16 - The Canad ýiàan Ciàl~ ndy eptember 22, 2000 Dateline Notices for Dateline should be handed in at the office of The Champion, 191 Main St. E., mailed to P.O. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, or faxed to (905) 878-4943. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edition and noon Wednesday for Fridays edition. Dateline items will not be acoepted by telephone. Friday Sept. 22 Tise Milton HRDC Resource Centre isosts an informai training workshop fron 1 to 2 pru. A questlon and answer period tollows. To register cali 876-9828. Milton Concert Presentations offers 'An Evening of Gilbert and Sullivan' at 8 p.m. The IStis season opener includes songs fron the Mikado, HMS Pinafore and the Pirates of Penzance. Tickets cost $25 for adults and $20 for seniors and students. Tickets for ail five con- certs in the 2000-01 series are $89 tor adults and $65 for seniors and students. Tickets can be pur- chased at the door or by calling 878-2432 or 878-4604. Wellspring Halton-Peel, 2545 Sixth Line, in Oakville ists a drop.in peer support group fron l0Oto 2 p. m. and a drop-in relaxation and visualization program fron 1110o 12:30 pr. For details cail 257-1988. Friday Sept. 22 - 24 Milton Public Library holds registration for ils various pre-school programs, which include Babytime, Tales for Two's, Pre-scisool Storytime and Teddy Bear Time. For further information on specific programs, drop in the Iibrary or cali 875-2665. Saturday Sept. 23 The Ladies of thse Milton Bible Cisurch isost a craît and bake sale ai tise Milton Farmer's Market. Ai proceeds fron tise iomebaked goods and crafîs go te, tise cisurcis's building fund. Tise Milton Seniors' Activity Centre isosts a bake saie attise Milton Farmers' Market fron 8 anm. to nmon. Milton Baptist Cisurcis, 900 Nipissing Rd, isosts a garage sale, bake sale and barbecue fron 8:10 anm. to I p.m. For details caîl 875- 1626. Saturday Sept. 23 - 24 Country Heritage Park, formerly known as tise Milton Farm Museum, isosîs its l7th Annual Fail Craît Show fron 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tise Gambrel Barn features tise work of more tisan 120 artisans. Tise event also features easy-listen- ing music, food and an excursion of tise iseritage park by wagon ride. The park is located at 8560 Tremaine Rd. Admission is $4. For more infor- mation cal] I1-888-307-FARM (3276). Leau isow 10, prevent injuries and deliver first aid and CPR witis tise Canadian Red Cross' Emergency and Standard First Aid Course. To register or for details caîl 875-1459. Sunday Sept. 24 Tise Halton-Peel brancis of tise Ontario Genealogical Society isosts a meeting attise Cisinguacousy Brancis Liismry, lower level, 150 Central Park Dr.. in Brampton at 2 p.m. Visitors are welcone. Tise guest speaker is Joisn Rutiserford wiso does an impersonation entitled 'A visit tron Joisn Graves Simcoe'. For details caîl 843-2077. Register your cisildren for a number of pro- grans at Milton Public Library, 45 Bruce St. Classes begin October 10. Babytime is for cisil- dren aged 6 10 23 nontiss and an acconpanying adult, wisile Tales for Two is a progran for cisil- dren 2 years of age and older with an accompa- nying adult. Presehdol storytime is for cbildren 3 10 5 years old. Join tise Milton District Hospital (MDH) Auxiliary for a luncheon and fashion show at Rattlesnake Point Golf Club. Fashions from Jo'leens, Dorothy's and Cypress tntimate Apparel as well as the MDH gift sisop are fea- tured. Tisere's also door prizes, raffles and enter- tainment. Tickets cost $40 and can be purcisased at the Genuine Gold Connection, Cypress and Jo' leens. Tables of eight are available. Join tise Halton brancis of tise Lung Association for the Clean Air Challenge, its annual bike trek tisrougis the scenic Glen Abby trails. People can either colleet pledges or pay a set fee. Register witis tise Lung Association (847- 1033 or e-mail at halton@on.lung.ca), Oakville Cy'clepats or the Fire Hall Restaurant, 2441 Lakeshore Rd. W. .Monday Sept 25 Southside Community Churcis. 