Homeopathy gets down to root of the problem: Baba *rb~ (~.,A;.ç, ,inlI %ntember 22. 2000 - 13 - tram IIOMEOPATHY page 12 situation." Beeause of that, children often enjoy the quickest benefits of homeopathy - for everything from ear infections te digestive dis- orders. Other conditions this form of health care bas be@.4known to aile- viate include 4r'in disorders, headaches and respiratory prob- lems as weli as less physical iii- nesses such as depression and sleep disturbance. While relief comes from the actual pilla, smrait enough to dis- solve on one's tongue, the real cure - expiains Milton's new homne- jopath - lies in the patient being compietely candid about their con- Because it (homeopathy) gets to the root of the prohlem, it's not usually a treatment you have to continue, for a long time." $NEWv BABA dition and lifestyle habits associat- ed with it. Even behavioural patterns that may seem totaily unreiated can be part of the problem - and ulti- mately, by revealing them, become part of the solution. It's important to provide as much information as possible," said Ms Baba. As a result, she takes a minimum of an-hour-and-half for initial visita before even starting to form a diag- nosis. From there, the individual's situ- ation and ailment are matched with a remedy. Follow up visita allow ber to traek a patient's progreas - although in many cases those trips don't go on for very long. "Because it (homeopathy) gets to the root of the problem. it's not usually a treatment you have to continue for a long time." Chamber looking for survivors Tiaey aay ît's a dog est do& world ou( tisere in tse business jungle. To prove it, tise Milton Leisure Centre ini cooperation witb Telehop ComWpnications-wilI host ils own Survivor games. It's aIl part of tise Cisamber of Commerce's Business After- bours reception, wbich wifl take place at the lelaure centre, lin Ooee The nisk increases wilh age. The Ontario Breast Screening Program providea brasi examina- bion and a mram- mogramn at no coal t0 women wbo are 50 years of age or over. Make your appointment todsy! S4(/er 1ff. -7 jyo ur f/e For the centre neareat you caîll 1-800468-9304 cl Tuesday, Oct. 24 from 5 to7p.m. But ail wvou Registranta wilI be asked te ahould know t perform a number of not-so stress-ar wde uous mental and physical chai-arawdef lenges alongaide their survivor Pool activities. tean). To lead a su Participants muat register by Patrick D'Am monday. . manager, at 87 Runniag shocs aire a neeessity. Swim attire, t-slîift andi shorts am e-mail him at optional. ton.on.ca. Id-be survivors bat bonus points or taking part in irvivor team, eall ada, leisure centre 8-7946, ext. 25, or patdal@town.mil- INVITATION To The New Wave In Retirement Living WooDsIDE- MEWS A Project of The Rotary Club of Oakville .Oakville's lst Life Lease Community 30 Distinct Carden Homes - Designed With Yeu In mind proudly sponsored by The Rotary Club of Oakville Wednesday Sept. 27th at 7:00 p.m. Sir John Coiborne Centre 1565 Old Lakeshore Road, Oakville Do nt Miss It. The long wai.t is over Only 30 Homes! So Sial al(0) 3-67tdy - -wý 20»0 iTim CLASMI 48.7 c, 2.3 kW, 4.7kg. $ 799 - wNs -qoqw 20»4 TUO 5 3.2 c, .2.3 kW, 5.2 kg. 3 79.95 Ifyou're not satisfied with the resut of y11u w'ork in se,'n days, you a either change to another jonsered machine or get your money back, M except RS serie Sasc.eils Iron 0LS horse and Iractors c 4ï SPECIAL OFFER FROM JONSERED 36.3 cc 16. b $279.95 2149 1U@ 49.4cc, 16'. M 59.95S 214 W 1UO $329.95 *Ionsermd www.onl.uafdu 1 __1