Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Sep 2000, p. 25

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145 145 General H.Ip Generai Help FULL TIME gp -KITCHENJPRtEP PERSaN High energy person available ta wore 6 AM- 2 PM Manday-Friday. Wii train individual with 'Grear attitude, strang arganizatianat anri customner service skills. Resumes ta: 500 Laurier Ave., Milton Phone No. 693-M82 - Grog Alarmn Monitoring Centre Oakaîlle location reqaîren proiesnional, reliatie partons loi ail shifts in oar 24 tri 7 day operations dspt. Excellent command et the Englist language & a positive ttam spirit are reqaired. Additional skillo in computers, electînnica and secarity are detiolte ansets. Reliable paronat tranportateon ir amn FAX RESUME TO: Mgr nI Station Operations, (905) 829-3895 BLUE BEACON TRUCK WASH is nov tiring faIl lime 12pwrm-a, Sam-4pe and pat lime 4pm-t2pm. Tfhe tuccesatai epplicants must ho fleible, highly mativatad and ablta wo wat eeliend. Vour moaite- tonaI sila coauld sacn peu an average hourly sage aI between $10-188hrwfth a base pay of 8Mh. Please apply sn persan aI 40 Chisholm Drive. No pdhone ctll pIease. "Free Troining" COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US ooole Y"O REQUIRED: SNOW PLOW TRUCKS & EQUIPMENT OPERATORS For Highmasts 401, 410, 403, and 6, Iroar patrol yard., et Highwoy 401/10 ond Highmay 401/6 for Year 2000 and beyond. Equipment Owner/Operators: - must bave prior experience andi mail maintained late modal equipment, <Pbo/Spreader Truck, complefe with one-may plos & righff ming and/or 6.1 3eil spreader, single/daal spinner, electronic spreeder controls) that meet MTO specifications. Equipment operators who: - have mmnter mainintensnce experience - have a dcean" DZ license TWD Roads Management Inc. Toronto West 6199 Hurontario St. RR#6 Mississauga ON, L5M 265 Phone: (905) 670-3080 Fax: (905) 570-3716 Harvey*s Resfaurantf on Market Drive ils hirin8 fou tne day staff and shift suPervisors. Awfry in Person. ask for Frank. 15 Market Drive Milton. Ontario 145 145 150 - Gegwa l qp Gaterai Hýetp Sales Ko8p ORDER PICKERS Nightshift tar nom Miltan warehause apening saaon. Training priar ta maya ait current Mississauga lacatian. Top wages, excellent bents.On transportation recammended. Please fax resume ta: 905-564-1701 Attention: Guy Ramay ~ PART-TIME NANDYMAN To do nmatl electrical, plomb-i io aodfiter repair jobs. cslI Larry Schuyler, Home Hardware Building Centre, Milton 905-878-9222. BODY/PREP PERSON Locat fork lift manufacturer requires a persan to prepare tift truck frames for final paint. Must have experience, basic tools required. Competîtive salary and benefits package Lounw Industrial Lift- Trucks, 36 Armstrong Ave., L Fax resume tu: 702-0640 Stopop T ThePlat. vite 'va mLateappfluniies tor. coocs *SERVERS *BARTENDERS e HOSTS a DISHWASHERS For flexible scheduting, competitive pay, ton times & great toad. Apply in persan: Burlington, 3110 South Service Rd. WARENOUSE OPPORTUNITIES We fleod mativated energotic warehouae staff as order setoctors, rack piokors and loaders for ailler- noan and night shift due ta constant growth. Competitive wage, shift premium, benefits and great workplace. Fax resumne ta: N.R. 90555-7575 Currently aeeking: Mature FIT Lino Cooka P/TDishwasher/Busperson Campetitive mage based an eperience. Cantact Leon ar Kevin 878-6680 Restaurant/ Golf Course Staff iPT/PT Short Order Cook, Kitchen & Waît Staff. Pro Stop (retal & Golt exp.) Marahals, Starters, Greens Staff required tor 27 haie Golf Course. Drap off resume et: Bantys Rooat, 12600 Bramaiea Road, Catodon East. Fax: 416-221-8441 ~~~~PART-TIME SD AE Puto havbe tn growîDLcng Mississaugja Companty to answer customer inquiries,input orders and telemarket ta