26-The Canadian Cbampion, Fr/day, Septembor 22, 2000 1 Community Literacy Project Coordinator We are a non-profit aduli literacy program. based in Georgetown. Wr are loinkin for att individual to fuifll a 36 week cointraci position, based on 20 houes per raee/r Thte successful candidate mili provide marketing and coordina- tion skilis and work ta complete a commaniiy liieracy project for Spring 2001. Ability ta compile effective reports and develop market- ing mater/ais are key activities in this position. Somr tranel in Ha/ion. Essentiel kUhcs *Third mnve educalion. *Marketing background. *Knowiedge of adn/t iiteracy. *Excellent presentation tkilîs. *Report wriiing asing Mtcrosoft Office, e-mail and Internet. If yoa are a good tram player. creative. able ta mark ta deadlines, p/case respand ta the fol- lowing: Hiring Commite F0O. t/as 218, Georgetowan, Ontarta L7G 4Y5 Email: ddewar/haztec-nrt.cora Deadline: October 13, 2000. On/s those benog ca/tai/Jor an ontarara will hat(n tacted. Na pluoe salit p/ras., ATTENTION JOB-SEEKING OFFICE WORKERS, BOOKKEEPERS AND BUSINESS COLLEGE GRADUATES On Wed., Sept. 27, 9am-5pm, the HALTON HIRINO FAIR for Centrex Human Resource Centre ii be heid et/tha Design Centre 3425 Harvester Rd, Rm 208, Burllngton Centres ha found permanent and temporary placements for akllled admin- istrative and clerical staff aines 1957. Oai (905) 333-6574 with questions. If unabie to, attend, send rasumnea to centrex@netcomCS or Fax (905) 525-5147 As nif/lb mon/ic ndi linaniuio sieen pmara-e FenductionThe member cheqn and Crnîber m/cni/a- niein an c/t/cl off/iy cnics. i Mamber Seriae IAposnantiv Fr00510it mmber nervcnd tranlsatioen prennr- donlicn re iblbiati ani coiaitnci ui ii sric adlt/e Assistalnn (2-5 adaneeoF n Prea in frnmet. hemumesnd 10: isel Mikae Sperc V.p. isesdv P.0.d me b ox erice Mnraci ocss smil: mhepberd@hc//-t/Finncem e.ORIC RANKIN COPRTO s ev CO-ORDINATOR ACTON BIA This part-t/me contract position re- qu/res a persan who han a proven abil- /ty ta work /ndependent/y, can mu/t/- tank and has a working know/edge of Microsoft Word and Excel. Your dut/es include event planning, serretanial functions and advert/s/ng and promo- t/on, You wIl report ta, the volunteer Board of Managers of the Business /m- provement Ares. Please forward resumes to: The Board of Managers, Acton BIA, Box 2 1, Acton, ON, L7J 2M2, Attention: Chairperaon Launch an esciting career w/Ch one0 of Canada's RESP leaders Were looking lot trlI-m/tia/ed rnd/a/dua/t dedical- nd /0 halping parnts n/a/i t/agita/ad Edocalion Savings Plant It/ESPsI lort hair chi/dran. Wn need EnraIirnln Off/cnsto /0 bnp paientt ondnrtand recnl changet likn the Frderai Goaarnmn ini//a//vr of mn- imtztng t/ESP do//art wi/b a 20% Saingo Grant. Join the Hnn/tagn Tram and pou/Il rnhancn yr ftlurr as wr/I ast ho /0/arr nI chIdrn. fiaga a//rît flenaibla at/king ariangrmnts and gîoth oppor/on//rat wn/h- in0o0/ na//anal. todepandrol agrncy ne/mork Foi motra Informat/on: J.F Nahor. 19051 844-357/ loica mai/I or (905)878-2878 H r g or/fax (905)844-1699 e AF IL BUe SSWT AIYVLE The Ce-eperaters /-lltING ACCOUNT/SALES REPitESENTAT/VES Sor ut aI tho fia/Ion Job & Comme Fa/r on Sept. 28 lntha Lobby t/th TWO bedraom apar- ment man/ed. Tma ma- ture toma/es w/lb 2 veiy smsll dags. CaI 905- 330-0513 anytimo. FULLY furn/nbed Campbelv/lle faim bouse. No smoking, no pets. $400 mon/b. 854- 0959 FURNISHED romr for reni, n/ove and f tidge. Phono abler 5:00 pm. 878-0225 ROOM for rent. Must //ko petn. Phonoe 876- 3168 325 342 Marin Street, 2 bed- roamn plus don, sn raom, self coniainod basemoni api. Heaieci garage, mo/i main/ained gardons, mono/in cond/- ian. $254,900. Ca/I 905-878-2789 anytime NO AGENTS pleasol Senioos inqa/noes on/y. IMMACULATE, cam- p/oe/ey upgraded 4 bod- ronm home. 16'x32' /n- groond pool. largo lot, 3 ba/hroomn, renovalod k//cben, separsie din- /ng-oom, latice-con- ereci dock, 2 firoplacen, /asietal/y fininhoci base- ment. C aI for appoint- mont 875-3013 $204,900. