OUR READERS WRITE Please allow me to express a million thank yous The Canadian Champion, Friday. September 22, 2000 - 7 Dear Editor: Last week 1 was joined by some 450 people to celebrate 25 years of recording and performing for chari- ty and the launch of my 12 th recording, 'Tbe Bridge To Us Alil'. Tbe nature of any bridge is to astist us over difficult valleys to new bopeful lands. Over the past 25 years, bundreds of thousands of individuals in Canada and the United States have assîsted me in building a musical bridge of hope, faith and love through their friendship and sup- port of my music ministry. Through the tales of recordings r and concerts our musical joumey of love bas raised awareness and funds totalling more tban a million dollars for numerous charities throughout the world. To build a strong, powerful and successful bridge, one needs mois, supplies and bard workers. Over tbe past quarter century, our musical ministry bas been sup- plied with great musicians, volun- teers, sponsors, promoters, venues and entbusiastic audiences, wbicb have made the construction a lot easier. For Ibis, 1 wisb to express a mil- lion tbank yous to my family, friends, parishioners, clergy, and supporters throughout the country, especially the community of Milton for its support in building this bridge of hope. Finally, a 'Word of thanks to our supervisor in this building project, Our Lord, who bas supervised and guided our project every step of the wsy. May his gift of song in my heart inspire, renew and encourage your journey in loving eacb other and the Lord, who is The Bridge To Us Ail. Father Mark Curtis Milton The Canadian Champion welcomnes letters to the editor. We reserve the right ta edit, revise, and reject letters. Letters must be signed and include the address and telephone number of the writer. Mail letters to: The Canadian Champion, Box 248, Milton, Ont., 19T 4N9 or leave them at our office, 191 Main St. E., fax to 878-4943, or e-mail to Miltoned@haltonsearch.com. j circa 1870 Q 7'l OFF THE BOOK PRICE ALL WALLPAPERL BOOK ORDERS when you buy 2 single roils/spools or more. (Exeludes fabric and accessories) SALE ENDS SEPT. 30/00 * 1 ..ffufej i kýj fai mm Mohawk P-ACE-TRACK SLOTS.ý: