J The Canadman Champion, Friday, September 15, 2000 - 5 ~Crown dissects murder suspect's testimony scoop? By LISA CARTWRIGHT The Champion Contrary to testimony given by David Fionno, an assistant Crown attorney says evidence shows the murder suspect didn't know his new friend was an undercover OPP officer, a jury heard Tuesday. tn cross-examining Mr. Fiorino, Assistant Crown attorney Charnu Kerr bld the suspect there were a number of things he did that prove he didn's know Det. Keuneth Watson waa an undercover cop. The jury in the ougoing tirst-degree mur- der trial in Superior Court in Milton learned the fonner Milton resident met the officer at Grundy Lake Provincial Park on the August long weekend in 1997. Mr. Fiorino has testified he knew the man was an undercover officer almoat from the beginuing, but couîinued to be with him in order to gain information about the investigation. Mr. Fiorino, 28, is accused of murdering Stephen Andreopoulos, 36, of Barrie. Mr. Andreopoulos was last seen with the accused on July 2, 1996. Mr. Fiorino testified he accidensally killed Mr. Andreopoulos while unloading trees from a trailer parked at a Derry Road property. Either the tree bail or backhoe bucket hit him on lhechest, he said. The OPP found his badly decomposed body ou the property 18 mousha later. Ms Kerr told the accused that when he spoke to people he knew were police off,- cers he told lies. But when he spoke with Det. Watsou and his purported boss Det. BilI Campbell, he told them the truth. "Mr. Fiorino do you agree when you spoke so (tuspector) Ron Gentle aud (Det. Staff Sgt.) Mark Bauzaut you said you did nos know who Stephen Andreopoulos waa, you neyer met Stephen Andreopoulos, you weoe not at the Maple Auto Centre os July 2, 1996, you did not do any liquor deal and you do not know where Stephen Andreopoulos isT' Mr. Fiorino agreed. But when he spoke to Det. Watson he told him everything, iucluding admitting that he killed the deceased. He alan told the undercover officers he made bis family lie for him. "Do you agree that you wanted to put the police investigation away fmm you?," Ms Kerr aaked. Mr. Fiorino agreed. She then asked whether it made sense 10 teU DeS. Watson sud Des. Campbell that bis family had been lying for hlm for months. Mr. Fiorino asked why he would do that. On Mouday, the jury heard that Mr. Fiorino didn't have to come up with a plan to rip Mr. Andreopoulos off. One was already in place. 'Would you agree air, as you said you were trying 10 come up wiîh a way to sepa- rate Stephen from the money, Ibis plan was already in place when you met at Pete's Donusa?," Ms Kerr aaked. Mr. Fiorino disagreed that a plan was already in place. Ms Kerr said the contraband alcobol deal was hammered nul in the meeting as the Maple Ontarin donut shop in she weeks leading up 10 July 2. MUNICIPAL ELECTION VOTERS' LIST Is your name on the City of Burlington's Voters' List? The City of Burlington Municipal voters' List has been prepared and is available for review at City Hall in the Clerk's Office and at the six library branches. During the period, which begins on .Tuesday, September 5, 2000, through Monday, November 13, 2000 (Voting Day), a person may make an application to the clerk requessing: a) that the person's name be added or removed from the voters' list OR b) amend that information on the voters' list pertaining to the person (example: school support) To amend the voters' Iist you must file an application with the City Clerk. The application is available at the City Clerk's Office, 426 Brant Street, or may be downloaded from our web site at www.burlington.on.ca. Please note that we £annRt accept electronic or facsimile copies of this form. You must submit the original document to the Clerk. John Skorobohacz CITY CLERK AND RETURNING OFFICER The partuers - Mr. Audreopoulos, Dominco Sacco and Jim Pearson - agreed that nue of them would follow the accused in a separate vehicle to Comwall. Once there, Mr. Fiorino would sake the pannera' $50,OOO aud get the alcohol. He would shen meet up ~ ith she person and give them the bonze. Mr. Fiorino agreed that waa the deal. Ms Kerr then asked if the reason the accused wens to the Deny Road property W55 10 kilI Mr. Andreopoulos and bury him there. Mr. Fiorino disagreed. aea MURDER on page 18 AOVERTISEMENT Wh~y 3/4 of Homesellers Don t Get the Price They Want for Their Home MILTON - A new report has just been released which reveals 7 cossly missakes that most homeowners make when selling their home, and a 9 Step System that can help you seli your home fasî and for the most amount of money. This indussry report shows clearly how the traditional ways of selling homes have become increasingly less and less effective in today's market. 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