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT f yon have a minimum of /2 mon/bn t/nsncial soi- Acen/malsal fnndn administrsioin eoper/enco, bave an encollent profeonionsl o/y/e of communicating o/lb c/ientsan oa moiring know/edge of word pro- ssing and spreadsbeet applicatins, me wnuld I/ko la discusu yoar fn/are m/lb as. Th/s positions w/Il pion/do adminis/rs/ive suppnft for a Financlal P/alnner and provide reception dat/es for nue basy office. Accounitabil/ties w/Il inclado rocep- lion dut/on, lime/y, accurafo processing of el/en/s t/nanclal transactions as in/l/ated hp F/nancial Planner; encellent to/bmw-up prncesses and schedal- /ng of appo/ntments. Please roply, in wr/inrg m/lb pour renume, 10: Donsidaoes Financl Greeap 101 - 310 Main St. E. M/lIon, ON, IL9T 1 P4 or Fax: (905)875-3574 We tantiaappcats it adVefr i hitreot, hneerrn/ f abttse p ict eedfor an itera/ew e /Oconn5ded Electrical Englneers - Ail Levels Graduate Engineers- mith PEO registration (or eligibility for future registrat/on) and experience in roadway lighting, traffic signais, nnd airport work are required for planning, design and construction adminiatration. Intelligent Transport System (ITS) Engineers - Ail Levels Graduate Engineers with PEO registration (or eligibility for future registration) and experience in /be ITS field are required. Knomledge in the specialized fields of ATMS, OVO, ITBCS, and RWIS an asset. CAD Technician This position requires 3-5 years; experience in the prepara- lion of electrical contracts for a variety of clients. Proficiency in AutoCAD is mandatory: knowledge of Microstation is a definile asset. We are offering very competitive salary levels com- plemented with a domprehensive benefits package. Ail these positions create exciting opportunities to grow with the company. Please send resumnes in confidence to: Mr. Gene Smallwood, P.Eng. McCormick Rankin Corporation 2655 North Sheridan Way, Mississauga, ON. L5K 2P8 Fax: 905-23-8503 e-mail: gsmallwo@mrc.ca MILLSIDE TOWERS - 82 MILLSIDE DR., MILTON NOW LEASING 1 & 2 Bedrooms ava/lable an bon roule, fresbly deco- raled, 2 appliancen, oni-n/le iaundry, inclndes a/I o/iii/s lescepi pbone & cab/e.I Free park/ng, no pets. Reterencon retguired. Ava//abie Oct. t and Nov. 1. S/adting tram $835. Ofice Houes are lOam-Spm 905-876-1249 Sp uppa/nimont an/p ROCKWOOD one bed- roora main floor api. Ronovaled, ounny, hardmood floara, high ce/l/ngn. Inclus/vo $695. Commercial npoce a/sa ana//ah/o. 519-856- 400 TWO bedroom apar- ment domniomo M/lion on top of s/are. Ana//- nb/o Nov. 1. $800 + atil- it/es. For in/o. ce/I Tony, 905-858-8723 WANTED 2 betiroom apar/meni or small bouse. Rensonablo roni $800-1000. Pas/ib/e th fuue.Pease leave message 19051796- 7445 WANTEO imo bedroom aparimoni. Ca/I 875- 0765 FOR Roni 3 bedroom bungalom on 4th L/ne, Acion. 1 acre, cen/mal s/r, nom k//cben floor, f renb peint. $1 ,500. Ap- p//ca//on be/are show- /ng. Contact Mark Ma/- l//u, 876-0633. Cam- manmoa/b Real Es/a/e Sera/con Corpora/ion. THREE bedroom bouse avuilable, Dec. 1. Close in domn/nmwn M/lion. $1200/mon/th plus ut/li- t/es. Firsi//ani. For infor- ma//on -ca/I Tony, (905)858-8723 APT for cent /n Mi/aon. N/ce/p decoraied i - bdrm, quiet ne/ghboar- booci. Ava/lablo Oct. 1. Ca/I Conrad (dapî 639- 8777 Dayn $800/m IncI. Ut/iliis. s/are front. Grarts loca- ion. CaI Yvonne Cbr/s- i/e Braker, Christ/e & Woods Real Es/aie L/d. 878-2095 a OPEN NOUS! SUNDAY, SEPT. 24100 1-3 PM 549 HAWTHORNE AVE MILTON Beautful backspît - AIl levels fînîshed. Great neigbbourhood. Derry Rd., Brontef OnIy $249,9001 Cali Barbara Meut! at 905-896-1177 or 416-399-64991