Residents invited to speak before 0MB Wednesday *from 0MB on page 1 t0 buffer is signiticant. 1 think the proposed use is certainly compati- ble." He addressed the argument that people would prefer the land be rnaintained as a park. "t don't think public or open space use is possible," said Mr. Lchman. "Without some philan- thropie benefactor, I don'î think thaî's a realistic option. 1tîhink il's an inescapable conclusion that il should be residential." And the communiîy benefits fromn the current proposal's promise t0 save 80 per cent of an existing woodlot, tuming it over t0 the Town for maintenance, hie added. The densiîy of the proposed development fils that of the sur- rounding areas, and the bungalows are a desirable housing type for the town, hie added. Mr. Lehman addressed the oppo- sition t0 the development among nearby residents, saying be bas seen rnany sirnilar cases in bis career. TMe resistance usually surrounds urban infill, where development lakes place inside an already built up area. ".My experience over tbe lasI 10 years is that lbougb everone can agree on a tbeoretical level, inevitably tbere is a reaction in tbe local neigbbourbood against inten- sification," said Mr. Lebman. "t' ve spent a lot of lime wondering why there's such a reaction t0 change." Experience bas aiso shown Ibal the development isn't as cala- stmopbic as the neigbbours fear, hie said. "AlmosI wiîhouî exception, they haven'l had the impacts people feared tbey would," said Mr. Lehman. "Almost inevilably, the new dcvelopment is incorporated mbt the cornmunity as tbough il had been there since day one." And since the land has been declared surplus by the Provincial school, the wish of the people t0 keep il as open space is of no plan- ning consequence, he said. "Open space being lost, in rny opinion, is of no rei-vance from a planning perspective," be said. "I understand the feeling and the wisb but 1 don't think il's of rnuch use t0 debate that issue." Tbe bearing is meant to continue until appmoximately October 2. Residents interested in having their say are invited t0 Town Hall Wednesday t0 speak before the board at7:30 p.m. Seniors, or those who can't make the evening meeting, are invited t0 address the board at 10 arn. the samne day. "'No adjournment of hearing A bid t0 adjourn an Ontario Municipal Board (0MB) bearing mbt a proposed development at the E.C. Drury complex was scuttîrd recently. The hearing began Monday and is expected te mun two weeks. Il was the second plea for adjourniment to be turned down. The first volley was hurîrd in June by the citizen% group Friends of E.C. Drury Park, with the support of the Town. Il was rejected. The latest salvo was fired by the Town and revolved around a strip of landI running from the resr of the development te Ontaeio Street. The contention was the develop- ers, Leisureworld Inc. and H.D. Invesîments, badn't appmoacbed the Town with zoning applications for the extra land, which amounts t0 about four acres, said Town solici- tor Hal Watson. But 0MB member W.R.F. Watty ruled the issue could be handled within the context of the hearing. The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 22: 2000 - 9 SUV and pick-up truck collide Three people weïe sent 10 hospital with miner injuries September 14 after a sports utility vehi- cie and a pick-up truck collided St Derry Road andI Fîfth Line. At about 7:45 amr., the 1988 Toyota 4-Runner - travelling west on Des'ry Road = was bit by a 1989 Ford pick-up truck, wlsich was northbound on Fifth Une, police said. The pick-up truck stopped aI a stop sign, then proceeded into the intersection hitting the Toyota, police said. The Toyota's three occu pants - two wornen, 25 and 21, and a 3-year- old girl - were treated and released at Milton District Hospital. The pick-up truck driver wasn't injured. A Hornby man, 63, was charged -with failing te yield in a stop position. Beware of Home Inspection Pitfalls BEFORE You Put Your Home Up For Sale MILTON - According t0 induslry experts, tbere are over 33 physical problems that will corne under scrutiny during a borne inspection when your home is for sale. A new report bas been prepared whicb identifies the eleven most common of Ibese problems, and what you should know about them before you liat your home for sale. Whetber you own an old home or a brand new one, Ibere are a number of Ibings that can faîl short of require- ments during a home inspection. If not identified and dealt witb, any of these Il items could colt you dearly in terrnis of repair. That's wby il's critical Ibat you read Ibis report before you lisI your home. If you wait until the build- ing inspecter flags these issues for you, you will almost certainly experience costly delays in the close of your borne sale or, worse, tum prospective buyers away altogether. In mosl cases, you can make a rea- sonable pre-inspection yourself if you know wbat you're looking for. And knowing whaî you're looking for can belp you peevent litIle problerns frorn growing mbt costly and unirnaginable orles. To help homesellers deal witb this issue before their home il lisîrd, a free report entitled "Il Things You Need to Know to Pass Your Home Inspection" bas been compiled which explains the issues involved. Yeu can gel a FREE copy of Ibis report, caîl 1-888475-8645 and enter ID# 4003. You can cafi anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 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