The Canadien Champion, Tuesclay, September 19, 2000--21 for Vhe Millený,- Fait NIome, 5pring 13o GUARANTEED Flan now for fall cobour andi the6e Panie arc quarant;ec1to bloon ajain in the 5pir (or pur money back) 5m tore for deai5. Chooefrom 8 irant colour,. Crocus 'Wpack Variety of colours to choose from ro PAC MEU tRUNMrN S&fl &kton, 0" & aunsurnonar ktcn Hay #5 bnUmn&t9UtanduwhLite- (9Oý32-3= TERR WATERD>OW S&negtM G&oeiTn & oeatr ay Nu atM on he coiw ofHaMy 6 at 5th Caefflon Eaa - (90) 09-1M9 ~~~ ~10ITN CII.Iv Mk ssua &arrn ucam t rýtfùaldmfw (5)&* OEN 7 eAY MON TO5T -* M-')N M-SL EI5 E.5F.2T ILTE.SP.2H20 W999 l"F eV 9 @voeu,