi-Family Sale r u-tkz~~.. i EssaIe Trustees with a Will COURT E Nichais and Sarvos SATURDAY, taLer 1, 2~i'.to Barristers and Solicitors SEPT. 30 i. 207 Mary Streat, Box 249 A.M. i RM. \/J 1:3() - 4 3f) pan. Milton, Onsarlo Tools, ai Gaîîadîcon .La~qzavî Ap~Hanc~s, S~., ~(d~ Lawnmower, Chai 142<1 Albums, etc. i~eMt wa,îlws cherrywood MULT-UNIT Trues, Shrubs, pedestul table I YARD SALE Evurgreens... Chippendale chairs: 661 CHILDS et, hutch, sucer, ail for as 11111e as dovetail 5h11 in boues DRIVE $2, $5 & $10 coul $14.000 Sacrifice SATURDAY, Dont miss our ~ 905-5h7-9459. SEPTEMBER 30 Fsll Clearance" WATER tiller- underîhe 7:30 A.M. - 12 sînk. Brand new, 5h11 in NOON plant ~ bos, 25,000 gallon ca- Ram Date - Suptembur 30f h pacity. (505)690-4604 Saturday Octobar 14 snd Octobur 1sf 190 Ontarmo St.. Milton 878-6522 at Sheridan Monuments Markers * Bronze Markars Nurseries Cematary Lattaring Georgetown Location Oo(y) ATTENTION ANTIQUES INTERNET & aider items USERS WANTED lu loving mamory <if Leonard W. Flynn sho Urtlimited lpc lu luil tSt5t0. pauuad away Septambar 25, 1998. Access Prumyl coolideolisl only services. Plusse cuil Ha eh us quiutly, DRY firemood, uplit, $1S95, great Norrri/Hesther His thoughts unknown, miuad hardmood. 4 by local service 905-703-1107 O! But eh us a memory 5, facacord. Appros- We are proud 10 omn, imaleiy 16" places. Cati and support 905.7040519 n Vour garden 0f res~: (905)878-4024 from Ha wau onu 0f the beut. Rtran and Ror~r. ALL new 100% ganuina 8732602 lesîher sofa, lovaseat, 00e ara accepting appli- chair 5h11 pacieagad cout celions for tuil sud part $8.500, sali $3500 time Detailers. Esperi- (4161746-0995 ance preferrad. Self mo- BED Ouaan blach iron tivaled people onty. Commission basad. canopy, orthopadic mat- COURTISTREET Wslk n mith resume ut treusibos ufili pachageet. 925 Main StEaut #1. No owurd araf OR.prtena rBayrrton ueruf4fif~e Coul $1200 Sacrifice SALE phona cails. Cv tfaankaff vf e/rose ndiv attenifedour $525. Con deivar. 416- SAT. SEPT. 30 COME ioin our tuaI joint anuf2Jse 8 AM - NOON prowing taam. Naad Surprise 50e/I t&/r513 BEDROOM sel 8 place immed. OwnerfOparator lPafly. We rtvth fraifagreat n~llt aruf are cherrymoori four MCNAUGHTON mîth 5 ton tecks & car- Irappy t/rat aif oJ3Jvu sfuureif Lt wïefl us. poutarfuleigh, chaul, COURT go vans. MusI bu us- tridrasser, mirror, nigt~t- ge nancad n G.T.A. & Jidgrjts, <anti ~ stands, aIl dovalail, naw (Off Cabot Trail) SA. Cati 693-1218, day wishes weregreae(y apprecrueeîf. 'We 5h11 packaged coul Lots of Vendors; ask lot Doug. hope everyvne fias as mur/I Jus as sue dût' $9.000 S5crifice ~ Lots of Goodias DRIVERS sud lnupac- tors raquirad for Toronto Auto Auchons. Phone BEDS, Kîng pillomtop or John Pans, 905-875- 9fonmzrdeO' ~o6ena doubla orthopeebc mat- GARAGE SALE 2915, est. 248 or tas ra- traus sut sera lu plastic 124 HESLOP suce 1090S-87S-3219. Coat $1.500 Sacritice (Kîng $625) (Double ROAD DZ DrcarsfBrokars $375) Cas dativar 416- BAT. SEPT. 30 rtaadad. Major ori cern- 741-7557 pany distributor s look- AUCYU.M SME CARPET I have suvami 8:00 A.M. ing for 011 drivaru sud tata John MacCarthur aI the 1,000 yrdu. of sera Hot stsmping brokaru tor Itra Huton For the astata 0f tha Ragion aras. MuaI bu farm 5440 5 Sideroad Mîlton, 2 mîtes saut ot Staismaster & 100% ny- mschine, car top aupariancaij on multi- I Hwy 25 Saturday Septenrber 30 ut la a.m