The Canadian Champion. Fridav. Seotember 22, 2000-27 'I P'atterns In Paint Affordable Wall Finishes Calai Blends Trawetlinq *,Agin, Btacking - Crackling - Oiling 15 Years Experience Ann Jolanston (9M) 847-7578,ooro (905)>854-384 rosro iLRt-BOM) MASONIIY * BI- kF. a ti.t. *Firrpls *a.iiiý, rRp*r oterMasiy *Retitueg Wa8. W.r 7ý _ C,,I Çtoio &fa.I)nanl Spectalizing in Casloms Filied n ALUMINUM LIMITED Entrne Systenu Alto Vin,! SWing, Soi, Regela mnd Seamles Aluminu TIough Who Poo$ It? Have yoor borne cleaned by sornie- V ý one who cares!l Reasonable rates and references avatiable. Cali Doris 1011151 R7-1470 * partnment 1Houe 1Bsns j ~ Seniors Discounit! Concrt Cabimete HEATINSiiG R.C. DECKS AND FENCING LTD. 50E sto&an~ciseLD MARK GALSWORTHY E Archltw ast lanote SEO5NG ML O AaREA e union esh SALES OROVR30NV SALEeI.wMoARE.muN aC lt C'a scutors Mllksark AE - INSTALLATION - REPAIÏÏS" 9 High-Efieency Forooces, FENCING / CUSTOMt OECS il DECK REFISHINE -010nO111 Air Conditioners, Gas Firepisees 1 I-111 ogmo=j s«g_ n-s 3 d j~i Osrr 50 Years Experience commercial & Residentiai geE=.HARDIMAN ROOFING CO. LTD. Tel: (905) 876-0958 1262 Hendermon Road Rem: (08) 878-3441 LIR. No. 1, Mliton Fax: (<05) 87109311 SEPTIC TAN DUMPING Robert Noble Ltd. - 80ft of hose for cossing larves 1 radio dispatched trucks to serve you Oon't wait for trouble - Puaop bein,. uts ton iatei (Sh uld pinp atleatooory 3 yeans> Never usecoIoared or double ply toilet paper (519) 853-0500 Acte. Answering Service 878-6869 Quait!Y Custom Homes Additions - Renovationsi j Commarcial/industrial Construction 1 ,-- tottic tOli*fl9Afl*oo CENTRAL TRUCK & TRAILER LTD. Parts, Sales and Service ta ail Mokas and Madats of Trucks and Trailers - MTO Inspection Saio n lleavy-Duly Accredlted Clean FacItyý Ail types ofai lminor welding li PA aHurs 7:00 arn. ta 12 midnight V Lîght & heavy duty engine & transmission differenials ovethaul For more inf ask for Renato or John Tal long;% R75-lOIQr . Veao IÇlng; R7R-EIr,9n soeaew.em<o<eou.rov e- a uur Sales, Service and Enaitallatien WSiidoet, Essaruice Doors, Sia Doors, Patio Doors -~~f IM.A.R.C.H. -Water Fumna.. Systernu - s, Propane and V Ceram!c TMas Hardaood & lter oumeti Orou.n *Ceohl ur Rue Roon sa te.! Studs - Centr a non. Air Runt & Humidifiera saoosns Drop Calloug 785 Maini Street East 876-40323 M.AuR.C.H. MECHANICAL Par, rts Wenhers o Dryers o ngea; o Freelzers e Retigerators * Dlahwathers 785 Main Street East ."91 aiA0ty//(/ t Terry Rowley Mechanical Ice u~ toW No OE1 1iiiiolc 11eNeeCnstuctonS WIOWSe & LINOmî ORnett s ____ Vo0y Shutters Bathroem Rtemodelling Specialists Custom r 0Cals & Venetians 1 a ea * ie--NwCmmto Pleatad Shadas & Osattes Ve1 a Pumpo a Water SystemaVinsiSorosRstsnga 1 925 Main Street East, Unit 3 1 2395 Lakeahoro Rd. W. 724 Maie St. E. Oakv otRo ON LOt. 1 H4 Milton, ON LOT 2FR 9R -1979) toi.ts 1(905 47708 toi, toast sm-11isa i111 Stan1 878-1138 1SERMCE) 875-2700 iSALE ierry KOewiey mecRUUCai me. Air Conditioning Sales & Service Heat Pumps e Furnaces Off1 925 Main Street Eat, Unit 3 DiGOOMo 878-1979 LENNOOW FOREST W moma.ofvp.t~.TECHNICIA Lookug to, purchase quallty standing timbea- Free On-Site Consultation Cal Gerry Levesque at: (905) 371-3550 P.0. Box 59. Fenwjck. ON LOS ICO - (905) 386-6984 1111 DieCfwice is Cer! W-1 atI e.o EAVESTROUGHS 13 Y-. fS Reti.buPIounu & Ser ice in 'ose Aur. For a FREE Estimnas,'H Cal: mmag whctt Of m»Ilieu covrbgs, velaum Mmt, rogalas & kestaila- dus, mm clou"t \W fq 80u WIDO FASKOt S 's..O Cati fer a frlou estlloato or oisif Our showroom iLISHAR ELECTRICAL SERVICES INC. Campbelvile, Ontario, 111F 180 Metro license for over 35 years Indlustrial, Commercial, Residontiai 1-800-461-6098 Fa, Answering Machine 1-416-806-6290 Ce!! 1-519-822-9084 Home 111l M au