The Canadien Champion, Tuesday, September 26,2000-13 Wetweather doesn't put damper on local fair BY USA CARTWRIGHT The Champion The weather cooperated Sunday, bringing hundreds of people to the Iast day of the Milton Fali Fair. The day siarted out poorly in both weather and aitendance, but as the Sun broke through the clouds in the laie morning, more people siarted coming through the gaies. Keith Wettlaufer, ibis year's fair president, said Sunday's flot- so-per[ect weatber slowed down the number of people who came to the fair, but he stilIl expected about 20,000 people t0 visit. The wet weatber also caused havoc for the horse shows Saturday. The ring was s0 muddy that organizers cancelled the evenîs, which instead took place Sunday. Mississauga resident Lynn Whitney, 12, was happy the horse shows weoe held Sunday. Ms Whitney and her horse Moonlite Mirage was competing for the firsi lime ai the [air. "There is a lot more compeîiîion and harder judges," shte said. But horses aren't the only attraction ibat bringa people to the [air. The demolition derby is also a popular event. Eight-year-old Robert Gray watcbed the demolition derby Saturday night wiîb bis family. His dad Scott Gray said they sat in the grandsîands so lhey wouldn't gel wet. Despite tbe distance, Robert said be saw several good crashes, but one in particular caught bis eye. 'His wbole engine blew oui," said Robert about tbe crash that caused a fire to one of tbe vebicles. "He (the driver) jumped out the back window." Firat-time Milton fairgoer Tom Stewart also came for tbe demolition derby, but said it was the variety ibat impressed bim. 1I love it," said Mr. Stewart wbo moved to Milton a year ago. Mr. Stewart said be bas been to a number of [airs including ones in Elora and Sutton. "Tbis is mucb bigger. A bigger variety o[ everytbing. I'm impressed," he said. The [air offers sometbing [or everyone. Thse Sharp brothers - Graham, 12, and Brad, 9 - said îbey corne [or the rides and the food. "I like the rides and the food, the same as my brother," said Photo Sp GRAHAM PAINE Milton's BrIan Smlth compotes In the 5,500 pound tractor pull aboard this McCormlck Farmai tractor durlng the fali fair Saturday. Brad. Botb broibers loved Sîarship 2000, a ride that spins people around and sticks tbem to tbe walI, and the bot dogs. wbich are bigger and better ihan anywhere else, they said. Brad and bis grade 4-5 claas at Milton Heights Academy also received second place [or iheir apple co[[ee cake. Apples were the theme for ibis year's [air, said Phyllia Way, one of the directors. Ms Way, who eniered several items in the tlower and baking classes, said the public scbools created dis- plays using apples and many o[ the crafta and [lower arrange- ments had to incorporate the versatile fruit. The display by J.M. Denyci School feaitured a number of poems written by students about apples. Alto in tbe children's exhibit hall was a number of entries ihat had kids trying to make a pumpkin look like one o[ their parents. First-prize winner Peter Garrod-Martin's pumpkin looked eerily like bis faîber - saine eyes, ame glassea and saine dark bair, beard and mustache. Three-montb-old Johnathan Borutaki brought bis parents Lia and Matthew Borutski to the fair. While Ms Bonitaki bas been to the [air for years, it was the firsi urne [or the two men in ber Ii[e. Mr. Borutski said he and bis wife brougbt their son to show hirn wbat Milton is ail about. r-ota Dy UMtAM-AM rptiri'd Dawn Overland, 15, hies her bande full wlth 1h18 ramn- bunelous yearling In 1he 1.11 fuira junior yearling category of the llvestock competltlon. BARNlACLE * NO COVER CHARGE Watch for uu'comiflg Oktoberfest Celebrations Theigf ir S i 200 ier LX7 Salue 2001li A-oim GXE 155-HP~~~ 24 .e .OH .on .M S . O . D . oo .s.ste. L NORTH END NISSAN ~J 610 MA1N ST- MILTONJ 878-4137 If 4nl a gra 4ldyuge ra Ký