existing customers. Fdriedý workplaoe, guaranteed hourly rate plus incentiv bonus. Fax resumne L ta: H.R. 905-565-7575 The Canadien Champion, Friday, September 22, 2000-25 150 155 155 Sales Hhlp St4lied Help Skitled Help ROGERS7 =At WIRELESS Intoc Cellular fin. We are naw seeking highly-matîvated and self-confident individuals for: FIT & P/T Inaido Saies Roproaontativoa: Candidates must possesa a friendly ont- going manner, have excellent cammunica- flan and interpersonal akilîs and are fluent in Engliat. Outbound Sals Reproaontativoa:, Succesaful candidates should have expe- n ence in sales/corparate account develap- ment and praspecting, provious expeni- once in telecam market an assaI but nat a muse, same computer knowledge and own a retiable vehnicle. We affer a campetitive, compensation package tai the right candidates. Please indicate thse positian applying for. Fax or email caver latter and resume ta: (905)637-7349 or Intecflmi.aibn.som PLANT SUPERVISORI MANUFACTURING ENGINEER We are an international manufacturer of enaparative coaling equipment. As a result of cantinued groweth, me are look- ing ta add a highly motivated and ded- icated plant rupervisor ta ouï team. Our manufacturing processes primarily involve the metat fabrication and as- sembly of large cooling equipment. As such, we are lookîng for an individua- reho ha ted a number of yearr of plant supervîsory experience in a metal fabrication envîrooment. Preferably. th e successful candidate witI bave a manufacturîng enginee ring background either by college/university education or practical esperience. tnterested applicants should send their resume ta the address or fas number listed beloir. Baltimore Aireol of Canada, Ine. 35 Sinclair Ave., Georgetown, ON. L7G J3 Fax: (905)877-9400 SENIOR CAO OPERATOR Pror Limited. is the leadirg Cafsadias Lessor et specialized rail cari and services, tecated en West Oakailte. We currently have an imrediate opening rn aai Engineering Department for a Setior CAD Operater. This positison s respensîble lor preparing corrplicat- ed Iayout and assembly drasîngs hased oe prejeet authariationr Othor dutias Includo: " Te asîîst Sepervisor/ Greep Leader or Proiect Eogîseer on assigomeoti as part et a proleci team " Analyses casteomer epecitîcatien and drawioîs and prepares tht actual detoîled ait assemtly drseiogs asrog computer-aided design eqeipmeot. *.When reqaîred, essres that ail drahtspersons vert is accorait and reilects ail customer requtete and centerms te regetatery cedes. *Othor retated deties as reqerred. This position reqeires osiedgt et Drattrog and CAO Micrestatien. Incarireete should have an Engineering techeotegist degite and ut least 5 years et related Drafire teperience. rasme's outliog educatien, teperreece aod salary hrstory sheetd te sebmrtted te- PROCOR LIMITED Numan Rasiourcas Ompaffmot 2001 Speers Rd., Dakvîtte, Os 165. El Emnaf : jobs@procor.com Fae:905-827-7735 Licensed Tru ck Mechanic wanted for Iargt f leet. Top wages and beottils. Apply in person. GeÀNT 2111 Lakeshore Road West MISSISSAUGA, Ontario Traiter Mechanics wanted for tfle>t rtpairs. Top reages and benfits. Apply in pt rson: 2111 Lakoshoro Road Weat MISSISSAUGA, Ontario Carotar Cetlision centres inotte Oakvitio aiea reqaires Body Techniciens (Liceosed ai Apprentices PalntjPreppar Technicians Tht ssrkog enoreet is trreodty and ctean erth ep te date tectotgy fsr tht empleyees are. Geed sag- es herng effered. A cemprehonrive benetit package is atro mide availatie tor the emploie. Pieuse Cali i no Mercanti, 1-800-701-7438, Ett 230 ai boyward rosame ro: FaE (905) 388-t1124 Email: dmercaotrScrstarcanada.com Mail: 1124 Symat Rd. E. Hamilton, ON L8W 3N7 4\\Fast Lane& ASSISTANT MANAGER BSr fart paced, fan aod dlean