ion carpat Will do living- roof carder, tsul delivaries. Cali 905- Furu tara hamad uit waîarcoîoura & punts, pumi- room & hall for $349. lu- booku, household 470-7800 eut. 222 or I tuas chus glass s ivermare îawatlary etc dudas carpat, pad & in- ~ utallation (30 yards) ~ CHESTER~ELD, Fax us yourClassifieds Ward Brownrmdge Auctloneer (905)8784730 Steve, 639-2902 Canabtan Phosu 875-3425 876-2364 DEN Housa Cure LABOURERS acitity, R.R. 2 Gueipti Miltos Wsrehsuse iquiras s bcd service upecisor lot malamir,. P/T leadirig tsF/T rave. Plusse c~fi MusI be ilesîble 15 519)856-4622 for inter- mork vatisos hsuîs iew. Oco ttsospoilstiso & _____________________ sslety boots teqoired. IORSE stable requirus Soce htavy lifting. art lime momîng help. Fax rau..: uperienca an assaI. (905>712.1400 leasu cati 876-4529 IATURE help manteet Action Force or cosmelic depart- sent. Part time, aven- HIRING: ~gs sud weekends. Ap- Geserul Labourers îly mithin, Shoppers Park Lîtt Operalors )rug Mart, 265 Main St. Welders i., Milton. LiglilAsserublers ~IOFFAT Auto Wories, ~ &Psckagers. etc osai the Job Pair arge auto delailing Sept. 2t I BootS 140 thop requires fuit lice eorkers. Wili train. 300d stsrting saiary. Tho Daîl Mac Moffal. 875- co-oporators ___________________ HIRING MR. SUB reqairas part ACCOUNT/SALES rime help. Apply n par- REPPESENTATIVES 505 b: 429 Main St., Ssu us aI 15e Milton. Hsllor Job & Cureer PART-time/Fulltime styl- Pair on Sept. 28 aI, Iteuible houru wîth r 15e Lobby BootS every other maekend off. Apply n peruon, Hair Haadquartaru, 118 Guelph Sîreel, Georgelomu 905-877- 9630 PARTS Counter! Ordur ENTHUSIAST1C sales Entry. Some heavy 11h- person neadeet. Strosg ing involvad. Computer desîra 10 esc a maut. aupariance sud auto- Appros. 20+ hoars a motive/traiter parts week. Herbai kuoml- backfround mould bu adge an assaI but sol conuîderad an assaI. neceusary. Fax rasuma Apply n person 10 10 873-3097. No phone Cerka Industries Lld., callu pleasu. 8125 Euquesing (Fourth) Lina, R.R.85, Mitton (905)676-1212 PERSONAL-Cara at- tendant naeded 10 morS every Thursday f rom EXPERIENCED MIG 9:00 sm. le 5:00 p.m. Walder wanîad mme- Fer luCher intormation diataiy for busy melding phona (905)854-9929, uhop. Esperienca con- between 9:00 sm. sud siderad an assaI bat miii 5:00 pc. FRAINING train. Fleuible hours. PROVIDED. Goori mages. Phone TIIE Laundry Factory ut ~~t886 or Fus 654- 781 Main St. E. raqaîres a matura, friendly, part lima asendant (indud- ing meekends(. Ability 10 wash & trou s naces- uary. Plusse bnng your rasume, no phone calta DENTAL Office - trac posîtions. Basy office Swlmmlng raquires a part lime Coachl ~anda~~ Instructor parI lima Assistant Polies oct: coaching/ Sand resu me 10 Dr Madlands00 Laurier teachingl administra- Ave #18 Mitton, 05154* tiso. Musi ha trieodly & L9T4R3 nolgoîns railS NLS & FULLTIME Dental re CPI. Fuillime 25-27K; Fart-lime lustr stars ceptioniat for tamiS practice, aupanance i alto eetluited: 610- the dental fiaid required 512/ht. PIeuse cuit Send resume 10 Bn: (505) 634-4125 2474 C/O Tha Inde pendant/Frea Preus 280 Gueiph St. Georgatoran, ON L7( ~~iist~ 401 * Minimum $8/hr guarasteed RPN'S starling ut 40% For Maiernîiy Relief * Benetil package * Fies. schedule & Purmaneot P/T Vistamere req~i~ntele Retrement * Arinauceri Ira & equipment preni~ed © 905447-1413 Cmli ReliurE or Irueda or lax 847-1765 (905) 319-3155