6 -The Canadian Champion, Fniday, September 22, 2000 *COMMENT IWN'T POUR LeS o _________________UN L.SS YOU O!FiRT Let's stick to the issue A rally to protest the potential pnivatîzation of Ontario jails by the Province was held at Maplehurst Correctional Complex Tuesday. I E The hour-long demonstration had correctional worker', coming out ifl droves to express their concem tha t running jails for profit could endan- ger lives. Since front-line workers are more than qualified to have their say in the debate, that concern should be both heard and addressed. But the kînd of rhetoric spewed by NDP corrections crîtîc Peter Kormos at the event did nothîng to further the discussion.A t Instead, he stooped to shamneful accusations about Premier MikeA l Harris anid Corrections Minister Rob Sampson. C t6~ 4~ $A For example, in a cynical use of another's pain to, further a cause, the 1 tragedy that left six people dead in Walkerton, Ont. was exploited. This comment and other even more personal ones were judged unfit for publication in The Champion, but were heard by ail in attendance at the rally. Prison privatization may very weIl be a bad thing. If it is, the argu- ments against it will stand on their own. But personally attacking Mr. Harris and Mr. Sampson simply dimîn- ishes the message. It's both uncalled for and unhelpful. If Mr. Kormos wants people to listen, he should stop yellîng so loudly that be deafens them._________________________ __________ 'O UR READERS WRITEL Pleae dn'tdritk ICOOl f ~Thanks,- Mrs.. Couison, for ail you taught me Dear Edtor: ,Through tht miediuii of tbia'newspa- lier 1 would like to thank ail those who helped make FASday a aucceaa Septenîber 9 - tht Town of Milton for iasuing a proclamationi for intemiationtal PASday ini the town of Milton, the foienda who made donatiOns to, tht Feta Alcohol Suippoat Network (Toronto and Peel), those who came to Toronto on Saturday for the event htld there, and thoat who have aupporttd our family along outrjbumney with fêtai alcohol syn- dronme. Thank you tal per, which pehted ana tht datigers of aicobti cy' My final messtage you'oe pregnant, or I you're pregnant, pleas hol. If you think your ing with a child or please caîl 853-3265 aw@stn.net. +THE CANADIAN CR Boa 248, 191 Main St. E., The Canadien Champion, pobtishea cor Main Si. t., Milton, Ont., LgT 4N9 (Bte 2 Milon, Ont. L9T 4N9 Printnt, Pubirahîng & Disiributing Lia. gnoaî incladet: AîaxdPickering News Adynrtisen, (905) 878-2341 dvance, tanny's Bay Tis Week, ititen t Burtington Pot, Ourtînoton Shtpping Ne toandian. Colingocod/Wasaga Connc Editorial Fax: 878-4943 AdvttCoutiy Rotet. tobicoke Guandi Yotng, Georgettwn IndepordentlAcion F Advertising Fax: 876-2364 Times, Kingtton This Work. Lindsay Thit tun, MiittandlPenetanushene Mîrtn, Mito Classified: 875-3300 Business Times. Missîssauga Nows, Nanan Neormarker/Auntna tna-tanner, Nonihuinter takville Braver, Oakvitie thopping Noe.si lait Oliver Pubisher Today. Oshawa/Whîiy/dîorintonl'oi p Neil liverTribune, Petenrbortuth This Week. Pîci Nu lvr A.ociîîie Pablisher iiilVfThornhillNaughan Lihenat, Scarbortut îg tb ea dtr This it in reaponte to Liz t> te tîîia nesa Coulaon'a letter publiahed wicle igligltiiig September 12. 1I during tregnan- Thank you, Mm. Coulton. I can't remember if 1 ever got to aay. that ibis ya is ta if to you when I waa in your dlasa. 1 cre'a a possibility had Liz Coulson for my laat temea- do' drin alo ter of high achool. She waa one of nay aady be liv- the greateat teachera that I ever had adult with FAS, the pleasure of aitting in her dlasa- or e-ail sion- room (although moat of the time we weoen't titting). Shlêe W~~n She would bring in costumes for shionswéson the booka we were reading. Acton Forgive me, but I catit remember the namne of the book, but tht would give ut ail charactera. No one waa ever left out. We would ,M1jON\ have boys play women, girls play men, and we would ail Iaugh. She taught us to put passion into our work -to care about what we ry Tuetday and Friday ai 191 were reading, or writing. 48), s tne tf The Moi a and b umped into her outaide of my i tf toburban campottes wich ofc o oln gbti a Alitior ilerald/Couritr, Barrie ofc o oln g ,b ti a terprite, Brampton tuardiar, been almoat two yeams tince 1 had wt, City Parent, City tf Yank tat in her clasaroors. She walked lot, tat Ytrk Mîry, Erin an, Fiamborajît Pot, inover nee Prest, ilanynia Business Week, Markham tctnomisi & n Shoping News, Mtttisauga île Guide, Nassagaweya News, land News, Nonr th r Minnor, Oltimers Htckey News, tOrliia erry Thit Week. Owen tound on Couniy tuide, Richmtnd gh Mirmo, tuiniileUoxbeîdge Edmirr Tribune. Adoenhisint is acceted on ion condition ihat, in the Oonnt ni a typo- uaîiîo Manaoger grathical errtr, thai ponion ni the atinerhaing space occupieil ty the erro- neous item, totethen with a rrasonabte aitoorance for signature, wîîî flot ho Oflîte Manage'r charted toi. but thn balance nf the adoontisement wîil ho paid tor ai the applicahle rate. The puhliiher reserves the rîahr Io categttitr adonntito- daLnin Manager ments or dtctîne. right up to, me and said, "Hi Kate. How are you?" Then ahe asked if I stili wrote that "beautiful poetry." 1 was astonished to find out ahe remnembered my name and I waa extremely overwhelmed that she remembered my poetry. She stili cared, and I stili cared. She made clasa fun and interesting; made the kida want to go to, English class. 1 had a few teachers like her. There waa Mr. Martin, whom 1 ran into outaide my building aa well. He needed a litie mind jog but remembered me from hia grade 5 clata. That wtt almoat 10 yeara ago. Then there waa Ma Stickle, whomn 1 had for my grade 6 homne- rootan. She left the achool at the end of my 7th grade, but promiaed to be back for our clasa grade 8 grad- uation. She came and got a stand- ing ovation. There are to many teachers that have touched my life whether they were fun and intereat- ing, or strict and boring, but they ail cared. When your teachers lean on you. it ian't becaute they hate you and want you to fait it'a becaute they want you to pata and aucceed. When do you feel great? When you don't try and get an 'F' or somneone elae geta promoted over you at your job. No, itas when you try your hardeat, get that firat 'A' or eapeciaily that raiae and a new tite. 1 want to, say thank you to Mr. Martin, Ma Stickle, Mr. Johnaon, Ma Kramer (you know we'll alwaya cati you that), Mmr. Wilaon, and Mr. Balch. You ail touched my life aomehow. You may have been strict tometimea, but you alwaya cared and alwaya made me suc- ceed. I hope that with thia letter 1 can make tome people realize how wonderful our teachera are and how much they mean to atudenta. Teachera should neyer be taken for granted. They give ut a very pow- erful tool for life... knowledge. Kate Reid Frobisher Boulevard Pud by Steve Nease pregnant or belleve yous mi Karen Snmith Steve Crozier Cire Teri Casas Tlm Coles Prie -a