ovîreonmet. vie olter ail this pies a compettive compensation package, fli sappot and *rowth tar tht rigtt persen. vie are seeking a team teader eîtt stieng castamei service stîis. Eoperieoce on iront end, biraker and tirts a must. Il yea test ys neet the ahove crîteria and are -koing fer a chaileogîng and rewardîng carter, pitare terward rosaire in confidence to: lian Burrowa, Fast Lana Manager 350 Parkdalo Ave. N. Hamfiton, ON LOH 5Y3 Fax: (905> 54748171 Genlek Building Producta Lîmîted, Buniington Ptant, bas an opening for MAINTENANCE MECHANIC To qaalify, ysa mat be a liceoeed Mechanic wrtt an Ontario Certiticale nI Qualtification. Twr years teperience on a Plastics tExtrusion lndus oulrydee be an asset. 00e currenfiy off en $22 pet tsar plar shift premiamo and a generoar besefito package inclsdiog a dental and drag plan. lntererted can- didates are ineiled te mail or fao Iheir resame befere Oct. 6, 2000 Gentek Building Producta Limited 1001 Corparate Drive Burlingtan, Ontaria L7L 5V5 Fax: (905) 319-5600 Pieuse no phone catis Geetek Beilding Preducts suen E.tt E Laeary automobile dealerntip reqairen a lalîtime SERVICE CONSULTANT Saccessi irdîvcdeai wiii pessers excellent ceom- manication nille, tht ahîlity te prioritize, meet dearilints and te detail eriented. Applicante mast enjoy dealîng vvîth tht pubic and haee a seat appearunce. (An aatomrot.vt techoîca backgroued wnaid te an arnet but we all trais the suc- cesstul cadidata). Excellent tenelît package. Farward resaces fa: Andy Traîner Budds' BMW of Oakville 2400 Soufh Servica Rd W., Oakeif le, 151 5M9 CANADIAN TIRE * OAKVILLE 403 & Dundas SERVICE ADVISORFultime For Busy 18 Bay Shop Benetîts & Profit Sharirtg Available Piease contact Service Manager Joe Tavare s, Te[: (905) 829-5552, x327 RECEPTUONIST Luxuîy Oakeolle car deateiship es carrestît neekieg a tlltime Recephioniet te ansser teiephooer and pedorm ligiet administration. liss Mon.-Fn ., Non- 8 30pm. T e nacceossi applicant viii be rerpooni- hie, dependable and haee a positive ard trîesdly attitude. Prevîos experience is an asse. . PLEASE FAX RESUME TO: Attention: JilI Love, (905) 827-3377 155 EXPERIENCED MIG Weider wanfed imme- diately foi basy seding stop. Esperierce con- sidemed an asset bal wil frein. Ftexible hours. Gaod sages. Phare 854-1886 or Fax 854- 2044 NANNY - tîve in/ouf for 1 pear nid. Exper., Ref., legal, non- osoker. (905)875-3988 QUALITY daycare available. Play centre, i- brary, crefi s, watts. Cel Carol et 876-0620. RELIABLE Daycare aveilable. Wilson & Woodward aiea. Please tat 876-4978. REOUIRED meiiebie studient to lok aller aur two girls in aur home et- fer achoal, gaod pay and wei behaved. Cali 891-2472 WANTED Part lime ma- tare bahysiffer. Occa- sianal eveninge, in my home. Osas transporta- lion needed. Terri @ 876-1140 HOUSEKEEPER - Resi- abte, eopeniencedi, nef- ererces. Sharon 875- 2609 WANTED Cleaning iady/hosnaekeeper: One day par vk ta clean house in country - 2 min. f rom Milton. Seet- ing mature, meliculoas and rèliable irds/vdual. Resumes ta: (905)693- 1513 MATIIEMATlOS & SCI- ENCE TUTOR Experi- enced and certified. 877-0619 !0REc lNESûo Milton daotovo. Sales 6K-7K/wt + 6/49. Hîgt profit margir, low ranI. Astirg $75.000 (905)878-7755 Haiton Business Institute Career Training & Skiffs Upgrading Computerized Oilîma Pregrama Ta entue veer future secces speak fa us et The Jfob Fair, Sout h #102 THE CENTRE FOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Wf f f hab ai the Naffen Job & Carear Fair, Baoth # 162, fa discauss pour training opfions for a bnlghfer future! IT'S GARAGE SALE SEASON. Fax Our Classified Departmenf at 876-2364 to book poert tedml 876-2364 to -1-i-st your Clussified

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