2850 Derry Road, offers a 30.week course on tise Book of John fron 7 to 8:30 p.m. Ali women are wel- come. The course costs $15. For more informa- tion caîl 878-5664. Drop-in to the Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., fron 9:15 anm. to noon. Ciidren and aduits are invited 10 play and socialize. Cal] 876-1244, ext. 12, for details. Tise Halton His Quilters Guild meets at Centennial Middle Scisool in Georgetown at 7:15 p.m. For information cal! Wendy McHugh aI 833-0483. Mother Goose is for parents and tiseir babies and focuses on tise pleasure and power of rhymes, songs and stories. The progran runs fron I t0 2 p.m. ai the Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd. Cail 876- 1244, ext. 12. Leara to write a resumé, cover letter and contact card a(tie Milton Human Resource Centre, 3 10 Main St., suite 106. For details catI Maggie at 876-9828. Music, games, songs and exercising are tise focus of tise pre-scisool 'Jumpin and Jamnain' progran tisat runs from 1 10 2:15 p.m. attse Milton Community Resource Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd. Wisile isaving fun, cisildren learn skills sucis as listening, speaking, counting, singing, moving and participating witis a group. Caîl 876-1244, ext. 12, for details. Wellspring Halton-Peel, 2545 Sixtis Line, in Oakville ists a drop.in peer support group from 10 anm. to 2 p.m., reilki fron 9:30 anm. to noon, drop-mn introduction to Qi Gong and Qi Gong front 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Anotiser drop-in peer support group goes fron 6 t o 8:30 p.m. Tuesday Sept. 26 Nassagaweya Presisyterian Cisurcis isosts tise Roast Beef Dinner at 5 p.m. and 6:45 p.m. Takeout is also available. Tickets cost $12 for adults and $6 for cisildren aged 6 to, 12 years. Cisildren aged 5 years and under eat for free. Tickets must be bougist in advance. Cal 854- 1055, 876-3322 or 854-2375. Tise Norths Halton Literacy Guild hisods basic tutoring services in Englisis, matis and independence skills fron 6:30 10 8:30 p.m. at Bisisop Reding Secondary Scisool. For more information, caîl 873-2200. Tise Halton Regional Healts Department pre- sents 'Quick Easy Ways to Healthy Eating' for women aged 25 to 44 upstairs in Loblaws fron 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Tise coat is $5. To reserve a seat calîl 825-6060, ext. 7489. -see DATELINE on page 17 Market Plat, Maple gpup, PIantR, Floww, Craft & Motel Be sur. to try our 8acon-On-A-B9un ait the Scholarship Caf. SATURDAY MORNINGS 7:00 arn - 12 noon Until October 30 D@wnt@wn Ou Main Street A warm w.eom. awalis Yeu ait the. Milton Madccii PERSONAL GOT Make a fresh start for the millennium! A Journey Toward Strength for Women <... when you leafthrough the studies, you can sense, floating in the air, ghosts Of unborn dreams, unrealized hopes, undiscovered talents" - Caryl Rivers, Rosalind Barnett in Beyona' Sugar and Spice Why is it so many of usfind difficulty truly valuing ourselves? Join Jane Kelland-Germain for a six week workshop designed especially for women. In a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere discover ways to, develop physical and mental strength, to raise your self-worth and to rediscover "you". Jane has been working with women for over 20 years. She has a background in physical fitness, nutrition and psychology and was host and producer of the CIV television series '<itness with Love". She now dedicates herseif to helping women develop self-esteem and the power to follow their drea7ms. She will lead you rhrough a thought provoking journey of personal growth followed by a class of stretch, strengrh and relaxation using yoga, meditation and gided imagery. You will leave the workshop feeling refreshedstrong and energized. [Workshop Date and Location MILTON Tuesdays Starting Sept. 26th 7-9:30 pm Quality Inn, 161 Chisholm Drive. For more informarion, 905- please cal1 Positive Impact 659-0733